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Watch the following clip carefully. Try to figure out who the people in the clip are meant to be and what job they do

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Presentation on theme: "Watch the following clip carefully. Try to figure out who the people in the clip are meant to be and what job they do"— Presentation transcript:

1 Watch the following clip carefully. Try to figure out who the people in the clip are meant to be and what job they do Work for the Security Service (known as MI5); responsible for protecting the UK against threats to national security

2 Objectives and outcomes Examine a secret agent from the past and decide how far this agent fits in with our views or preconceptions about what secret agents are like Write an entry for our agent in the highly classified British Directory of Secret Agents

3 Date: Leave space for title We think secret agents are likely to be… Hints- think about: Age Gender Ethnicity Background Education Religion Nationality

4 Agent from the past… During WW2 the SOE or Special Operations Executive was set up Its agents were responsible for sabotage and subversion behind enemy lines In June 1943 a young wireless operator was sent to Nazi occupied France, playing a crucial role in sending and receiving messages to and from London… Date: Noor Inayat Khan: British Secret Agent

5 Find someone who… We need to discover who Noor was and what she did You are all going to receive one, different piece of information about Noor You will all also be given a sheet with lots of questions about Noor Find the correct people in the classroom to answer your questions

6 British Directory of Secret Agents Write an entry for Noor, summarising who she was and why she deserves to be remembered in the Directory. Remember you are justifying why she deserves a place so make your case using evidence (e.g. talk about her qualities in relation to her experience)

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