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So Many Forms! What forms to bring on each trip, and when to use them.

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Presentation on theme: "So Many Forms! What forms to bring on each trip, and when to use them."— Presentation transcript:

1 So Many Forms! What forms to bring on each trip, and when to use them

2 Gear Type: Trawl

3 Day 1, Boarding the boat and leaving Use these forms:  Safety Checklist  One needed  Filled out before leaving  In Observer Logbook and Manual section: 20.11.1  Gear Description  Multiple needed, bring 5  Finfish – Manual: 6.5.1 & Shrimp – Manual: 7.5.1  Trawl Effort/Total Catch  Many may be needed, bring 20  Entry for every tow and non-fishing day, including departure  Manual: 6.5.2  Trip Summary Form  One needed  Fill out departure information  In Observer Logbook and Manual: 4.4.2

4 Travel to Fishing Ground Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  Vessel diagrams, Notes  One entry/day  Trawl Effort/Total Catch  If applicable. One entry a day, including non-fishing days  Sighting/Interaction forms  Debris – Manual: 19.4.1 – bring 15  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Sightings – Manual: 16.4.1 – bring 10  Seat turtle capture – bring 10  Marine mammal capture and carcass – bring 3 each  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1 – bring 10

5 Fishing Days Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  Entry for each day on board  Trawl Effort/Total Catch  Entry for each haul. If no haul, and entry for the day  Catch Composition  Many needed, one for each sampled haul. Bring 150-180  Manual: 6.7 and 5.4.1  Species Identification Forms  Many needed, one for each new species. Bring 10-20 for each type  Manual: 15.7.4  Sighting/Interaction forms  Marine Debris – Manual: 19.4.1  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles, Interactions and Sightings – Manual: 16.4  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1

6 Going Home, Returning to Dock Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  One entry for each day  Trawl Effort/Total Catch  One entry for each day of non-fishing  Trip Summary Form  Complete form. Enter return to dock information, do calculations, enter notes, etc.  Compliance Checklist  One per trip needed  In Observer Logbook and Manual 17.4.2  Review data, check for errors, inconsistencies

7 Gear type: Pelagic Longline

8 Boarding and Leaving the Dock Use these forms:  Safety Checklist  One needed  Filled out before leaving  Observer Logbook and Manual section: 20.11.1  Trip Summary Form  One needed  Fill out departure information  Observer Logbook and Manual: 4.4.2  Gear Description  Multiple may be needed, bring 5  Manual: 12.6.1

9 Travel to Fishing Ground Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  Vessel diagrams, Notes  One entry/day  Sighting/Interaction forms  Debris – Manual: 19.4.1 – bring 15  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Sightings – Manual: 16.4.1 – bring 10  Seat turtle capture – bring 10  Marine mammal capture and carcass – bring 3 each  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1 – bring 10

10 Fishing Days  Observer Logbook  Entry for each day on board  Set and Haul Information Form  Many needed, one for each set. Bring 50  Manual: 12.6.2  Catch Composition Sampling  Many may be needed for each haul. Bring 175-200  Manual: 12.6.3  Species Identification Forms  Many needed, one for each new species. Bring 100  Manual: 15.7.4  Sighting/Interaction forms  Marine Debris – Manual: 19.4.1  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles, Interactions and Sightings – Manual: 16.4  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1

11 Going Home, Return to Dock Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  One entry for each day  Trip Summary Form  Complete form. Enter return to dock information, do calculations, enter notes, etc.  Compliance Checklist  One per trip needed  Observer Logbook and Manual 17.4.2  Review data, check for errors, inconsistencies

12 Gear Type: Purse Seine

13 Boarding the Boat and Leaving Use these forms:  Safety Checklist  One needed  Filled out before leaving  Observer Logbook and Manual section: 20.11.1  Trip Summary Form  One needed  Fill out departure information  Observer Logbook and Manual: 4.4.2

14 Traveling to Fishing Ground Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  Vessel diagrams, Notes  One entry/day  Gear Description  Multiple may be needed, bring 5  Manual: 13.6.1  Sighting/Interaction forms  Debris – Manual: 19.4.1 – bring 15  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Sightings – Manual: 16.4.1 – bring 10  Seat turtle capture – bring 10  Marine mammal capture and carcass – bring 3 each  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1 – bring 10

15 Fishing Days Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  Entry for each day on board  Daily Activity Log  Many needed, bring 100  Manual 13.6.2  Floating Object Record  Many needed, bring 25-30  Manual 13.6.3  Set Information and Catch Composition Form  Many needed, one for each set. Bring 150  Manual: 13.6.4

16 Fishing Days, continued Use these forms:  Species Identification Forms  Many needed, one for each new species. Bring 50  Manual: 15.7.4  Sighting/Interaction forms  Marine Debris – Manual: 19.4.1  Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles, Interactions and Sightings – Manual: 16.4  Vessel and Aircraft sightings – Manual: 18.5.1

17 Going Home, Return to Dock Use these forms:  Observer Logbook  One entry for each day  Trip Summary Form  Complete form. Enter return to dock information, do calculations, enter notes, etc.  Compliance Checklist  One per trip needed  Observer Logbook and Manual 17.4.2  Review data, check for errors, inconsistencies

18 Summary: Forms  Needed on all vessels, all gear types  Safety Check, Trip Summary, Compliance Checklist, Marine mammal & Sea turtle sighting/interaction, Sea turtle capture, Marine mammal capture, marine mammal carcass and Species Identification forms  For Trawl, bring also:  Trawl Effort/Total Catch, Gear Description and Catch Composition forms  For Pelagic Longline, bring also:  Gear Description, Set/Haul and Species Composition forms  For Purse Seine, bring also:  Gear Description, Daily Activity Log, Floating Object Record, Set Information and Catch Composition

19 Summary: Gear  Needed on all trips:  Safety Equipment: PFD, hard hat. Check Lights and mirror and whistle  Foul weather gear and boots  Gloves, multiple pairs  Small and large scales  Length measuring device (tape or board) for measuring individuals  Turtle/Marine Mammal sampling kit  Camera  ID guides  Observer Logbook, Manual and adequate forms  Personal items (hygiene, clothing, etc)  Pencils, erasers, calculator and other supplies to fill out forms

20 Summary: Gear  Needed on Trawls  Baskets. At least 5 (6-8 would be better)  Long measuring tape (for measuring Headrope, footrope and tickler  Mesh size measuring gauge  Needed on Pelagic trips (Longline and Purse Seine)  Thermometer (if available)

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