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1 Rugby and Rosie Rugby & Rosie By Nan Parson Rossiter.

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1 1 Rugby and Rosie Rugby & Rosie By Nan Parson Rossiter

2 2 Word Knowledge Line 1: eagerly tightly friendly wiggly squiggly Line 2: licked trotted wagged turned moped Line 3: chasing racing pleasing leaving having Line 4: know knew make made think thought kneel knelt Line 5: wasn’t he’d didn’t wouldn’t couldn’t she’s Line 6: chocolate restaurant tongues especially patient Line 7: pond job lots got stop

3 3 Sentence 1: She leaned forward eagerly and licked Rugby right on the nose. Sentence 2: He made it very clear he wasn’t interested in being friends. Sentence 3: Day after day, Rugby just moped around and wouldn’t play with us. Sentence 4: A pond is a habitat for lots of animals.

4 4 Phonics & Fluency Line 1- even cedar secret lean eager Line 2- clear eve compete athlete Rugby Line 3- funny city family meet sleep Line 4- greet degree brief grief chief Sent 1- Jean wants a puppy for her birthday. Sent 2- She will eat only one piece of cake. Sent 3- Sometimes the three of us went swimming in a nearby pond.

5 commands short, firm instructions

6 manners habits of behavior

7 proud feeling very pleased with something

8 trainers teacher, coach

9 graduation ceremony to mark the completion of a full course of study

10 10 Vocabulary- FITB commandsmannersproud trainersgraduation 1.I am very _____________ of the picture I painted. 2.My father sometimes has to remind me to watch my ________________ at the dinner table. 3. We had two different ______________ who worked with our dog, Zeke. 4.We have taught our dog to obey many different _________________. 5.I went to my litter sister’s kindergarten ___________________ last year.

11 11 Vocabulary Matching commands- feeling very pleased with something manners-ceremony to mark the completion of a full course of study proud- teacher, coach trainers- habits of behavior graduation- short, firm instructions

12 12 Has anyone ever lived with a dog? Have you ever played with a dog? Do you know someone who lives with two dogs? How do the dogs act around each other? How do they play together? Discuss what actions people must perform to care for pets. How do people train dogs? How would you feel if you had to give up a pet? How would you feel if you knew your pet was going to help someone who really needed it? Do you think animals can each people anything about friendship? Build Background

13 13 Some dogs go through intense special training to become guide dogs for blind people. Before the dogs are accepted into the strict programs, however, they spend the first year of their lives with temporary families. The temporary family’s job is to expose the puppy to many different environments, such as cars, grocery stores, parks, and city streets. These experiences help the puppy adapt to busy, noisy places.

14 14 Open your reading book to pg. 64. Browse the first two pages of the story. Focus Questions: What is it like to have a pet as a best friend? What would it be like to lose a friend, even if it were for a good reason? Preview & Prepare

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