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Patricia Cooper EDT 660 National University. .AVI.

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Presentation on theme: "Patricia Cooper EDT 660 National University. .AVI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patricia Cooper EDT 660 National University

2 .AVI

3 Video file extension widely used that can be uploaded to Blogger

4 Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

5 An agreement among students, parents/guardians, and school administrators regarding appropriate use of the internet

6 Alt-tag

7 Alternative textual descriptions to provide brief descriptions of graphics or images

8 Applications

9 Games, simulations, tutorials, problem-solving programs, productivity software, and graphic software programs

10 Asynchronous

11 Not at the same time

12 Augmented Reality

13 Combining real-world data with virtual data

14 Bit

15 An acronym for binary digit; the smallest unit of digital information. The bit can be thought of as a 1 or a 0 representing a circuit on or off, respectively

16 Blog

17 Web log serving as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual

18 Compressed Video

19 Video images that have been processed to remove redundant information, thereby reducing the amount of bandwidth required to transmit them

20 Decode

21 To comprehend information that is presented

22 Diorama

23 A static display employing a flat background and three- dimensional foreground to achieve a lifelike effect

24 Encode

25 To express an idea to others

26 File server

27 In local area networks, a station dedicated to providing file and mass data storage services to the other stations on the network

28 GB

29 Gigabyte; approximately one million bytes, or 1,000 megabytes

30 HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol

31 The web protocol that ensures compatibility before transferring information

32 Link

33 An association between two (or more) nonsequential concepts. In hypermedia, a direct connection between two asynchronous items of data

34 MP3

35 A format for compression of audio files to reduce them into more manageable size, especially when using the internet

36 Multimedia

37 Sequential or simultaneous use of a variety of media formats in a given presentation or self-study program

38 Podcast

39 Internet-distributed multimedia file formatted for direct download to mobile devices

40 Simulation

41 An abstraction or simplification of some real life situation or process

42 Streaming Audio

43 Audio sent in packets to allow listening to portions of a file before all portions are downloaded

44 Streaming Video

45 A video file downloaded from the Internet that starts playing before it is completely downloaded

46 Uniform Resource locator (URL)

47 The address for an Internet site or World Wide Web page containing the protocol type, the domain, the directory, and the name of the site or page

48 Vidcast

49 A type of podcast that allows students to see and hear the information being presented

50 WAV

51 The digital version of analog audio created by using a computer sound card and software to convert and store files in a digital format

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