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Plants. General Characteristics  Eukaryotic  Multicellular  Perform photosynthesis  Alternation of generations.

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Presentation on theme: "Plants. General Characteristics  Eukaryotic  Multicellular  Perform photosynthesis  Alternation of generations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plants

2 General Characteristics  Eukaryotic  Multicellular  Perform photosynthesis  Alternation of generations

3 Alternation of Generations  One haploid generation  One diploid generation

4 Alternation of Generations

5 Bryophytes  Liverworts  Hornworts  Mosses

6 Bryophytes  Small plants that grow in moist places on land  Damp rocks, logs, forest floor, swamps, marshes, beside streams and pools  Flagellated sperm cells  Lack vascular tissues

7 Tracheophytes  Vascular plants  Adapted to living on land

8 Psilopsids

9 Club Mosses

10 Horsetails

11 Ferns

12 Seed Plants

13 Tracheophytes  Protective layer of cells around reproductive organs  Multicellular embryos  Cuticles – waxy covering on outer cells  Xylem

14 Vascular Tissues  Specialized tissues for transporting water and nutrients  Xylem – transports water and minerals  Phloem – transports water and food

15 Xylem and Phloem

16 Gymnosperms  Cone-bearing plants  Produce male and female cones

17 Gymnosperms

18 Angiosperms  Flower-bearing plants  Seeds are contained in a protective wall that develops into a fruit

19 Flowers

20 Double-fertilization

21 Parts of Plants

22 Roots  Anchor plant in soil or to object  Absorb water and minerals  Store carbohydrates, water and other nutrients

23 Root Structure

24 Types of Roots

25 Taproot  A thick root that has smaller, side- branching roots, e.g. cassava, carrots, beets, parsnips and turnips  Used for storage

26 Tap roots

27 Fibrous Roots  Made up of many smaller branching roots  All about the same size and grow from a central point  Do not grow as deeply, e.g. grass, strawberries, blueberries, scallions, marigolds and white clover

28 Fibrous Roots

29 Stems  Provide support and attachment for roots, leaves, buds and flowers  Allow growth in length and thickness  Transport water and minerals from roots to leaves  Transport carbohydrates from leaves to other parts

30 Types of Stems

31 Rhizome  An underground, horizontal stem that live through the winter, e.g. irises

32 Tuber  An enlarged portion of a rhizome, e.g. potato

33 Bulb  A shortened, compact, underground stem that is surrounded by fleshy leaves. E.g. onions, daffodils and tulips

34 Stolons  Also known as runners – aboveground stems, e.g. clover and strawberries

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