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Multivitamin Dissolution In a Vinegar Bath Brooke Coffey Undergraduate Student of Biology Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN 38505 4 October.

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1 Multivitamin Dissolution In a Vinegar Bath Brooke Coffey Undergraduate Student of Biology Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN 38505 4 October 2006

2 Project Summary Not all multivitamins will disintegrate completely in the stomach I will test multivitamin dissolution rates Mass vs. Dissolution Time Experiment Modified ConsumerLabs home test Results I expect vitamins of the equal mass to take the same time to disintegrate.

3 Introduction American dietary trend is progressively diverging from proper nutrition. Low fiber and protein high carbohydrates and fats Today’s RDA values date back to 1968 (Smith 2005) Much new research has been done since 1968 B 12 and Folic Acid Implications in preventing birth defects U.S. & Canada Fortify Foods (Oakley 2004) Homocysteine reduction (Wald 2002)

4 Introduction Vitamin C (Shapiro et al. 1983) Pauling 1970 was challenged Unexpected finding Vitamin D (Johnson and Kimlin 2006) From UVB radiation (natural source) Implications in bone health and preventing disease U.S. fortifies milk (and some soy milk)

5 Introduction Vitamin E In vascular disease (Brown and Crowley 2005) Deficiency symptoms (Higdon 2004)Higdon 2004 Vitamin K (Environmental Nutrition 2006) In blood clotting bone development Deficiency symptoms

6 Introduction Many people rely on the multivitamin to provide micronutrients The vitamin may not disintegrate in the stomach Intestinal absorption is beyond the scope of this experiment. Hypothesis – multivitamin mass is directly proportional to disintegration time. Null – mass is not directly proportional to disintegration time.

7 Methods and Materials ConsumerLabs home test modified methodhome test 120mL portion vinegar 120mL portion of distilled water Three brands of multivitamin Erlenmeyer flask with stopper, thermometer and stir bar. Heating and Stir Mantle Stopwatch

8 Methods & Materials Multivitamin Brand Time and DateTrial NumberMultivitamin Pellet Mass (g) Disintegration Time (M:S) Centrum 50ct. Multivitamin Control 1 2 3 Equate Mature Multivitamin Control 1 2 3 OneSource Original Multivitamin Control 1 2 3

9 Expected Results & Benefits Linear relationship Mass (g) v. Time (M:S) To determine if mass relates to disintegration time

10 Project Timeline Weeks Tasks 08/ 30 to 09/ 06 09/ 06 to 09/ 13 09/ 13 to 09/ 20 09/ 20 to 09/ 27 09/ 27 to 10/ 04 10/ 04 to 10/ 11 10/ 11 to 10/ 18 10/ 18 to 10/ 25 10/ 25 to 11/ 01 11/ 01 to 11/ 08 11/ 08 to 11/ 15 11/ 15 to 11/ 22 11/ 22 to 11/ 29 11/ 29 to 12/ 06 12/ 06 to 12/ 13 Title Hypothesis and Objective Literature Research Research Proposal Experimental Budget and Gather Materials Compose the Manuscript

11 Budget ExpendablesCost Centrum 50ct. Multivitamin$5.78 Equate Mature Multivitamin$4.76 OneSource Original Multivitamin$5.27 Great Value White Vinegar (1 gal.)$1.77 Total (tax included)$19.28

12 Conclusion It is beneficial to consume a daily multivitamin Which brands are most effective is a recent topic of investigation since FDA only evaluates macronutrients Disintegration is the first step in the multivitamin mechanism Hypothesis – Multivitamin mass is directly proportional to disintegration time

13 Literature Cited Brown GB, Crowley J. 2005. Is there any hope for vitamin E? JAMA 293:1387-90. 2006. "Home Test" for Disintegration. Higdon, Jane Ph.D. 2004. Linus Pauling Institute. Oregon State University Johnson, Mary Ann PhD., and Kimlin, Michael G. PhD. 2006. Vitamin D, Ageing, and the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Nutrition Reviews 64:410-421. Oakley, Godfrey P. Jr. MD. 2004. Oral Synthetic Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Supplements Work – If One Consumes Them. Nutrition Reviews 62:22-26. Shapiro, Leona R., Samuels, Sarah., Breslow, Lester., and Camacho, Terry. 1983. Patterns of Vitamin C Intake from Food and Supplements. AJPH 73:773-778 Smith, Susan Male M.A. 2005. Vitamins, Minerals, and Multis: EN Tests Your Suppliment IQ. Environmental Nutrition 28:5-6 What’s So Special About Vitamin K? Bone Builder, Arthritis Aid. 2006. Environmental Nutrition p.7.

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