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Getting Information Sharing Right in Practice Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 1.

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1 Getting Information Sharing Right in Practice Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 1

2 What were the National Drivers? Key Child Protection Policy Developments – since 2003 and pre the C&YP (S) Act 2014 Key GIRFEC Policy Developments – since 2006 Findings from Research – particularly Significant Case Reviews (SCRs) Quality Assurance and Self-Evaluation Frameworks Findings from Inspections & Scrutiny – since 2006 ICO Scotland Letter 28 March 2013 – Impact Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 2

3 ICO Scotland Letter 2013 “Where a practitioner believes, in their professional opinion, that there is risk to a child or young person that may lead to harm, proportionate sharing of information is unlikely to constitute a breach of the Act in such circumstances” Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 3

4 ICO Scotland Letter 2013 “It is very important that the practitioner uses all available information before they decide whether or not to share. Experience, professional instinct and other available information will all help with the decision making process as will anonymised discussions with colleagues about the case. If there is any doubt about the wellbeing of the child and the decision is to share, the Data Protection Act should not be viewed as a barrier to proportionate sharing” Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 4

5 What were the Local Drivers? Chief Officer Accountability – Promoting a Culture Training Needs Analysis / Feedback from Practitioners Implementation, Roll-Out and Embedding of GIRFEC Self-Evaluation / Scrutiny / Inspection / Improvement Practitioner Support and Empowerment Review of Local Guidance Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 5

6 What were the Opportunities? Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 6 Improve Local Processes; Procedures and Practice Support and Empower all Practitioners Focus on Keeping Children & Young People Safe Focus on Wellbeing; Needs and Risks Provide a Practitioner’s Guide and Toolkit pre the C&YP (S) Act 2014 – Tool for the Named Person Improve Understanding – Three Elements of Information Sharing; Confidentiality and Consent Dispel Myths about The Data Protection Act 1998

7 What were the Challenges? Long-Established Misinterpretation of The Data Protection Act 1998 Fundamentally Flawed and Inaccurate Guidance; Information and Advice Leaflets Existing Practices – Confidentiality and Consent Defining Thresholds – Wellbeing v Child Protection Managing and Recording the Consent Discussion Changing Existing Practices Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 7

8 What is included in the Practitioner’s Guide and OnLine Toolkit? Practitioner’s Guide and OnLine Toolkit – Q&As / Do’s & Don’ts Summaries & Key Points Practitioner Flowcharts  When to share ; What to share  Who to share with; How to share Confidentiality Consent – When and when not to seek Consent? Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 8

9 What has been the Impact? Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 9 Since November 2013 – 1,847 users; 3,061 page visits/hits Practitioner Guide v High Level Protocol (ISP) Universal Support – With Some Exceptions Reproduced; Replicated and Adapted across Scotland Embedded into Local Training – Positive Feedback Being Developed Further – Publications for C&F and Staff Possible Toolkit – Named Persons Take Cognisance of the C&YP (S) Act 2014 by 2016

10 Demonstration and Electronic Links information-sharing-confidentiality-and-consent Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 10

11 Getting Information Sharing Right in Practice Ross Drummond – Perth and Kinross 4 November 2014 11

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