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Felicia Baptiste Kathia Darius Melissa Higgins BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES.

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Presentation on theme: "Felicia Baptiste Kathia Darius Melissa Higgins BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Felicia Baptiste Kathia Darius Melissa Higgins BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES

2 Introduction BIO: Biology. Life. Living things. GEO: Earth. Rocks. Land CHEMICAL: Molecules. Reactions. “To sum it up, these pathways are all made of different biological, geological, and chemical processes that help make the world go 'round and life exist on Earth.”  geography4kids, 2010

3 Biogeochemical Unit Lesson 1: What is Matter? Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge Application Multiple Intelligence Level: Logical Mathematical Visual-Spatial Additives: Scavenger Hunt Behavioral Objective: 1. To identify the three common phases of matter 2. To answer questions about matter using internet sources Lesson 2: The Water Cycle Blooms Taxonomy: Application Analysis Multiple Intelligence Level: Linguistic/ Verbal Naturalistic Additives: Ice Cube Bar Graphs Behavioral Objectives: 1. To identify and explain the phases of the water cycle 2. To explain how the phases of matter relate to the water cycle in a bar graph. Lesson 3: Life Cycle of a Plant Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge Comprehension Multiple Intelligence Level: Naturalistic Existentialist Linguistic Additives: From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons Seeds Dirt Flower Pots Water Behavioral Objectives: 1. To identify the life cycle of a plant 2. To use knowledge of the life cycle of a plant to construct a graphic organizer. Lesson 4: The Carbon Cycle Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension Application Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Linguistic Naturalistic Additives: Graphic Organizer Behavioral Objectives: 1. To identify parts of the carbon cycle. 2. To explain the role plants play in providing energy to the world.

4 Biogeochemical Cycle Unit Continued… Lesson 5: What is a weathering and erosion? Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application Analysis Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Linguistic Logical/Mathematical Additives: Filimentary Website Behavioral Objectives: 1. To clearly define weathering and erosion Lesson 6: The Phosphorus Cycle Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Multiple Intelligence Level: Naturalistic Visual/Spatial Logical Mathematical Additives: Circle Graph Behavioral Objectives: 1. To identify the parts of the Phosphorus Cycle 2. To explain the roles of other cycles in the Phosphorus Cycle via Circle Graph

5 What Really Matters? Incorporating disciplinary skills Students will have an opportunity to fully understand the properties of matter. The students will partake in an amusing and exploratory scavenger hunt. The activity promotes the students literacy skills, and science skills, while on the scavenger hunt.

6 Water, Water, Everywhere and Lots and Lots to Drink The Phase of Matter in the Water Cycle Students were asked which phase of matter they think plays the most important role in the water cycle.

7 Up, Up, and Away! Analyzing Graphs for Understanding Students will generate a graph of the life cycle of plant, illustrating, labeling, and explaining the stages.

8 The cycle of life: The Carbon Cycle Reading for Understanding Students will learn how carbon plays an imperative role in the growth of plants, when they read the passage, “The Carbon Cycle” Retrieved from:

9 Can you weather the weather Using technology for understanding Students will be to identify weathering and erosion through technology

10 Shake, Rattle, and Roll! The Phosphorus Cycle Students will use knowledge of Biogeochemical cycles to construct a pie chart.

11 References Dalton, J. & Smith, D. (1986). Applying Blooms Taxonomy. Retrieved from Gardner, H. (n.d.). The Nine Types of Intelligence. Retrieved from Intelligence.htm International Society for Technology in Education. (2007). ISTE’s Educational Technology Standards for Students. Retrieved from ETS_for_Students_2007.htm NCTM. (2008). Retrieved from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Web site: Science Framework for the 2009 National Assessment Educational Progress. (2009). National Assessment Governing Board: U. S. Department of Education. Retrieved from Websites The Carbon Cycle passage. Retrieved from

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