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Final Version Micro-Arcsecond Imaging Mission, Pathfinder (MAXIM-PF) Mission Operations Tim Rykowski Jeffrey Hosler May 13-17, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Version Micro-Arcsecond Imaging Mission, Pathfinder (MAXIM-PF) Mission Operations Tim Rykowski Jeffrey Hosler May 13-17, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Version Micro-Arcsecond Imaging Mission, Pathfinder (MAXIM-PF) Mission Operations Tim Rykowski Jeffrey Hosler May 13-17, 2002

2 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 2 Mission/Science Operations Topics  Functional Architecture/Operations Concept  Driving Requirements and Assumptions  Technologies Required  Staffing Approach  Costs  Issues and Concerns  Additional Trades to Consider

3 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 3 MAXIM-PF Ground System Functional architecture Mission Ops Center (@ GSFC) Space-GND IP protocol RT health/safety processing Commanding Trending Mission scheduling Instrument data handling TBD Science Data Processing Facility TLM @ 5 Mbps DSN @ Goldstone MAXIM-PF CMDs @ 5 Kbps TLM, Eng/HK CMDs Science Data Products Instrument CMDs, coordination TBD Instrument Science Team Detector Hub and FF Eng/HK Free Flyers (6)

4 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 4 Mission/Science Operations Operations Concept  All Space-Ground Communications for entire Constellation is provided by Detector spacecraft  Detector spacecraft collects all ground commands, and distributes to the entire constellation  Detector spacecraft to Optical Hub to Free-fliers via crosslinks  Housekeeping data from entire constellation relayed to Detector spacecraft, where it is delivered to the ground.  Free-fliers to Optical Hub to Detector spacecraft via crosslinks  Formation control data exchanged via crosslinks but not downlinked to ground  Internet Protocol used for communications  Provides easy means to identify/address each “node” in constellation  Simplifies communications management/solid state recorder management  Minimal ground commanding is envisioned  Formation control is an on-board capability using crosslinks – no ground involvement  Observation targets are well-planned and determined in advance – no targets of opportunity envisioned.

5 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 5 Mission/Science Operations Driving Requirements and Assumptions (1)  Data rates: ≈ 50 Kbps aggregate for entire constellation (includes engineering/house-keeping, and overhead for IP protocol)  Detector spacecraft  10 kbps science  4 kbps Eng/HK  Optical Hub/Free Flyers (6)  4 kbps Eng/HK for each spacecraft  Data Latency Requirements:  No driving requirements for mission (assuming 24 hour Level Zero product delivery)  Level 0 Products: Instrument/HK data files stored on-board detector spacecraft and delivered to MOC using IP protocol  Data Recovery:  Assume 98% recovery requirement (end-to-end)

6 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 6 Mission/Science Operations Driving Requirements and Assumptions (2)  Space-Ground contact profile:  One contact daily @ DSN Goldstone @ 5 Mbps.  Planning and Scheduling requirements: No target of opportunity requirements – observation targets/sequencing of observations known well in advance.  MOC functionality:  MOC provides “standard” set of functionality to support Mission Operations (e.g., S/C and instrument commanding,mission planning/scheduling, RT TLM monitoring, offline analysis)  MOC provides IP protocol processing in support of space-ground communications.  File assembly, data acknowledgements

7 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 7 Mission/Science Operations Technologies Required  Virtually all Mission Operations functionality can be satisfied with currently available technology  Software packages exist today to provide the following required functions (will need to be modified for mission-specific considerations)  Command/Control  Planning/Scheduling  Spacecraft Performance Assessment  Light-out (unstaffed) operations  Use of space-ground IP protocol not current state of practice, but is planned to be implemented for NASA missions (SDO,GPM) well in advance of MAXIM-PF  No major technology risks – significant prototyping work has been conducted to date.  Little or no technology development is envisioned to accomplish the pathfinder mission

8 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 8 Mission/Science Operations Staffing Approach  Nominal Mission Operations can be accomplished using a weekday, day-shift (8x5) staffing approach  Minimal space-ground contacts  No driving latency requirements  Modest data rates  Formation flying/control performed autonomously on-board  Minimal planning/scheduling requirements  Operations Team is “on-call” to respond to anomalies/spacecraft emergencies during off-shifts  Appropriate technologies (remote user access, paging systems) used to ensure time-critical response.

9 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 9 Mission/Science Operations Costs ($K, FY 2002 $) Pre-launchPost-launch: 4/5 yrs of ops TOTAL (4/5 yrs) Development$3.9 M Pre-launch testing/ops $1.7 M Post-launch Operations $5.6 M/$6.7 M Maintenance /Consumables $1.2 M/$1.5 M Communications links negligible TOTAL$5.6 M$6.8M/$8.2 M$12.4/$13.8 M

10 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 10 Mission/Science Operations Cost Basis of Estimate  Development Cost Assumptions  MOC located at GSFC  Costs do not assume reuse of any existing hardware or software  For MOC real-time and data processing support, assuming 3 logical strings  Prime, Backup, and Dev/Test support  Provides required automation functionality and necessary RMA  Mission-specific software development labor included.  Communications Link Cost Assumptions  Assume JPL Goldstone delivers data electronically to GSFC at no cost.  Operations Staffing Cost Assumptions  Size of operations staff = ≈9 FTE (3 FTE larger than typical 8x5 operations - - additional staff required to perform performance assessment for 8 total spacecraft)  Ops staff costs begin around L-30 months to support pre-launch activities

11 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 11 Mission/Science Operations Issues and Concerns  Current operations concept requires very high reliability communications links between:  Detector spacecraft and Ground  Optical Hub and Detector  Failure of either link would be catastrophic to mission

12 Final Version MAXIM-PF, May 13-17, 2002 Goddard Space Flight Center Mission Operations Page 12 Mission/Science Operations Additional Trades to Consider  For Full MAXIM configuration, should consider the following trades:  Automation of Spacecraft Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (either on-board spacecraft, or in ground system)  (+) Potential reduction in ops staffing levels – less engineers needed to assess spacecraft performance, identify trends  (-) Additional development costs for ground system/Flight Software/C&DH  Alternative architectures to provide increased communications between constellation elements

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