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Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI API IDF Members Meeting 22 June 2004 Larry Lannom CNRI.

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Presentation on theme: "Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI API IDF Members Meeting 22 June 2004 Larry Lannom CNRI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI API IDF Members Meeting 22 June 2004 Larry Lannom CNRI

2 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Service Layer: The Challenge DOI Application DOI Application DOI Application Reviews Catalogs Cover art Marketing Synopsis eBooks Publisher Content Thumbnails eBooks Encyclopedia Handle System Metadata Collections

3 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Reviews Catalogs Cover art Marketing Synopsis eBooks Publisher Content Thumbnails eBooks Encyclopedia Handle System Metadata Collections DOI API Service Layer DOI Application DOI Application DOI Application

4 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Reviews Catalogs Cover art Marketing Synopsis eBooks Publisher Content Thumbnails eBooks Encyclopedia Handle System Metadata Collections Service Layer DOI Application DOI Application DOI Application

5 Corporation for National Research Initiatives 10.123/456URLhttp://www.... DOI_AP 10.AP/2 DOI_ATR10.ATR/Latest; 22/10/2002 Created and maintained by Content Providers DOI_AP 10.AP/1;url;RA;kmd 10.AP/2 Desc Some description DOI_Service10.Service/MetadataSchema23; http://... DOI_Service10.Service/Latest Service Aggregation DOI to be defined and maintained by Registration Agencies 10.AP/2 Service Description DOI to be defined by service providers. 10.Service/MetadataSchema23; http://... 10.Service/Metadata IDL description Java Java Interface WSDL Soap Binding IORIOR:0001100... DescSome description IDL 10.Service/Latest IDL description Java Java Interface WSDL Soap Binding IORIOR:0001100... DescSome description IDL

6 Handle System LHS #1 Service Level Implementation DOI API 1. Developer writes an application using the API... LHS #2LHS #3LHS #4LHS #5LHS #6LHS #7LHS #n 2. The application resolves a DOI thru the API... 10.123/456 Handle Data 3. and data is returned to the API.

7 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Service Level Implementation DOI API DOI Data Model Handle System 10.123/456 RA KMD Default URL AP 1AP 7 Service 1 Data Service 2 Data The API presents the application with the DOI Data Model instead of the handle record. 4.

8 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Service Level Implementation The application can then present or choose various service options for the user 5. Publisher Content Thumbnails eBooks Encyclopedia Metadata Collections Services Forward Linking Access Control

9 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI Inspector

10 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI - Raw Handle Record

11 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI Logical Record

12 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI AP Application DOI AP API Implementation Handle Client Library Implementation DOI AP API Handle Client Library API DOI API Software Layers

13 Corporation for National Research Initiatives DOI AP API Implementation Registered Terminology A serialization standard Enforcement of behaviors Interaction with the IDD to enable interoperable kernel metadata interactions. DOI Application Profile API Implementation

14 Corporation for National Research Initiatives Who Does What? IDF (through CNRI) –Registrar for APs and Services –Creator of AP1 (default) –Initiate and maintain API RAs (representing their customers) –Create APs and Services –Register APs and Services Third party service providers –Work with RAs to introduce new services and products –Provide services as agreed with RAs

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