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Hong-Jian ZHANG Ming LIN, Zhi-Feng ZHENG, Ben-An LIU, Jian-Ke MEI R & D and Industrial Application of Bio-Jointed Phenol Formaldehyde Resin as a Wood Adhesive.

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Presentation on theme: "Hong-Jian ZHANG Ming LIN, Zhi-Feng ZHENG, Ben-An LIU, Jian-Ke MEI R & D and Industrial Application of Bio-Jointed Phenol Formaldehyde Resin as a Wood Adhesive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hong-Jian ZHANG Ming LIN, Zhi-Feng ZHENG, Ben-An LIU, Jian-Ke MEI R & D and Industrial Application of Bio-Jointed Phenol Formaldehyde Resin as a Wood Adhesive Wood Products Research Institute of Southwest Forestry College Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation POB 126, Bai Long Si, Kunming, 650224 China Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

2 Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China Aims: ◆ Reduce the dependency on and consumption of the petro-chemical resources with converting the renewable bio-materials into chemicals ◆ To avoid such a complicated technology as extraction, filtration, purification and even powdering

3 Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China Industrial Products ◇ Activated powder of the biomass for replacing phenol, granularity ≤ 80 mm. ◇ WPF A for concrete form plywood ◇ WPF B for container flooring plywood ◇ WPF bonded 9 layer concrete form plywood of Masson pine ◇ WPF bonded 21 layer container flooring plywood of Colon and the other hardwoods

4 Methords 1. Raw materials ◆ Active powder from walnut shell and the other bio-masses ◆ Phenol, formaldehyde, catalysts ◆ Veneer of birch and pine ◆ filler: wheat flour 2. Equipment Industry 5 ton kettle for WPF cooking, mixer and spreader, single- opening pre-press, 10 opening hot press, processing control instrument, rotary viscosimeter, mechanical property testing machine, and etc. Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

5 Performance of the WPF ◆ Appearance: Brown liquid ◆ Solid contend: 42 ~ 50 % (deferent usage) ◆ Viscosity: 180 ~ 600 mPa.s (deferential) ◆ Brominable substance content: ≥12 % ◆ pH: 11 ~ 12 ◆ Gel time (150 ℃ ): 90 s ◆ Free phenol content: ≤0.3 % ◆ Free formaldehyde content: ≤0.3 % ◆ Storage period (20 ℃ ): ≤20 days Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

6 Gluing conditions of WPF for either concrete form or container floor: ◆ Moisture content of the veneer: 10~13% ◆ Filler: 6 ~ 12 % against the resin ◆ Glue spread: 320 ~ 360 g/m 2, 2 sides ◆ Assembly time: 30 min ◆ P re-pressing time: 20 min ◆ Temperature of hot pressing: 125~135 ℃ ◆ Pressure of hot pressing: 1.1~1.6 Mpa ◆ D uration of hot pressing: deferential Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

7 Bonding effectiveness ◆ Bonding strength: ≥0.8 ~ 2.2 Mpa (for deferent products) ◆ Wood failure ratio: ≥90 % ◆ Durability: > 3 cycles (2h boiling & 4h 120 ℃ drying), unfailed glueline ≥ 80 % ◆ Free formaldehyde emission: < 0.3 mg/L Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

8 Summary ◆ Both the gluing technology and bonding effectiveness of WPF are similar with those of PF ◆ The cost of WPF is 6 ~ 12% lower than that of PF against the phenol at 1,000~ 2,130 USD/T Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

9 Conclusions Technology of both producing and application of BPF are feasible and reliable, including: ◆ Technology for active powder from bio-mass mainly from walnut shell ◆ Full use of the bio-material without any residue and pollution ◆ 25 ~ 40% replacement for phenol with the bio-material ◆ Co-polymerizing technology with phenol and formaldehyde ◆ Gluing technology for veneer based panels Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

10 Southwest Forestry College Kunming, China Kunming Xi-Mu Wood Products R & D Corporation, China

11 Thanks!

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