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Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | | History of UNPFII The UNPFII was first proposed by indigenous peoples Discussions.

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Presentation on theme: "Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | | History of UNPFII The UNPFII was first proposed by indigenous peoples Discussions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | | History of UNPFII The UNPFII was first proposed by indigenous peoples Discussions on the establishment of such a body began in the late 1980s Its creation was recommended by the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993 In 2000, it was decided to establish the UNPFII as an advisory body to ECOSOC UNPFII held its first Session in May 2002 in New York

2 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | |

3 Mandate of UNPFII To discuss indigenous issues within the mandate of ECOSOC relating to: 1.Economic and social development 2.Culture 3.Environment 4.Education 5.Health 6.Human rights

4 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | | The Inter-Agency Support Group (IASG): was established to support and promote the mandate of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues within the United Nations system. Its mandate was later expanded to include support indigenous related mandates throughout the inter-governmental system. It allows the UN system and other intergovernmental organizations to analyze recommendations made by the Forum with a view to facilitating comprehensive and coordinated responses to the UNPFII. The IASG Chairmanship rotates annually. As of 2007, the Chairmanship has has been held by the ILO, the World Bank, WIPO, UNDP, UNICEF, IFAD and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD).

5 Indigenous and Tribal Peoples | | Work of the UNPFII To provide an opportunity for indigenous peoples to voice their concerns, demands and situation directly to the UN system To provide a meeting point for all participating indigenous peoples to share their knowledge and experiences. It also establishes a positive learning platform for indigenous peoples. To identify and advance the discussion on technical and substantial issues such as Millennium Development Goals, women and youth, climate change, land and natural resources, etc.. To lend legitimacy to indigenous issues There is a challenge to ensure the recommendations of the UNPFII are translated into concrete action or implementation at the national level.

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