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Delegation & Effective Meetings October 2014 Andrea Mersmann

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1 Delegation & Effective Meetings October 2014 Andrea Mersmann


3 productivity “Let’s face it: The workforce has an addiction to meetings. As a manager and business owner, this doesn’t make much sense to me.”

4 Think about the BEST meeting you have ever attended. With a partner, discuss the experience. What happened at this meeting to make it the best? Prepare to quickly share your partner’s experience with the group. Activity Part 1

5 Activity Part 2 Think about the WORST meeting you have ever attended. With a partner, discuss the experience. What happened at this meeting to make it the worst? Prepare to quickly share your partner’s experience with the group.


7 Before the Meeting During the Meeting After the Meeting Steps for an Effective Meeting engaged/

8 Before the Meeting

9 Have regular, ongoing meetings and announce meetings in advance. Also, remind students when and where you will be meeting. Don’t assume. Ask for topic ideas or agenda items in advance Build an agenda and communicate the agenda to others

10 During the Meeting Call the meeting to order Create space for everyone to speak, appropriately Document the meeting Manage time appropriately Closing the meeting

11 After the Meeting Send out meeting notes Send out reminders of calls to action and upcoming events

12 Mix it up! Have fun and remember the purpose! Added Suggestions:


14 noun 1. a person designated to act for or represent another or others; deputy; representative, as in a political convention. 2. (formerly) the representative of a Territory in the U.S. House of Representatives. 3. a member of the lower house of the state legislature of Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia. verb (used with object), delegated, delegating. 4. to send or appoint (a person) as deputy or representative. 5. to commit (powers, functions, etc.) to another as agent or deputy. delegate [n. del-i-git, -geyt; v. del-i-geyt]

15 Evaluate your time as a club leader from a holistic view. Remember, it’s not all about you and how you imagine things. Tips



18 Preferences and Style

19 Evaluate your time as a club leader from a holistic view. Remember, it’s not all about you and how you imagine things. Know the strengths of those around you and how to tap the potential of others to maximize their ability to contribute and to reduce your work load Tips

20 Questions?

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