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Åpent møte om Bellonas arbeid med “European Technology Platform on Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants ETP ZEFFPP” Oslo, 1. Mars 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Åpent møte om Bellonas arbeid med “European Technology Platform on Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants ETP ZEFFPP” Oslo, 1. Mars 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Åpent møte om Bellonas arbeid med “European Technology Platform on Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants ETP ZEFFPP” Oslo, 1. Mars 2006

2 Advisory Council Plants & CO 2 -Capture Communication & Public Acceptance Infrastructure & Environment CO 2 -Use & Storage Mirror Group of Member States Secretariat Coordination Group Market, Regulation & Policy Technology Platform ZEFFPP: Organisational Structure Lacour-Gayet Von Goerne Giger Di Zanno Sweeney Frisvold Torp Christensen Heithoff Stromberg Pisthauer OtterO`Brien Haege Appert Hill Soothill Valero Members of Co-ordination Group Morris Agreed

3 POPULATION OF WORKING GROUPS STATUS All nominees sent to WG Co-leads: 24Nov05 Recommendations from WG Co-leads: 30Nov05 Reviewed at CG#2: 2Dec05  Guidelines agreed at teleconference on 19Dec05  Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no one organsiation to have more than 1 representative per WG and 2 overall  No representation from Trade Associations  Agreement of composition across all WGs : 10Jan06 Technology Platform ZEFFPP: Organisational Structure/WGs

4 Technology Platform ZEFFPP: Organisational Structure/WGs : Member Nationality Member/Associated States 17 Others (* Non EU person in EU companies) 3 Agreed recommendations as of 10Jan06 * * *

5 Technology Platform ZEFFPP: Organisational Structure/WGs : Organisation Involvement Agreed recommendations as of 10Jan06

6 Advisory Council Plants & CO 2 -Capture Communication & Public Acceptance Infrastructure & Environment CO 2 -Use & Storage Mirror Group of Member States Secretariat Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) Deployment Strategy (DS) Coordination Group Market, Regulation & Policy Technology Platform ZEFFPP: Organisational Structure SRA/SDD Overseeing Responsibility SDD Responsibility: Haege Hill Sweeney SRA Responsibility: Appert Soothill Valero Agreed

7 WG1 Plants and CO2 Capture WG2 CO2 Use and Storage WG3 Infrastructure and Environment WG4 Markets, Regulation and Policy WG5 Communication and Public Awareness SRA SDD 30% 20% 10% SRA/SDD Breakdowns: Weighting/Contributions from WGs 50-100pp

8 ZEFFPP ETP Action Plan : High Level 2-Year Milestones and Timing 20062007 Communication and Engagement Strategic Research Agenda Deployment Strategy Implementation of Strategy General Assembly #1Launch 1Dec05 Vision General Assembly #2 FP7 FP7 : Definition of WP FP7 : Call for Proposals Member State Mirror Group/FENCO Recommendations Joint Undertaking/Joint Technology Initiative ? Key Tasks

9 Review Point 3 – Coordination Group Nov 4: 22 Feb 06 SRA/SDD `Robust` Drafts: 28 April 06 Review Point 4 – Coordination Group No 5: 12 May 06 Consultation on SRA and SDD Draft Documents: 15 May-9 June 06 Final Review Point – Coordination Group No 6: 21 June 06 Advisory Council Endorsement: 22 June 06 General Assembly/Presentation of SRA/SDD: 5 July 06? Formal Publication of SRA/SDD: July 2006? KEY ACTIONS and DATES

10 Strategic Research Agenda : Scope and Shape Proposed Outline

11 Strategic Deployment Document : Scope and Shape - 1 Proposed Outline

12 Strategic Deployment Document : Scope and Shape - 2 Proposed Outline

13 Scope of Working Groups 1 - 5: WG1 - Plants & CO2Capture Responsibility: Identify technologies with commercial potential by 2020. Identify technologies not commercial at 2020 but with potential to complement for later commercialization. Knowledge, structural gaps for each technology are to be identified with preconditions necessary to make commercialization possible, including market potential and cost structure. WG2 - CO2 Use & Storage Responsibility: Identify best CO2 storage location options, use potential and emission points. Use technology to identify types and quality of geological settings for use/storage. Include operational and post-operational aspects; Monitor and validate storage longevity and leakage, safety considerations.

14 WG3 - Infrastructure & Environment Responsibility: Identify the requirements for Europe wide CO2 CCS infrastructure. Identify technology required to design, develop and implement transportation of CO2 from source to storage. Develop commercial and market mechanisms including value chain economics to ensure least societal cost for CCS. Identify the net impact of such total infrastructure on the environment. WG4 – Market, Regulation & Policy Responsibility: Develop a proper policy and regulatory framework to motivate the development for CCS with ZEFFPP. The potential market must be understood and developed. Short and long term risk factors for emitters, technology sellers, project developers and end users are to be identified. WG5 -5 Communication and Public Acceptance Responsibility: Understand the public concern in Europe for CCS and alleviate by creating communication tools to explain CCS, its risks and benefits.

15 European Technology Platform: Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants Workgroup #3 Infrastructure and Environment – Kickoff Workshop TIME LINE 7-8 FebruaryThe Hague: Initial Workgroup meeting 17 FebruaryFirst draft 24 February Return of comments from WG members 2 MarchSecond draft to WG Members 9 MarchBrussels: First Review meeting 5 AprilBrussels: Second review meeting 19 AprilConference call 21 AprilDraft due to Coordination Committee 28 AprilFirst Draft deadline for SDD / SRA _co/article_2268_en.htm

16  AC focus and R&D funding must also include engineering of existing technology- light house projects;  Projects should not exclude CO2 emissions from industry and H2 production;  AC also act as policy forum - to discuss and articulate policies for consideration of other EU institutions and MSs.

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