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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Status Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director Accelerator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Status Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director Accelerator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Project Status Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee July 17, 2008

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Key Project Milestones Aug 2005 CD-0, Approve Mission Need (Complete) Jul 2007 CD-1, Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range (Complete) Jan 2008 CD-2, Approve Performance Baseline (Complete) Dec 2008 CD-3, Approve Start of Construction Feb 2009Contract Award for Ring Building Aug 2009Contract Award for Storage Ring Magnets Mar 2010Contract Award for Booster System Feb 20111 st Pentant Ring Building Beneficial Occupancy; Begin Accelerator Installation Feb 2012Beneficial Occupancy of Experimental Floor Oct 2013Start Accelerator Commissioning Jun 2014Early Project Completion; Ring Available to Beamlines Jun 2015 CD-4, Approve Start of Operations

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CD-2 IPR/EIR/ICR Findings and Resolutions SC Independent Project Review – Nov 6-9, 2007 36 technical experts and scientists; technical, cost, schedule and management Ready for CD-2 following evaluation of contingency allocation Increased TPC from $896M to $912M ; assigned contingency for OPC OECM External Independent Review/Indep. Cost Review – Nov 5-9, 2007 10 project management experts; 18 lines of inquiry with expanded cost review Deliverables and Key Performance Parameters (KPP’S) at CD-4 Modified KPPs and described baseline scope delivered at CD-4 Risk assessment, bases for cost contingency, documentation Improved risk management; addressed documentation issues Actions to address all major findings, findings, and observations either completed or underway ESAAB for CD-2 on Dec 11, 2007 CD-2 approved on Jan 18, 2008

4 4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Key Milestones Completed Since CD-2 Initiate Conventional Facilities Final DesignDec 1, 2007 Beamline Develop. & Scien. Strategic Planning Workshops1 st Qtr 2008 SC Mini-ReviewFeb 26 Accelerator Systems Design 40% CompleteFeb 28 GC and Subcontractor Information MeetingMar 20 Letters of Interest for Beamline Advisory TeamsMar 30 Award Sextupole/Quadrupole Magnet PrototypeMay 15 CF 50% Final Design CompleteMay 21 SC Status ReviewJune 17-18

5 5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Key Near-Term Milestones EVMS Certification ReviewJuly 30-31 100% Title II Design SubmissionAug 25 Construction Readiness Design ReviewSep 3-5 Ring Building RFP Released to IndustrySep 26 Begin Site PreparationOct 1 IPR for CD-3Sep 30-Oct 3 EIR for CD-3Oct 20-24 Ring Building Proposals OpenedNov 21 CD-3, Approve Start of ConstructionDec Contract Award for Ring BuildingFeb 20, 2009 GC Notice to ProceedApr 15


7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Current Level 2 Cost Baseline

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES FY08 Funding Reduced from $65M to $49.7M FY08 Changes Deferred $11M in contingency Deferred $3M from Accelerator Systems – (Magnet Measurement Lab & Linac Front End) Deferred $0.4M from Conventional Facilities – (Site prep costs) Reduced $0.4M from Project Management – Delayed hiring Reduced $0.5M from Experimental Facilities – Delayed hiring FY09 Changes Restored $11M to contingency Restored $3M to Accelerator Systems Restored $0.4M to Conventional Facilities Added $0.9M to Management Reserve Will be able to achieve CD-3 on original schedule No impact on TPC or CD-4 as long as funding is restored in FY09

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Funding Profile with Operations & MIE Note: Operations & MIE funding are not part of TPC TEC = $791M TPC = $912M

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Baseline Management Since CD-2 Approved scope changes Have only approved scope changes, and allocated contingency, for programmatic needs that impact conventional facilities design and so must be done now: Widen ring building by 3 m6,429k Increase storage ring height in tunnel from 1.0 m to 1.2 m 760k Total contingency allocated$7,189k Modest cost growth due to design maturity and unit cost increases Currently reviewing and updating Estimate At Completion (EAC) for CD-3



13 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Potential Scope Contingency Bottom Line Estimate ($) Accelerator Systems$ 6 - 10 M Conventional Facilities$ 29 M Experimental Facilities$ 5 M Total$40 - 44 M

14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Cost & Schedule Performance PV = Planned Value or Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) EV = Earned Value or Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) AC = Actual Cost or Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Overall Cost and Schedule Assessment Earned value tracking underway and becoming a meaningful tool for measuring progress and identifying issues Actual costs are in line with expectations Planning to fully utilize available FY2008 funding Conventional facilities final design work, the dominant schedule driver, is on track RFP for the ring building will be issued by the end of September Accelerator design work is keeping pace with CF requirements Excellent progress on beamline selection and team formation

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Design Refinements Since CD-2 Design refinements have resulted from Value Engineering and additional design detail Beam height in tunnel increased from 1.0 m to 1.2 m and girders redesigned for new height –More room for insertion devices; responds to CD-2 IPR recommendation Chilled and process water system revised –More centralized, fewer components, less space, more maintainable Experimental Floor radial width (from ratchet wall to aisle) increased from 11.6 m to 14.6 m –Increases maximum beamline length from 60 m to 66 m and provides increased transverse experimental floor space Bypass corridor for long beamlines redesigned –Improved accessibility LOB final design deferred to FY10 –Maximizes flexibility in design; doesn’t delay construction of LOBs, which was always scheduled for FY11


18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CD-3 Design Maturity Conventional Facilities - Completing Final Design prior to CD-3 reviews in Sept./Oct. (excluding LOBs for beamline support) Accelerator Systems Final Design Strategy Complete final design for systems required to start civil construction and to place final design/build contracts for a few accelerator systems Final design for injector, booster, and storage ring RF transmitters and cavities completed by fabrication vendors Final design deferred for those systems only needed immediately prior to project completion or benefiting from technology advances Strategy makes optimum use of the long civil construction period and enables resource leveling of staff Experimental Facilities Beamline design work completed after beamline selection

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Final Design Plans Projected Design % Complete Based on Value of NSLS-II Subsystems 75% Complete Prior to CD-3 and Technical Risk Related to Key Performance Parameters Retired Level 2 System Value ($M) Design or Spec. % Complete at CD-3 Total Level 2 Systems/Facilities 560.375% Conventional Facilities 247.590% Accelerator Systems 240.370% Experimental Facilities 72.525%

20 20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Construction Readiness Design Review Review will be held on September 3 - 5, Chaired by Greg Bock, FNAL Requirements for CD-3 approval Conventional Facilities: –Is the final design complete and ready to proceed with construction? –Are the bid packages sufficiently clear, well defined, and ready for bidding? Accelerator Systems and Experimental Facilities: –Are the designs or specifications well enough advanced to proceed with conventional construction? Construction Readiness Design Review will assess if we are ready for CD-3 Review general progress since CD-2 Assess readiness for construction start of conventional facilities Assess design status and identify any remaining major design issues that must be mitigated prior to CD-3 approval


22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Recent Project Management Hires Deputy Project Director Aesook Byon (Effective Sep 1) ES&H Manager Steve Hoey (Effective May 12) Experimental Facilities Division Director Qun Shen (Effective July 14) Jim Yeck will become Assistant Project Director for Conventional Construction effective September 1


24 24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary Conventional facilities final design is the most critical activity for this year and is a prerequisite for the CD-3 review process RFP w/ drawings and specifications will be released by September 26 Bid pricing known by the end of November The design of NSLS-II accelerator systems is progressing on schedule relative to the performance baseline Beamline selection on schedule Project organization well established and staff buildup on track Project management systems are in place and working NSLS-II will be ready for the CD-3 reviews starting in early September

25 25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Charge to the Committee Is the NSLS-II Accelerator Systems R&D program sufficiently advanced to support the remaining design work? Is the maturity of the design and development of the accelerator system consistent with the Final Design Plan and are the interfaces with the NSLS-II building and other conventional facilities sufficiently well defined for start of construction of the ring building? Is the storage ring magnet system, including the planned linear and non-linear correction systems, adequate to achieve the required accelerator performance? Do the design choices of the injector system support the anticipated storage ring performance parameters and is the preliminary layout sufficiently well defined to start the turn-key procurement process in 2009? Alignment and stability R&D will be completed soon. Are the proposed procedures sufficient to guarantee that the tight alignment tolerances will be routinely achieved during the installation process? Are the planned diagnostic systems sufficient and adequate to allow for efficient commissioning and accelerator tune-up? Comment on the status of cryogenics system, electrical and mechanical utilities.

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