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The Seasteading Institute Mission: To further the establishment and growth of permanent, autonomous ocean communities, enabling innovation with new political.

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Presentation on theme: "The Seasteading Institute Mission: To further the establishment and growth of permanent, autonomous ocean communities, enabling innovation with new political."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Seasteading Institute Mission: To further the establishment and growth of permanent, autonomous ocean communities, enabling innovation with new political and social systems. Presented by George L. Petrie Director of Engineering The Seasteading Institute November 30, 2011 San Diego, C A


3 2008 – The Institute is Founded by Patri Friedman 2009-2010 – Developing Strategies to Meet Key Challenges Engineering Legal and Political Economic and Business 2010-2011 – Activity on Multiple Fronts Movement Building – over 1,000 contributing members More than a dozen white-papers and research reports Extensive national and international media coverage; CBS, CNN, NBC, BBC, Forbes, Wired,, etc. Outreach projects; Magellan Network, Ephemerisle, Design Contests, Volunteers and Internships

4  Feasibility – Habitability, Maintainability, Sustainability  Configuration – Hull form, Size, Material Scalability Modularity Service life Cost  Performance – Comfort and survivability at sea  Station keeping – Long term, open ocean Mooring Dynamic Positioning Lazy station-keeping  Protection from extreme seas – Large Floating Breakwater  Renewable energy sources – Solar, Wind, Wave, OTEC  Communication – Wireless, Satellite, Subsea cable, Other?  Location – Finding the most suitable sites

5  200-guest floating offshore resort/hotel  400’ x 400’ cable-stayed superstructure; modular construction

6  Compare Barge, Ship-shape and Semi-submersible Hull Forms  CapEX and OpEx cost comparisons for four different sizes of each

7  Compare Barge, Ship-shape and Semi-submersible Hull Forms  Evaluate Comfort and Endurance Limits at Different Locations

8  Physical environment Wind speed – average, 90 th and 99 th percentile Significant wave height – average, 90 th and 99 th percentile Current speed – average, 90 th and 99 th percentile Bathymetry Air temperature – average, 90 th and 99 th percentile Sea surface temperature (future enhancement)  Economic and business environment Proximity to urban areas (assuming high-speed ferry) Land-based data-link access (possible use of repeater buoys) Proximity to sub-sea data cables Per-capita GDP of nearby countries Regulatory burden of nearby countries Proximity to shipping lanes (future enhancement)  Legal and political environment Legal Status (freedom from claim by other nations) Dangerous regions (pirate-infested waters)








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