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Grade One Information Evening 2012 Mrs Belinda Hollands, Miss Tara Hunichen, Mrs Prue Dawson and Mrs Noelene Ward.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade One Information Evening 2012 Mrs Belinda Hollands, Miss Tara Hunichen, Mrs Prue Dawson and Mrs Noelene Ward."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade One Information Evening 2012 Mrs Belinda Hollands, Miss Tara Hunichen, Mrs Prue Dawson and Mrs Noelene Ward

2 School Values In the pursuit of life-long learning at New Gisborne Primary School we value: · Respect and Integrity in all dealings with others. · Providing the skills and knowledge to become life- long learners · Using initiative and taking responsibility for actions · Effective partnerships between teachers, students and parents and the broader community · Setting high expectations and striving for excellence while recognising, understanding and catering for a diversity of needs across the school

3 Curriculum Areas Literacy Maths Integrated Studies –Term 1 – Our Community –Term 2 – Dinosaurs –Term 3 – Fairy Tales –Term 4 – The Farm

4 Student Progress Reports will be sent out twice a year. There will be a mid year parent teacher interview. If there are any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress or well being, please make an appointment to see your child’s teacher.

5 Weekly Specialist Programs This year the children will continue to attend weekly Art, Music and Phys Ed lessons. Please refer to notes already sent home for days and times. This year the children attend weekly ICT lessons in the Computer lab with their classroom teacher and during Rotation.

6 Rotation Rotation takes place on a Wednesday morning between 9am and 11am. The Grade Ones rotate around the three Grade One teachers for 35 minute sessions. The Rotations covered this term are Health, Computers and Library.

7 Parent Helpers Throughout the year Parent helpers will be required in the classroom as well as for excursions. Please make sure you sign in every time you help out in the classroom and collect a visitors badge. Each classroom uses parent helpers differently. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any question or can offer a particular skill.

8 Library Borrowing Grade 1A will be taken to the library on a Monday to borrow a library book. Grade 1B and 1C will be taken to the library on a Tuesday. Please ensure they have their library bag on this day and the book they need to return.

9 Homework Homework at this stage of Grade One consists of reading every night. Revising the high frequency words on a weekly basis would also be beneficial for your child. These words should be recognized automatically. Children will do diary writing every Monday morning and it would be advantageous if you have discussed the weekend activities prior to coming to school.

10 Class Blog What is a blog? Why do we use blogs? Blog expectations. How do I get to the blog from website? How do I comment on the blog? What might I find on the blog? Cybersafety

11 Student Behaviour New Gisborne Primary School endorses the “Assertive Discipline Policy”. Each classroom uses a behaviour chart that all children are well aware of - poor behaviour and disrespect will not be tolerated. Bullying is not tolerated at New Gisborne. This is discussed with the children at the start of each term. Please ensure your child is aware of what bullying is.

12 Resilience We reinforce our ‘You Can Do It’ program, especially ‘Resilience’ throughout our day at school. It is important to teach the children to bounce back from minor set backs and not let the little things upset us. We can do this by teaching the children independence, which is as simple as letting them carry, pack and unpack their own bags!

13 Grade 1 Requisites Please ensure you have sent to school –Art smock –Library Bag –Sunsmart Hat –2 lots of Brain Food –Please ensure all of your child’s belongings and uniform items such as jumpers and hats are CLEARLY LABELLED BEFORE SENDING THEM TO SCHOOL!

14 Sunsmart Policy Children are required to wear a sunsmart hat in order to play outside each day. The school rule is “No hat, No play!” You may also wish to include sunglasses and roll on sunscreen in your child’s bag. Please also ensure you show your children how to apply sunscreen.

15 First Aid You may like to send a spare set of socks and underwear in your child’s bag in case of an accident. Please ensure your emergency contact details are always correct! We need to know of any changes to details so that we can reach you. If your child has visited First Aid during the day, they will bring home a note detailing the reason for treatment. A phone call for a head injuries doesn’t always mean your child needs to come home.

16 Day to Day Each class has a note basket in the classroom. Please place any notes for the teacher in this basket. Written notes are a legal requirement when children are absent from school. Please ensure that if your child has been absent you send a note to school on their return.

17 Pick Up and Drop Off Please ensure you are on time each morning in order for the children to have time to unpack their belongings before the bell goes. At times the classroom will be locked before school. If this is the case, children will need to put their bags at the door and go and play. If you arrive after 9.00am you must sign your child in at the office. This is a legal requirement. On Tuesdays children in all Grade Ones will be dismissed from their specialist classes. Please ensure you have an arranged pick up point. If you are picking up your child early you must also sign the book at the office and bring the slip to the classroom teacher.

18 School Assemblies On Friday afternoon the whole school meet for an Assembly at 3pm. Please ensure that you arrive quietly and that small children remain seated and quiet during the assembly. Each Friday certificates are presented to a maximum of 2 children per grade. We will endeavor to let you know before hand if your child is receiving an award.

19 Canteen/Lunch Orders Lunch orders can be ordered on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Please ensure your child still has brain food and a morning snack if they have a lunch order. If sending money with your child to school to spend at the canteen, please give them a zip lock bag to keep it in. A good place to store money is in the child’s lunchbox. Money left in pockets can go missing very easily!

20 Thank you We are looking forward to a great year ahead teaching all of your children. We look forward to working with you throughout the year. Please come and speak to us if you have any queries.

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