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Published byAnnabel Terry Modified over 9 years ago
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 1 Systems Supportability Analysis Overview Dr. Jerrell T. Stracener, SAE Fellow Leadership in Engineering EMIS 7305/5305 Systems Reliability, Supportability and Availability Analysis Systems Engineering Program Department of Engineering Management, Information and Systems
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3 Supportability – DoD Definition The degree to which system design characteristics and planned logistic resources, including manpower, meet system peacetime operational and wartime utilization requirements
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 4 Supportability Elements Reliability Maintainability / LSA Testability Logistics Engineering Integrated Logistics Support
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 5 Problem / Objective Problem Too many / conflicting parameters to effectively influence weapon system and support system design Objective Develop meaningful (relative to design) effectiveness / supportability figures of merit applicable to weapon system & support system design influence measurement of weapon system & support system effectiveness / supportability
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 6 Benefits Provide rational quantitative basis for design decisions relative to effectiveness / supportability -evaluate point designs -evaluate impact of design changes -evaluate design alternatives -trade studies -sensitivity analysis to identify drivers Figures of Merit which are -meaningful to the Customer -understandable by Management -relevant to the Designer
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 7 Approach Develop Effectiveness / Supportability Figures of Merit Develop Analysis / Measurement Capability Requirements Develop Analysis / Measurement Capabilities (Models) Automate & Integrate with CAE / CAD
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 8 Caution Supportability can be an all encompassing buzzword The “system” requirement is more than supportability A “system” is required to counter a threat therefore -a system is designed to counter the threat -not be supportable -supportable is just one element
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 9 Effectiveness / Supportability
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Aircraft Total Ownership/Life Cycle Cost Composition Source:
Logistics Support Costs 60% Fabrication - 72% Design 12% Documentation 2% Installation Checkout 14% Personnel - 67% POL 32% Misc 1% Recurring Support Costs 92% Maint Labor 70% Replenishment Spares - 20% Repair Materiel 10% Initial Trng 7% Initial Spares 68% Other 25% Acquisitions Costs 28% Operations Cost 12% Investment Costs - 8% Life Cycle Cost Distribution Courtesy DUSD Logistics F-16 O&S Costs = 78%
TACTICAL AIRCRAFT AFFORDABILITY OBJECTIVE Affordability Cost Objectives Shall Be Set To Balance Mission Needs With Projected Out- Year Resources, Taking Into Account Anticipated Process Improvements In Both DOD And Defense Industries. LETHALITY SURVIVABILITY SUPPORTABILITY CAPABILITYCOST O&S 60% RDT&E 5% PRODUCTION 35% DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
5 Year Cost To Own* Source:
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 15 Supportability Supt Planing R,M & SLSA Flight Test Config.Mgmt Provisioning Tech Data Spares Supt Equip Training Sys Initial Contractor Support Training Prog Mgmt Field/ Base Supt Tech Supt Serv Depot Maint/Mods Spares Inven Mgmt Engine/Comp Maint, Repair & Overhaul Dsgn Influ & Supt Sys Devlp Support System Production Initial Support Sustainment Concept Development Production Post Prod.Retirement
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 16 Supportability Requirements Supportability design requirements evolve from the customer’s need, which is typically expressed in terms of system operational effectiveness Operational Reliability Availability Performance Capability Operational Effectiveness How wellHow LongHow Often
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 17 System Operational Parameters Operational Effectiveness Readiness or Availability Mission Success Ownership Cost Logistic Support Cost Operating Cost
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 18 Availability (Operational Readiness) “The Probability that at any point in time the system is either operating satisfactorily or ready to be placed in operation on demand when used under stated conditions.”
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 19 Operational Availability (Ao): Ao includes the impact of logistics on availability -logistics elements included must be defined in advance
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 20 Availability Analysis Flow Diagram Mission Reliability MTBF MTBM Reliability Analysis Availability Analysis MTTR Maintainability Analysis Cost Effectiveness Analysis MDT (A) MDT (L) Supportability Analysis Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 21 Reliability and Supportability Requirements Systems Operational Performance Reliability Supportability Effectiveness and Availability Life Cycle Cost Design
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 22 Supportability Functions System Design Influence –Requirements Development –Design Input –Evaluation and Trade Analysis –Resource Identification –Test and Evaluation Development of Support Resources (Products) –Trained Personnel –Support Equipment –Supply Support Fielding and Customer/Product Support
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 23 Maintenance Planning Manpower and Personnel Materials Management Support Equipment Technical Data Training and Training Support Computer Resources Support Facilities Packaging, Handling, Storage and Tranportation Design Interface Physical Distribution Elements of System Supportability
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 24 The process conducted to evolve and establish maintenance concepts and requirements for the lifetime of the system. Maintenance Planning
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 25 Manpower and Personnel The identification and acquisition personnel with the skills and grades required to operate and support the system over its lifetime.
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 26 All management actions, procedures, and techniques used to determine requirements to acquire, catalog, receive, store, transfer, issue and dispose. Includes provisioning for both initial support and replenishment supply support. Includes the acquisition of logistics support for support and test equipment: –Raw Material –In-Process Material –Finished Products and Spare Parts Materials Management
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 27 All equipment (mobile or fixed) required to support the operation and maintenance of the system. Includes associated multi-use end items, ground handling and maintenance equipment, tools, metrology and calibration equipment, test equipment, and automatic test equipment. Support Equipment
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 28 Scientific or technical information recorded in any form or related medium (such as manuals and drawings). Computer programs and related software are not technical data; documentation of computer programs and related software are. Excluded are financial data or other information related to contract administration. Technical Data
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 29 the process, procedures, techniques, training devices, and equipment used to train personnel to operate and support the system. –Individual and crew training (both initial and continuation) –new equipment training –Logistics support planning for training equipment and training device acquisitions and installations Training and Training Support
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 30 Permanent, semi-permanent or temporary real property required to support the system, including: conducting studies to define facilities or facility improvements locations, space needs, utilities, environmental requirements, real estate requirements and equipment requirements. Facilities
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 31 Resources, processes, procedures, design considerations and methods to ensure that all system, equipment, and support items are preserved, packaged, handled and transported properly, including: –environmental considerations –equipment preservation requirements for short and long term storage –transportability. Packaging, Handling, Storage and Transportation
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 32 Relationship of logistics related design parameters to readiness and support resource requirements. –expressed in operational terms rather than as inherent values –specifically relate to system readiness objectives and support costs of the system. Design Interface
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 33 –Storage / Warehousing –Inventory Maintenance –Materials / Product Packaging & Handling –Transportation –Materials / Product Scheduling Physical Distribution
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 34 Some Other Elements of System Supportability Traffic and transportation Warehousing and storage Industrial packaging Materials handling Inventory control Order processing Customer service levels Demand forecasting Procurement Distribution communications Plant and warehouse locations Return goods handling Parts and service support Salvage and scrap disposal
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 35 Supportability in Product Development The primary thrust is two-fold - Influence product design to ensure reliability, usability, safety, etc system - Identify the resources to ensure supportability of the delivered product and customer support Supportability translates performance, user requirements and user experience into the operational, maintenance and support concepts
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 36 Supportability in Product Development - continued Logistics design criteria and guidelines are provided to design As the schedule progresses, maintenance and support requirements (scheduled and unscheduled) are determined Requirements for support equipment, spare parts, publications, training, facilities, personnel and skills are established
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 37 Build-to-Package Product design Production planning Quality planning Tool design Process Logistics characteristics
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 38 Build-to-Package Supportability Definition Package Logistic support analysis Manpower, personnel and skills Provisioning Training analysis Technical support data
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 39 Benefits of Design For Supportability System Characteristics –Inherent Reliability –Easily Operable and Maintainable Support System Characteristics –Adequate Supply of Trained Personnel –Minimal / Low Cost Support Equipment –Capitalize Existing Facilities –Transportable Design Achieves Goals in: –Availability –Cost Effectiveness Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Operating & Support (O&S) Cost
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 40 Supportability During Design ConceptualInitialFinal Objective: Minimum Downtime Minimum LCC
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 41 Supportability During Conceptual Design A system’s design establishes the basic requirement for support resources Support is a design parameter Support features must be included in the conceptual design
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 42 Support System design and Development Analysis Maintainability Analysis Supply Chain Analysis System PHM Analysis Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis (RCMA) Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 43 Maintainability Objective To design and develop systems and equipment which can be maintained in the least time, at the least cost, and with a minimum expenditure of support resources, without adversely affecting the item performance or safety characteristics
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 44 Maintainability Metrics Times –MTTR: Mean Time to Repair –T 5o% : Median Time to Repair –T MAX : Maximum Time to Repair (usually 95 th percentile –LDT:Logistics Delay Time –SDT:Supply Delay Time –MDT: Mean Down Time –DTM:Down Time for Maintenance –DTS:Down Time For Supply Events –MTBM: Mean Time Between Maintenance –MTTPM: Mean Time to Preventive Maintenance –MTBPM: Mean Time Between Preventive Maintenance Manpower –CS: Crew Size –MMH/FH: Man-hours per flight hour Diagnostics –FD:Fault Detection –FI:Fault Isolation –FA:False Alarms
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 45 Basing Site Depot/Warehouse Site Manufacturing Site Operational Unit What is a Supply Chain? Parts and Information Local Part Repair Depot Part Repair Remanufacture Product Use Product Maintenance Local Stock Warehouse Manufacture Information System Good PartsData Bad Dispose
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 46 Objectives Supply Chain Analysis Structure of the Supply Chain: –“Optimal" numbers –Location based on considerations such as customer service requirements, leadtimes, operational costs, and capacities. –Supply Uncertainty: Relationship with suppliers Selection of suppliers based on cost, flexibility in supply contracts, expected learning curves of suppliers, and agreements on cost and information sharing. –Operational Policies: Inventory control policies Information-sharing strategies. Analysis provides understanding of critical tradeoffs and alternatives in practical decision-making for a range of inter-related supply chain management issues:
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 47 Prognostic Health Management Analysis The purpose of Prognostic Health Management is to repair systems before they fail, while maximizing useful life consumption, and to have the necessary parts, tools and maintainers waiting nearby to resolve the correct problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 48 Supportability – How do you do it? ITS Objective: design for support –Consider each ILS functional element during design process to minimize support –Develop clearly stated design objectives Design for support –Discard at failure Eliminating repair reduces support burden Possible for small end items, not realistic for large weapon systems Repair versus discard quantifiable in terms of cost of item versus cost of repair –Modular replacement Designing for discard would naturally include designing for modularity and modular replacement Optimize modules in terms of size, cost of components and functions 48
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 49 Supportability – How do you do it? (cont) Design for support (Continued) –High reliability parts Reduce number of times item must be repaired –Bite/Integrated diagnostics/standard TMDE If it fails, bite is best mode to determine failure –Standard test points External test equipment –Accessibility If failure occurs design for ease of maintenance –Quick release fasteners Shorten R/R times –Standard parts Reduces numbers of different parts Reduces numbers and types of tools 49
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 50 Supportability – How do you do it? (Cont) Design for support (continued) -Simplicity Reduce sheer number of components that comprise end item -Lifting points for transportability -Reduced Weight / Cube -Soldier / Machine Interface Limitations of target audience ILS Objective: Design of Support -Equal balance of performance and support objectives is logistician’s goal -If performance objectives are met at expense of support objectives then design of support is critical
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 51 Supportability – How do you do it? (Cont’d) Design of Support -Reduce number of parts Lower cataloging, inventory and pipelines costs -Reduce number of reparable Reduces number of types of maintenance actions Reduces attendant logistics tail (TOOLS, TMDE, TM PGS, ETC.) -Reduction / consolidation of common tools / TMDE Simplifies maintenance actions -Eliminate special tools, TMDE, and skill requirements -Reduce manpower -Reduce skill required -Reduce training course lengths -Increase modes of transportation -Reduce number of TM pages
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 52 Supportability – How do you do it (cont’d) How do you achieve the objectives? –Early Planning via front-end LSA –Sound ILS RFP/Contracts –Comprehensive Program Reviews –Logistics Testing –Post Deployment Assessments 52
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 53 Supportability – How do you do it? (cont’d) How do you measure achievement? 53 Design for support scorecard System name System MTBF Number of Parts Number of Reparable Number of Special Tools Number of Common Tools Number of Personnel Number of Different Skills Transportation Modes Number of TM pages. Factor Baseline System New System
Stracener_EMIS 7305/5305_Spr08_03.18.08 WEAPON SYSTEM O&S
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