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Burundi refugee situation UNHCR Donors briefing Nairobi, 17 September 2015.

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1 Burundi refugee situation UNHCR Donors briefing Nairobi, 17 September 2015



4 Arrivals Trend Per Country

5 Monthly Arrivals Trend Per Country Source: Gvts registration database and UNHCR Burundi Emergency portal RWA TZA UGA DRC TOT. Apr23,1042101,3527,66032,326 May6,01251,5793,8802,26363,734 June27,37318,0705,0811,57752,101 July14,71111,7752,7731,90031,159 August4,3516,9126081,59313,464 TOTAL75,55188,54613,69414,993192,784


7 UNHCR Position on voluntary return to Burundi

8  Over 70,000 refugees of which 43,000+ in Mahama camp and 24,000 in urban settings  Main challenges:  6,000 shelter and 200 dischargeable latrines facilities need to be fully funded with the rainy season approaching (El Nino)  Education: formal education following Rwandan curriculum in 2016 (construction of 180 extra classrooms + scholastic material and teaching staff needed)  Development of urban refugees programme to avoid refugees running out of resources ETHIOPIA RWANDA: Major developments

9 TANZANIA: Major developments  Nyarugusu camp overcrowded: 160,000 refugees. 50,000 pax. to be relocated by 31/12  New sites Nduta (capacity 35,000 pax) and Mtendeli (capacity 24,000). 1 st phase relocation to start on 01/10 for 30,000 from flood-prone areas/mass shelters  Main challenges: water provision, SGBV, shelter capacity – 38,000 individuals still in mass reception shelters

10  Relocation to Lusenda site ongoing: 8,043 transported  New site (Katungulu 1) identified (Lusenda max. capacity:10,000 pax)  Screening and relocation of 400 new arrivals in Katanga, Manyema  Sensitization campaign to boost school enrollment DRC: Major developments

11  Non-camp settlement approach – high initial cost in establishing basic services  Nakivale refugee settlement reaching full capacity; new settlements identified, need infrastructure upgrade  Major challenges: Safe water supply in settlement, low primary education enrollment rate (50%), congestion of reception centres  Operation coping with three simultaneous emergency influxes (South Sudan, DRC, Burundi) UGANDA: Major developments

12 Revised Regional Refugee Response Plan 2015 Planned and Funded as of 15/09/2015 (USD)


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