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Benefits and Risks of Environmental Nanotechnologies Dialogue Opportunities Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation,

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Presentation on theme: "Benefits and Risks of Environmental Nanotechnologies Dialogue Opportunities Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benefits and Risks of Environmental Nanotechnologies Dialogue Opportunities Ineke Malsch, Malsch TechnoValuation, CEFIC Stakeholder Dialogue, 24 June 2008 Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation

2 Environmental Nano Table of contents: 1. Introduction 2. ObservatoryNano project opportunities 3. Current debate on environmental nanotechnologies 4. Precaution versus proaction 5. Information requirements civil society 6. Possibilities of exchange between the societal groups to meet these information requirements Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation

3 Environmental Nano Malsch TechnoValuation’s activities include: Current EU projects:  ObservatoryNano, Ethicschool (nanoethics)  IPCNanoNet, NanoforumEULA (R&D cooperation with Latin America) Finished EU projects:  Nanoforum, EuroIndiaNet and  NanoroadSME. Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Business centre Vondelparc II, Vondellaan 90, 3521 GH Utrecht, The Netherlands

4 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation This talk presents civil society perspective about issues surrounding environmental technologiesThis talk presents civil society perspective about issues surrounding environmental technologies I don’t represent any NGOI don’t represent any NGO I am in favor of responsible technology developmentI am in favor of responsible technology development I present information on societal acceptance of environmental nanotechnology by different stakeholders & in different parts of the worldI present information on societal acceptance of environmental nanotechnology by different stakeholders & in different parts of the world And make suggestions on improving the stakeholder dialogueAnd make suggestions on improving the stakeholder dialogue

5 To create a European Observatory on Nanotechnologies to present reliable, complete and responsible science-based and economic expert analysis, across technology sectors, establish dialogue with decision makers and others regarding the benefits and opportunities, balanced against barriers and risks, and allow them to take action to ensure that scientific and technological developments are realized as socio-economic benefits. 16 partners from 10 European States €4M over 4 years Started 1 st April 2008 Will bring together leading EU policy and decision-makers: EC, government, industry, leading institutes, NGOs with the purpose of helping shape future strategies. Mission

6 WP9 Project Management WP7 Establishment of Observatory Intranet Database Website WP1 observatoryNANO WP2 Science and Technology Assessment WP6 Regulation WP5 EHS WP4 Ethics WP3 Economic Impacts USERS WP8 Communication EC

7 Regular project outputs : Annual reports on scientific and technical developments Annual reports on economic developments Annual reports on ethical and societal issues Annual reports on environment, health and safety issues Annual reports on standards and regulations Also : Ethical toolkit

8 Institute of NanotechnologyIoNUK VDI Technologiezentrum GmbHVDI-TZDE Commissariat à l'énergie atomiqueCEAFR Institute of Occupational MedicineIOMUK Malsch TechnoValuationMTVNL triple innova DE Spinverse FI Bax & Willems Consulting VenturingB&WES Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the EnvironmentRIVMNL Technical University of DarmstadtTUDDE AIRI/Nanotec ITAIRIIT Nano and Micro Technology ConsultingNMTCDE Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs und ForschungsanstaltEMPACH Nanoethics Centre, AarhusAUDK MERIT, Universiteit MaastrichtMERITNL Technology Centre ASTCASCRCZ For further information please visit Or contact the coordinator, Dr Mark Morrison, Partners:

9 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Current debate on environmental nanotechnologies: -Opportunities of nanotechnologies in: -Environmental remediation; -Environmental monitoring; -Resource efficiency. -Risks of free engineered nanomaterials in the environment.

10 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Responsible nanotech R&D: Precaution vs Proaction Precautionary approach is mainly risk averse – the status quo is good – prepare for worst case in future impacts Example: EC Code of Conduct, 2008 Solution is Risk Assessment Proactionary approach balances risks & benefits – the status quo is not perfect – try to improve it in a responsible way for sustainable development: -R&D cooperation natural and social scientists - Engage earlier in R&D process in stakeholder dialogue to co- decide on the priorities (upstream engagement)

11 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Information requirements: -Trade Unions: -Are nanomaterials present at work? -How to protect oneself against potential risks? - Environmental Organisations: -What are potential exposure scenarios of the environment, plants and animals to nanomaterials during the whole life cycle? -What is the realistic potential of nanotechnology for contributing to sustainable development (remediation, monitoring, resource efficiency)?

12 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Information requirements: Consumers: -Labelling products with nano-inside (freedom of choice). -Are adequate safety measures taken? -Is the product more attractive/better/cheaper than alternatives? What is the advantage to me? Parliaments: - Are there common standards and terminology for nanotechnology? - What gaps in knowledge exist and what must be done to fill them? Who will pay for the research? - Are competent authorities equipped to control nanosafety? - Are existing regulations relevant for nanotechnology?

13 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Information requirements developing countries and emerging economies: -Protection of workers and consumers in less developed countries to risks of nanomaterials - access to industrial and western government expertise in offshoring and export of Western products? -Adequate maintenance and support in the developing country? -Potential contributions of environmental nanotechnology to sustainable development? -Implications for commodities markets of nanotech improved resource efficiency? (Meridian Institute, USA) -Will western industry invest in R&D and innovation in developing countries?

14 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation Valuation Possibilities of exchange between the societal groups to meet these information requirements: -In public debate in the media; -In public events organised by neutral organisations; -By responding promptly and openly to questions from societal groups and governments (e.g. DEFRA voluntary submission scheme); -By cooperating with ObservatoryNano project.

15 Environmental Nano Malsch Techno Techno Valuation ValuationConclusions: The Current debate on environmental nanotechnologies covers opportunities as well as risks; There are precautionary as well as proactionary approaches to managing these opportunities and risks; Different groups in civil society have different information requirements; Exchange can take place in public dialogue as well as projects including ObservatoryNano.

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