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Year 6 2015 - 2016. Year 6 Team Year 6 Leaders Mrs Mockridge & Mrs Stripp SLT Mrs Brady Tutors 6Cs/Em: Mrs Stripp & Mrs Mockridge 6Bl: Mr Bagwell 6Rs:

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 2015 - 2016. Year 6 Team Year 6 Leaders Mrs Mockridge & Mrs Stripp SLT Mrs Brady Tutors 6Cs/Em: Mrs Stripp & Mrs Mockridge 6Bl: Mr Bagwell 6Rs:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 2015 - 2016

2 Year 6 Team Year 6 Leaders Mrs Mockridge & Mrs Stripp SLT Mrs Brady Tutors 6Cs/Em: Mrs Stripp & Mrs Mockridge 6Bl: Mr Bagwell 6Rs: Mrs Slater 6Tc: Mr Cook 6Al: Miss Landells

3 Curriculum Maths: Number: place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, decimals and percentages Measurement Geometry: properties of shape, position and direction Ratio and Proportion Algebra English/Humanities: Victorians, Mountains, Ancient Greece Texts: Alice in Wonderland, Street Child, Oliver, Kensuke’s Kingdom, The Wretched Stone Frequent reading, grammar and spelling is integrated into all the topics For both Maths and English there will be a formal test each term in preparation for SATs. Mid Year results will be shared with you at February parents evenings.

4 Science Forces, Changing and Separating Materials, Flowering Plants, Electricity, The Earth in Space, Ecology and Evolution DT Use of sewing machines: Cushions, Healthy Eating: Fruit, Structures and Mechanisms, graphics Art Victorian Tile Printing, African Art, Portraits, Still Life & Pop Artists RE Sikhism, Hijab, Jesus Christ Superstar, Beliefs about Life after Death

5 PE Rugby, Hi 5, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Striking & Fielding, Tennis, Health Related Fitness, Gymnastics, Dance, Orienteering, Athletics, Extra Curricular Sports Clubs (after school/lunchtimes) ICT E-Safety, Coding, Web Research and Bias, Using Technology Creatively, Power Points, Engaging Audiences

6 French Personal Descriptions, Family and Pets, Free time, Countries and Nationalities, Where you live, The Weather Music The 12 Blue Bars – Performance, Composing and History, Christmas Composing, Linking Music and Art, Performing in a band, The Music Industry, World Beat - African Music and Stomp Extra Curricular Music Clubs and Lessons

7 Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Environmental, Education (PSHCEE) November ‘People Who Help Us’ December ‘Race Equality’ February ‘Rules and the Law’ March ‘Debating a Global Issue’ June ‘The Media’

8 Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship, Environmental, Education (PSHCEE) Sex Education (Summer Term) Sessions with Mr Absolom (PSHCEE Leader) and our School Nurse Puberty : Consolidation from Year 5 Life Education Van (Spring Term) Focus on issues around personal safety and safety with medicine, legal drugs, tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.

9 KS2 SATs ( Standard Assessment Tests) Subjects tested at present are Maths and English. The date of the KS2 tests will be: 9 th – 13 th May 2016 Could we PLEASE ask for your support in NOT taking children out of school around the time of the SATs examinations.

10 KS2 SATs ( Standard Assessment Tests) SATS Information evening in January 2016 This will provide you with more specific information regarding the SATs

11 Parents Evenings October 2015 Tutor parents evenings – you will be able to meet your child's tutor February 2016 Subject parents evenings – you will be able to meet your child's subject teachers

12 Project Week 23 rd - 27 th May 2016 Pupils will be off timetable for the week and they will have the opportunity to experience a variety of activities which will enrich their time at St Osmunds. Types of activities: (these will be confirmed nearer the time) Environmental collages, sports, textiles, circus skills/show, army cadets visit, cooking, movie making, picnic/day out

13 Other Events Throughout the Year December 2015 Cinema Trip May 2016 SATs Celebration June 2016 Sailing Year 6 Residential: Hooke Court July 2016 Weymouth: Bowling and Beach London Theatre Trip: Matilda

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