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Teshawn Reed The question that parents ask,” How can I help my child become a better reader?”

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Presentation on theme: "Teshawn Reed The question that parents ask,” How can I help my child become a better reader?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teshawn Reed The question that parents ask,” How can I help my child become a better reader?”

2 The purpose of this study: The ITSS project has been successful in the learning outcomes. Research results show that this Web-based interface can improve reading comprehension in fifth and seventh grade students. While K- 12 and other learning environment continues to grow. The traditional workplace the same factors play a part during the design, development, and implementation of technology solutions. The outcomes in these environments can differ from the schools because schools focus on learning outcomes with little emphasis to the monetary side of their existence. The introduction of No Child Left Behind and school accountability measures, and schools have to deliver high quality education to all students. They are also mandated to improve the test scores or suffer the consequences.. Wijekumar, K. K. (2006). Implementing Web-Based Intelligent Tutoring Systems in K-12 Settings: A Case Study on Approach and Challenges. Journal Of Educational Technology Systems, 35 (2), 193-208.

3 The purpose of this study: Compare similarities and differences between students’ and tutors’ conceptions of tutoring. Three Factors: Subject Expertise, Vocational Guidance, and Pastoral Care, respectively Similarities: Students conception of tutoring as promoting Critical Thinking and the tutors’ conception of tutoring as promoting Active Learning. Differences: The responses produced by the students yielded a conception of tutoring based on Promoting Interaction, suggesting that they were looking to their tutors to promote their social integration. Jelfs, A., Richardson, J. E., & Price, L. (2009). Student and tutor perceptions of effective tutoring in distance education. Distance Education, 30 (3), 419-441.

4 The purpose of this study : Investigate the effects of Web-based reading curriculum on reading performance and motivation. An experimental intervention consisting of a Web-based reading program, Reading Upgrade, which incorporated music and video to provide lessons on decoding, phonemic awareness, fluency, and comprehension. The Web-based curriculum with a control intervention. The analysis of reading performance, pre- post-test scores in the experimental and control groups, indicates significant increases in measures of decoding, fluency, and comprehension for the experimental group. In conclusion, these findings that Reading Upgrade promotes the development of reading competence in these three areas. Participants in the experimental group made gains equivalent to one grade-level after receiving 8-weeks of Web-based instruction. Cole, J., & Hilliard, V. (2006). The Effects of Web-Based Reading Curriculum on Children's Reading Performance and Motivation. Journal Of Educational Computing Research, 34 (4), 353-380.

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