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Let’s Blog: Augmenting learner autonomy in tertiary-level learners through blogging Atanu Bhattacharya Kiran Chauhan.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Blog: Augmenting learner autonomy in tertiary-level learners through blogging Atanu Bhattacharya Kiran Chauhan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Blog: Augmenting learner autonomy in tertiary-level learners through blogging Atanu Bhattacharya Kiran Chauhan

2 Research Context  Autonomy as detachment, critical reflection, decision-making, and independent action (Little 1991)  making an informed choice (Holec 1981),  independent ability and willingness (Benson 2005),  responsible decision-making and execution (Dickinson 1993; Crabbe 1999)

3 contd  responsibility of one’s own choices (Dam 1995: 26),  determining the learning strategies (Wang and Peverly 1986).  Interaction, negotiation, collaboration promotes learner autonomy (Pemberton 1996; Lee 1998: 283)  Autonomy and motivation (Dornyei 2001; Deci and Ryan 1985; Skehan 1989; Oxbrow 2000)

4 contd  Ryan’s ((1991: 227)) concept of ‘autonomous interdependence’  Collaborative learning as a promoter of autonomy  The concept of collaborative learning to develop interdependence significant for this study

5 The background  MA [ELT] students of H M Patel Institute of English, Gujarat, India  Low-resource classrooms  Low-proficiency (computer + language) semi-urban/rural students  Exposure to blogging almost nil

6 How it was done  Step I Assignments (Syllabus-based) + Niche (Personal) topic  Step II Division into groups of three  Step III Selection of group coordinators  Step IV Selection of project coordinators

7 contd  Step V Screening of topics ( by group + project coordinators)  Step VI Feedback + Revision  Step VII Demonstrations of how to create a blog (Teachers + Project Coordinators)  Step VIII Creation of individual blogs

8 contd  Step IX Advertising one’s blog and Cross- commenting  Step X Reflective reports and interviews

9 Analysis: Language Learning Skills and Strategies

10 Analysis: Decision Making

11 Analysis: Developing Independence

12 Analysis: Motivation

13 What we found  Language learning skills and strategies  36% - editing, writing and communication skills  61% - cognitive + research skills  yes the blog helped me to overcome my challenges yes it helped me in my writing skills it was my responsibility that it is the first condition of learners that whatever you do do with responsibility… ( Student comment )

14 Decision making  22% commented on low resources  63% argued overcoming challenges  They enjoyed Planning, monitoring and Implementation (PMI)  Yes I was afraid working alone because I failed two or three times in opening my account so let us say four to five times at least because I failed in something…to certain extent because you needed to go to blogger beta and I didn’t know that… ( Student comment )

15 Developing independence through interdependence  52% enjoyed group interaction  Most emphasized this aspect during the interviews  before starting I had some problems of how to create it but after that I get help from my friends then I get mastery over it… (Comment I)  some technical problems I overcome this problems with my friends I can do it on my own now… (Comment II)

16 Motivation  25% - instrumental motivational factors (Adsense, Essay Bank)  67% - integrative motivational factors (achievement, self-corrections, innovative independence)  After I published it [the blog] I had a sense of achievement because I felt I can now do something… (Comment I)  because you can earn money but I don’t want to earn money but we can publish our ideas and people can see our ideas…I was worried let us say excited that what people will think of me… (Comment II)

17 Findings and Suggestions  Language and cognitive skills can be fostered (Syllabus inputs might help)  Independent decision making skills (Blogger??? WordPress???)  Interdependence leads to independence  Extrinsic motivational factors as ‘triggering off’ intrinsic factors  Low resource classrooms not a deterrent

18 Our conclusion LLLLet’s Blog But judiciously Thank You very much

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