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EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract COST Action TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications Frantisek Krcma Purkynova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic Brno University of Technology Faculty of Chemistry Group of Plasma Processes Studied topics Breakdown of electrical discharge in liquids in pin-hole (diaphragm/capillary) configuration using DC (pulsing/non-pulsing), AC, and HF power sources – WG1 Electrical measurements of these discharges – WG1 Optical emission spectroscopy of these discharges – WG1 Fast imaging of plasmas – WG1 Generation of active particles – OH, H 2 O 2, H, O, …. – WG1 Study of capillary discharge pumping effect – WG1 Chemical analyzes of solutions – WG1, WG4 Destruction of organic dyes by discharges in liquids – WG4 Surface treatment of archaeological objects by discharges in liquids – WG4 Surface treatment of nanoparticles by discharges in liquids – WG4 Discharges in organic liquids – WG4 + ̶ Assymetry of diaphragm discharge Discoloration of Direct Red 79 dye During 80 minutes of discharge (chamber with anode) HPLC chromatogram of Direct Red 79 dye treated by plasma (chamber with anode)

2 EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract COST Action TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications Main experimental/computational facilities Various batch discharge reactors for pin-hole (diaphragm/capillary) discharge generation DC non-pulsing power sources DC pulse power supply (40 kV) AC power supply HF power supplies (50 Hz - 100 kHz and 15 – 100 kHz) RF supplies UV-VIS absorption spectrometer High resolution optical emission spectrometers High speed camera (up to 1 000 000 frames per second) TOF mass spectrometer with reactive ionization In compartment – GC-MS, HPLC, ICP, material analyzes Main research collaborations and industrial partners Gent University, Belgium, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, Queens University, Belfast, North Ireland, INP Greifswald, Germany, Belgrade University, Belgrade, Serbia, Main publications Pin-Hole Discharge Creation in Na 2 SO 4 Water Solutions; Hlavata, L.; Serbanescu, R.; Hlochova, L.; Kozakova, Z.; Krcma, F.; Acta Polytechnica 53 (2) 170-173, JUN 2013 Chemical Efficiency of H 2 O 2 Production and Decomposition of Organic Compounds Under Action of DC Underwater Discharge in Gas Bubbles; Nemcova, L.; Nikiforov, A.; Leys, C.; Krcma, F.; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE 39 (3) 865-870, MAR 2011 Removal of Organic Dye Direct Red 79 from Water Solutions by DC Diaphragm Discharge: Analysis of Decomposition Products; Kozakova, Z.; Nejezchleb, M.; Krcma, F.; Halamova, I.; Caslavsky, J.; Dolinova, J.; DESALINATION 258 (1-3) 93-99, AUG 2010 Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids: Fundamentals and Applications; Krcma, F.; Stara, Z.; Prochazkova, J.; Journal of Physics Conference Series 207, Art. No.: 012010, 2010 Organic Dye Decomposition by DC Diaphragm Discharge in Water: Effect of Solution Properties on Dye Removal; Stara, Z.; Krcma, F.; Nejezchleb, M.; Skalny, J.D.; DESALINATION 239 (1-3) 283-294, APR 2009

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