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ECE 551 Digital System Design & Synthesis Fall 2011 Midterm Exam Overview.

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1 ECE 551 Digital System Design & Synthesis Fall 2011 Midterm Exam Overview

2 2 Exam Details  Midterm October 18 th, 7:15pm, 1800EH  Closed book/notes, except 8.5 x 11 sheet (both sides)  No electronic devices  Everything covered through week 5  Homework 1-4, all assigned readings  Example midterms available in Learn@UW  Review session in discussion

3 3 Midterm Warnings [1]  Just about anything in the course is fair game  Lectures, IEEE standard, “Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis”  This review is not comprehensive  Review your homework, lecture notes, and practice midterms

4 4 Midterm Warnings [2]  Allowed  1 sheet (8.5x11) of notes – can write on both sides  Pen or pencil (bring more than one)  Not Allowed  Cheating  Talking/whispering/pointing  Leaving the room during the exam  Use of any PDAs, calculators, cell phones, etc.  Textbooks, documents beyond the 1 sheet allowed above

5 5 Things To Know [1]  Verilog Syntax  Types of Verilog  Structural  RTL  Behavioral  Structural  Instantiation vs. declaration  Naming instances  Port connections by signal order vs. port names  RTL Verilog (Continuous Assignments)  Operators, bit lengths, delays

6 6 Things To Know [2]  Variables and Nets  Differences between them  How to declare each  How to declare vectors  How to declare register files / memories  When do you use reg and when do you use wire?  Number Representation  Base notation  # of bits  Handling of x and z in operations  Unsigned values are zero extended

7 7 Things To Know [3]  Behavioral constructs  initial, always  case, casex, casez, if, else if, else, for  Use of defaults (else, default case) and why  Procedural assignments (blocking vs. non-blocking)  Combinational vs. sequential  Triggers for always blocks (combinational/sequential)  Synchronous/asynchronous reset  Timing control  @, #, posedge, negedge  Inter- and intra-assignment delays

8 8 Things To Know [4]  Testbenches  Instantiating UUT (unit-under-test)  Generating a clock properly  Providing stimulus  Exhaustively for small problems  Important and representative cases for larger problems  Test all FSM transitions and outputs  $display, $monitor, $strobe

9 9 Things To Know [5]  Good practices for Verilog writing  Don’t mix blocking / non-blocking  Blocking for combinational, non-blocking for sequential  Don’t write self-triggering loops  No cyclic combinational logic or latch inference  Don’t assign to a variable in more than one block  Add comments to your code

10 10 Things To Know [6]  Finite State Machines  Explicit vs. implicit  Moore vs. Mealy, and how they’re coded  Use of localparam to define state values  Combinational vs. sequential  State register  Combinational logic to determine next state  Combinational logic to determine outputs  Verilog Stratified Event Queue  What it means for blocking vs. non-blocking  What it means for $display vs. $strobe

11 11 Suggestions  On notes have one (or more) example of each of the topics covered  (if you’re not comfortable with them)  At worst, take directly from slides/book/standard  Fast and easy – but not terribly effective.  Can put this on one side of sheet (small font), leave other side for your own notes, additional examples.  Do not depend on notes for EVERYTHING  Won’t finish test in time!  Are just intended for help with syntax, etc.

12 12 Review Questions  Why is it useful to include a default item in a case statement?  Write behavioral code for a 3-bit counter with asynchronous reset and the following interface count_3bit(output reg [2:0] count, input reset, clk);  Write behavioral code for a 4-bit leading zero detector with the following interface lzd_4bit(output reg[1:0] pos, input [3:0] A); The output should indicate the number of leading 0s in A. Assume A is non-zero.

13 13 Review Question Answers module count_3bit(output reg [2:0] count, input reset, clk); always @(posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) count <= 0; else count <= count+1; endmodule

14 14 Review Question Answers module lzd_4bit(output reg [1:0] pos, input [3:0] A); always@ (A) begin casez(A) 4'b0001: pos = 2’d3; 4'b001?: pos = 2’d2; 4'b01??: pos = 2’d1; 4'b1???: pos = 2’d0; default: pos = 2'bx; endcase end endmodule

15 15 Review Question Answers module lzd_4bit(output reg [2:0] pos, input [3:0] A); always@ (A) begin casez(A) 4'b0000: pos = 3’d4; 4'b0001: pos = 3’d3; 4'b001?: pos = 3’d2; 4'b01??: pos = 3’d1; 4'b1???: pos = 3’d0; default: pos = 3'bx; endcase end endmodule

16 16 Review Questions  What does the following piece of code do?  Is it synthesizable? module circuit (output reg [7:0] count, input [7:0] datain, input load, clk); always@(posedge clk) begin if (load) begin for (count = datain; count > 0; count = count - 1) @(posedge clk); end endmodule Note: @(event) waits until event occurs.

17 17 Review Questions  Determine when each expression is evaluated and assigned, and the value it is assigned. always @(*) begin #2 b = a + a; c = #3 b + a; end always @(posedge clk) begin d <= #2 c + a; c <= #2 d + a; end initial begin a = 3; b = 2; c = 1; d = 0; clk = 1; end

18 18 Review Questions  Determine the console output. always @(posedge clk) begin d <= #2 c + a; $strobe (“s %t %b %b”, $time, c, d); $display (“d %t %b %b”, $time, c, d); c <= #2 d + a; end initial begin a = 3; c = 1; d = 0; clk = 1; end $monitor(“m %t %b %b”, $time, c, d);

19 19 Review Questions  Write behavioral code for a 4-bit pattern detector with the following interface; ptrn_4bit(output reg det, input [3:0] pattern, input sd, reset, clk); Serial data comes in on sd. Implement as a Moore machine with synchronous reset, and detect all pattern instances (instances may overlap).

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