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Arm & Forearm region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves.

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Presentation on theme: "Arm & Forearm region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arm & Forearm region Bones Joints Muscles Vessels & Nerves




5 basilic: adjective, Greek basilikos = royal (king-sized) cephalic: adjective, Greek kephale = head.

6 Median cubital


8 Superficial veins of hand

9 Brachial Artery Situation: Branches: Muscular branches
extends from the lower border of the teres major to a point in front of the elbow at the level of neck of radius. Branches: Muscular branches Profonda brachii Superior ulnar collateral Inferior ulnar collatera Two terminal branches ( Radial & Ulnar )

10 Profonda brachii

11 Profonda brachii

12 Profonda brachii Fractures of the Shaft of the Humerus

13 Brachial Artery Fractures of the Distal End of the Humerus: Volkmann's ischemic contracture

14 Brachial Artery

15 Brachial Artery

16 Brachial Artery

17 Brachial Artery & Profonda brachii

18 Nerves

19 Musculocutaneous N. Supplies: Coracobrachialis Biceps Brachialis

20 Ulnar N.

21 Ulnar N. Supplies: F.C.U

22 Median N.

23 Median N.

24 Median N. Supplies: Pronator teres F.C.R Palmaris longus
Pronator quadretus

25 Ulnar N. Median N.

26 Radial N.

27 Radial N.

28 Radial N. injury Fractures of the Shaft of the Humerus


30 Radial N.

31 Radial N. Supplies: Triceps Anconeus Brachioradialis Supinator E.C.R.L

32 Arm Cutaneus nerve supply
Supra clavicular nerve (Cervical Plexus) Upper Lateral Cutaneus Nerve of Arm (Axillary) Lower Lateral cutaneous nerve of Arm (Radial) Intecosto Brachii nerve ( T2 ) Medial cutaneous nerve of Arm (Medial Cord ) Posterior cutaneous nerve of Arm (Radial )

33 Forearm Cutaneus nerve supply
Lateral Cutaneus Nerve of Forearm (Musculocutaneous ) Medial Cutaneus Nerve of Forearm (Medial Cord) Posterior cutaneous nerve of Forearm (Radial)

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