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FCA/APCC liaison meeting 9 June 2014 1. Agenda AIFMD – update/key messages (Susan Tyldesley) Update on Connect (Arlene McDermott) Feedback from April.

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Presentation on theme: "FCA/APCC liaison meeting 9 June 2014 1. Agenda AIFMD – update/key messages (Susan Tyldesley) Update on Connect (Arlene McDermott) Feedback from April."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCA/APCC liaison meeting 9 June 2014 1

2 Agenda AIFMD – update/key messages (Susan Tyldesley) Update on Connect (Arlene McDermott) Feedback from April event/APCC September forums – progress to date Contact Centre – introduction (Sarah Bax) AOB 2

3 AIFMD update/key messages Current volumes Information still outstanding (missing information, other information) Marketing and management passports Applications received before 22 April 2014 Recent communication exercise to firms still waiting to hear from case officer Reminder to firms that if they intend to delay their application until nearer 22 July 2014 they will need to be compliant with all AIFMD implementing requirements at 22 July. Applications deemed materially incomplete after that date may result in disruption to firm’s business AIF Schedule Quality of applications 3

4 Update on Connect Arlene McDermott 4

5 Feedback from APCC September forums and progress to date Key issues: Consistency of approach/better questioning – ongoing focus for Permissions managers Comms (prior to allocation) – de-prioritised due to resourcing issues but there is renewed focus on this More sector specific guidance/better web layout – work is ongoing on this Early doors meetings – now taking place more regularly Better engagement during case life – case officers being encouraged to engage in a variety of methods and training being delivered Managing expectations better (i.e. when a case is complete/incomplete) – considerable work done on this with case officers to ensure consistency of approach (feedback would be helpful!) 5

6 Contact Centre Sarah Bax 6

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