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Jim Doherty Legal Consultant Municipal Research & Services Center Seattle November, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Doherty Legal Consultant Municipal Research & Services Center Seattle November, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Doherty Legal Consultant Municipal Research & Services Center Seattle November, 2010

2  AWC – Association of Washington Cities  WSAC – Washington Association of Counties  PST – Pipeline Safety Trust  WUTC - Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission  NWGA – Northwest Gas Association  MRSC – Municipal Research & Services Center

3 Posted a web page pipes.aspx pipes.aspx  Took the message out to the local governments A dozen presentations around the state Lots of Print and Electronic Communications

4 We offered to travel to jurisdictions to meet with local elected officials and staff We offered to help them by assisting with the drafting of procedural or substantive regulatory ordinances

5  Verbal support - ◦ Gee, nice presentation and info! ◦ Promises that they would follow up and take action But very little action (so far)

6 Not a single call following the California rupture!

7  Planning Departments in cities and counties have been decimated by layoffs and funding cuts ◦ Only required projects (state mandated planning efforts) and routine tasks ◦ Or separately funded projects

8  Is it too early to see the full impact of our efforts?  Are some jurisdictions awaiting the issuance of the PIPA report?

9  Will the release of the report provide the legitimacy for local governments to address the issue?  We can hope so.

10  The Achaeans had Achilles, the Trojans had Hector (for a while)  In every community we need to get either a member of the legislative body, a persuasive planner, or a VERY EFFECTIVE local citizen to push the issue.

11  We now have good, well thought out options to offer to local governments  Many local governments are currently in a defensive mode, unwilling or unable to take on new initiatives  The pipelines are underground and most people are not concerned until they see flames and hear sirens

12  Continue with same pattern: educate & seek to motivate, provide $$$ to prime the pump  Elicit support from industry and get industry more involved with local government planning (acknowledgement of risk?)  Can PHMSA take a bolder role in the process?

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