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MIS 696a/797a Final Project Final Report December 15, 1999.

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1 MIS 696a/797a Final Project Final Report December 15, 1999

2 Introduction n MIS Defined: A management information system is the complement of people, machines, and procedures that develops the right information and communicates it to the right managers at the right time.

3 MIS Theory Three main schools of thought: n Technological Imperative: “Impact of technology.” n Organizational Imperative: “Rational actors choose technologies.” n Emergent: Intersection of technologies and people creates complex interactions.

4 Timeline n Sep 30 n Oct 1 n Oct 13 n Oct 20 n Nov 10 n Nov 20 n Dec 1 n Dec 8 n Dec 15 Survey Field (Complete) Brainstorm Conceptual Model (Complete) Gather Information/Feedback From MIS Faculty Refine Information Identify Reference Disciplines to Feature Review Key Articles Revise Conceptual Model; Outline Presentation and Paper Rank Researchers Based on Model Submit and Present Final Paper

5 Research Areas - Focus n Group Support Systems n Knowledge Mgmt, AI, Information Retrieval n Databases n Economics, DSS, OR n E-Commerce n HCI, Visualization, Communication, Psychology n International n Social Issues, Ethics n Telecommunications, Security n Systems Analysis and Design n Paul n Gondy, Duffy n Limin, Yousub n Wayne, Taeha n Marsha, Kim n Karen, Lin Lin n Taeha, Chienting n Dennis, Marsha n Yousub, Limin n Kim, Chienting FieldTeam

6 Model Overview Conceptual Diagrams December 15, 1999

7 Model BehavioralTechnical Relevance Rigor Established Emerging

8 Model (cont.) n Behavioral - Technical –Focus on the behavioral or technical aspects of MIS. n Rigor - Relevance –Research methodology and methods used to gain knowledge. n Emerging –Changes in the direction of research over time.

9 Top View Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor Focus: GSS X n Look at one researcher or group in a field

10 Top View, Look Through All Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor Focus: AI Z X Focus: GSS Focus: DB Y A Focus: HCI n Possibilities: –Follow 1 Group/Person Across Different Fields –Compare the Concentration of Research Over Fields –Collapse All Fields for a General Overview

11 Research Overview Researchers/Papers December 15, 1999

12 Order of Presentation Established Emerging n International n HCI, Visualization, Communication & Psychology n Social Issues & Ethics n Systems Analysis & Design n Group Support Systems (GSS) n Telecommunications & Security n Databases n Economics, Decision Support Systems & Operations Research n Knowledge Management, Artificial Intelligence & Information Retrieval n E-commerce

13 Researchers International n Seymour Goodman, University of Arizona –International developments in the information technologies (IT), IT and national security, technology diffusion n Eli Noam, Columbia University –International work on telecom/television, content of media, common carrier implications and IP telephony over cable versus traditional telephony infrastructure. n Larry Press, California State Univ., Dominguez Hills –Global diffusion of the internet, networking in developing nations, computer support of cooperative work.

14 Seymour Goodman, Professor Eller College of Business and Public Administration The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona EDUCATION: Ph.D., California Institute of Technology AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: International developments in the information technologies (IT), technology diffusion, IT and national security, and related public policy issues, statistical and continuum physics and combinatorial algorithms Featured Researcher International

15 International Seymour Goodman Eli Noam Larry Press 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

16 Researchers Human-Computer Interaction/Psychology/ Visualization/Communication n Donald Norman, Apple Computer –Internet and academia n Jakob Nielsen –Usability of the web and designing of web sites n Peter Denning, George Mason University –Workflow management, high performance computing, security n David Liddle, Interval Research Corp., Stanford –Human-computer interaction and the computing industry n Terry Allen Winograd, Stanford –Human-computer interaction.

17 Donald Norman President, UNext Learning Systems Deerfield, IL USA EDUCATION: Ph.D., Mathematical Psychology, University of Pennsylvania AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Recognition psychology, the sensitivity and range of sensing and hearing, the power of human perception, and the design of human- centered technology. Currently working on distance learning. Featured Researcher HCI/Psychology/Visualization

18 Human-Computer Interaction/Psychology/ Visualization/Communication Donald Norman Jakob Nielsen Peter Denning David Liddle Terry Winograd 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

19 Researchers Social Issues and Ethics n Mary Culnan, Georgetown –Privacy Issues n Richard Mason, SMU –MIS History, Ethics n Rob Kling, Indiana University - Bloomington –Social Issues n Sara Kiesler, Carnegie Mellon University –Collective Communication Issues

20 Mary J. Culnan, Professor The McDonough School of Business Georgetown University Washington, D.C. 20057-1008 EDUCATION: Ph.D., Management, Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Social and public policy impacts of information technology and information privacy. Currently addressing consumer attitudes toward privacy and electronic marketing. Featured Researcher Social Issues and Ethics

21 Social Issues/Ethics Rob Kling Mary Culnan Richard Mason Sara Kiesler 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

22 Researchers SA&D / Software Engineering n Grady Booch, Rational Software Corporation –Pioneered the development of object-oriented analysis n Peter Checkland, Lancaster University –Nature of information systems n Watts Humphrey, SEI –Promotes Capability Maturity Model n Roger Pressman, R.S. Pressman and Associates –Helps companies establish effective SE practices n Edward Yourdon, Cutter Consortium –Developed the structured analysis methods of the 70s

23 Watts Humphrey, Fellow and Research Scientist Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA EDUCATION: MBA, University of Chicago AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Evangelist of CMU / SEI capability maturity model (CMM) Featured Researcher SA&D / Software Engineering

24 SA&D / Software Engineering Roger Pressman Peter Checkland Grady Booch Edward Yourdon Watts Humphrey 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

25 Researchers GSS n Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr., University of Arizona –computer supported collaboration and decision support to improve productivity and communication n Brent Gallupe, Queens University, Ontario –Electronic brainstorming, history of information systems n Jerry DeSanctis, Duke University –organizational computing, computer-supported cooperative work and management of information systems n Sara Kiesler, Carnegie Mellon University –group dynamics and communication n Judy Olsen, University of Michigan –Collaboration technology and human-computer interaction

26 Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr., Regents Professor Eller College of Business and Public Administration The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona EDUCATION: Ph.D. in SE and OR from Case Institute of Technology AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Computer supported collaboration and decision support to improve productivity and communication. Featured Researcher GSS

27 GSS Jay Nunamaker, Jr. Brent Gallupe Judy Olsen Jerry DeSanctis Sara Kiesler 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

28 Researchers Telecommunications/Security n Roch Guerin, University of Pennsylvania –Intersection of networking and quality-of-service n Aurel Lazar, Columbia University –Networking games and pricing, architectures, network management and control n Thomas Magnanti, MIT –Communication systems, production planning & scheduling n Steve McCanne, University of California, Berkeley –Multimedia networking, multicast communication protocols n David Wetherall, University of Washington –Mobile protocol development

29 Roch Guerin Department of Electrical Engineering University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104 EDUCATION: Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology, in 1986 AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Networking and Quality-of-Service, in particular the intersection of the two. Featured Researcher Telecommunications

30 Telecommunications/Security Roch Guerin Aurel Lazar David Wetherall Steve McCanne Thomas Magnanti 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

31 Researchers Database n E. F. Codd, IBM Research Laboratory –Relational Database Model n Peter Pin-Shan Chen, LSU –Database Design n Won Kim, Cyber Database Solutions, Inc., –Distributed Database System with Mathematical Approach n Salvatore T. March, University of Minnesota –Collective Communication Issues n Sudha Ram, University of Arizona –Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems with Technical Approach

32 Sudha Ram, Professor Eller College of Business and Public Administration The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona EDUCATION: Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: Semantic Modeling Semantic Interoperability Knowledge Management Featured Researcher Database

33 Database Sudha Ram Won Kim Peter Pin-Shan Chen E. F. Codd Salvatore March 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

34 Researchers Economics/Decision Science (DSS)/OR n Eric Brynjolfsson, MIT –IT and the structures of markets and firms, impact of IT investments on productivity and business value. n Morris Cohen, University of Pennsylvania –Three dimensional concurrent engineering for the design of products, processes and supply chains. n Hau Lee, Stanford University –Supply chain mgmt., manufacturing/distribution strategy n James Marsden, University of Connecticut –Management of information, DSS, legal issues. n Haim Mendelson, Stanford University –IT and time-based competition in financial markets

35 Eric Brynjolfsson, Professor Sloan School Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA EDUCATION: Ph.D., Managerial Economics, MIT AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: How IT transform the structures of markets and firms. The impact of IT investments on productivity and business value. How the Internet affects commerce and information goods. Featured Researcher Economics/Decision Science (DSS)/OR

36 Economics/Decision Science (DSS) Eric Brynjolfsson Hau Lee Morris Cohen Haim Mendelson James Marsden 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

37 Researchers Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management n Herbert A. Simon, Carnegie Mellon University –AI, psychology, economics n Gary Marchionini, University of North Carolina –Information seeking, digital libraries human-computer interaction,, information design, information policy n Gerard Salton (1927-1995), Cornell University –Natural-language processing, information retrieval n Hsinchun Chen, University of Arizona –Digital libraries, knowledge management, multi-lingual and distributed information retrieval n Thomas Davenport, University of Texas at Austin –Knowledge management

38 Herbert A. Simon Computer Science and Psychology Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA EDUCATION: Ph.D. in political science at the University of Chicago AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: From computer science to psychology, administration, and economics. The thread of continuity is his interest in human decision-making and problem-solving processes, and the implications of these processes for social institutions. He makes extensive use of the computer as a tool for both stimulating human thinking and augmenting it with artificial intelligence. Featured Researcher Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management

39 Information Retrieval, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management Gary Marchionini Thomas Davenport Hsinchun Chen Gerard Salton Herbert Simon 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

40 Researchers E-Commerce n Linda Applegate, Harvard University –Influence of info technology on markets and organizations n Alok Gupta, University of Connecticut –Internet user’s demand characteristics; on-line auctions n Ravi Kalakota, Georgia State University –Next generation of business models for E-commerce n Andrew Whinston, University of Texas at Austin –E-commerce impact on business processes n Vladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University –Editor-in-Chief International Journal of E-Commerce

41 Andrew B. Whinston, Professor Center for Research in Electronic Commerce College & Graduate School of Business University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas EDUCATION: Ph.D., Management, Carnegie Mellon University AREA(S) OF EXPERTISE: E-commerce impact on business protocols and processes, organizational structure & corporate networks; electronic publishing; electronic education Featured Researcher E-Commerce

42 E-Commerce Ravi Kalakota Linda Applegate Andrew Whinston Vladimir Zwass Alok Gupta 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

43 Key Controversies n Academic legitimacy. –Legitimacy of MIS as an academic discipline is not established. n Methods and methodologies. –Natural science v. social science background of researchers: Survey methodology. Case study research. Multiple methodologies and methods. System-building approach.

44 Conclusion 8 13 14 10 2 11 7 7 13 9 12345 1 5 2 4 3 Behavioral Technical Relevance Rigor

45 Conclusion n Field is well balanced –Rigor/Relevance Axis is centered and slightly skewed toward relevance, indicating a good balance between Rigor and Relevance. –Behavioral/Technical Axis is bi-modal, indicating that the discipline is split between the behavioral and the technical. –Existing/Emerging Axis is evenly distributed across the fields showing a balanced portfolio of subjects.

46 The End

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