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Ordering Decimals. Essential Standard I can compare and order decimals to the thousandths place.

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Presentation on theme: "Ordering Decimals. Essential Standard I can compare and order decimals to the thousandths place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ordering Decimals

2 Essential Standard I can compare and order decimals to the thousandths place.

3 Ordering Decimals When ordering decimals, we follow a series of steps.

4 Step One Highlight whether we are going from least to greatest or greatest to least. Place the following decimals in order from least to greatest. 0.3 0.12 0.37 Place the following decimals in order from least to greatest.

5 Step Two If the numbers are in a row, write them in a column. Place the following decimals in order from least to greatest. 0.3 0.12 0.37

6 Step Three Line up the decimal points. 0.3 0.12 0.37 onestenths hundredths thousandth s 0 0 0... 3 1 3 2 7

7 Step Four Put a zero at the end of decimal, if the numbers being compared are uneven. 0.3 0.12 0.37 onestenths hundredths thousandth s 0.3 0.12 0.37 0

8 Step Five Working LEFT to RIGHT, compare the numbers. onestenths hundredths thousandth s 0.30 0.12 0.37

9 Let’s See That Process Again!!!

10 Step One Highlight whether we are going from least to greatest or greatest to least. Place the following decimals in order from greatest to least. 6.15 6.157 6.2 Place the following decimals in order from greatest to least.

11 Step Two If the numbers are in a row, write them in a column. Place the following decimals in order from greatest to least. 6.15 6.157 6.2

12 Step Three Line up the decimal points. onestenths hundredths thousandth s 6 6 6... 1 1 2 5 6.15 6.157 6.2 5 7

13 Step Four Put a zero at the end of decimal, if the numbers being compared are uneven. 6.32 6.157 6.2 onestenths hundredths thousandth s 6.15 6.157 6.2 0 00

14 Step Five Working LEFT to RIGHT, compare the numbers. 6.156.1576.2 onestenths hundredths thousandth s 6.150 6.157 6.200

15 The Five Steps Highlight whether we are going from least to greatest or greatest to least. If the numbers are in a row, write them in a column. Line up the decimal points. Put a zero at the end of decimal, if the numbers being compared are uneven. Working LEFT to RIGHT, compare the numbers.

16 Now You Try! Using your sheet protector and template, order the decimals given to you by your teacher!

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