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Jason Warrington Boosting Positive Corporate Environmental and Social Impact at TerraCycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Jason Warrington Boosting Positive Corporate Environmental and Social Impact at TerraCycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jason Warrington Boosting Positive Corporate Environmental and Social Impact at TerraCycle

2 About Terracycle Founded in 2005 by Princetonian Tom Szaky Headquartered in Trenton, NJ with international offices in 14 countries Mission: Eliminate the idea of waste by creating national recycling systems for previously non-recyclable and hard to recycle materials.

3 My Internship Worked in the Executive Department Supervised by CAO, Richard Perl Reported to both Richard Perl and CEO, Tom Szaky Projects: Insurance, Waste Portfolios, Points Program

4 Project 1: Waste Portfolio Goal: Identify waste policies and infrastructure for dealing with waste in a given country to see how TerraCycle could operate within the system. Purpose: Currently, not a lot of competition in this field. TerraCycle trying to capture as much of the international market as possible. What I did: Research! Made a document summarizing my findings.

5 Project 2: Points Program Goal: Institute new points program in as many countries as possible. Purpose: TerraCycle aims to move away from just monetary reward for trash collection. Want to boost social/environmental impact that the company and customers have. Hope to boost collections. What I did: Worked with country leads, Helped them tailor the presentations for perspective charities, Negotiated charity gifts, Created contracts and acted as a liaison between international and US offices, Put the gifts on the respective sites.



8 What I Learned Interviewing/communication skills Research synthesis/presentation skills Legal aspects of doing business (ex. dealing with contracts) How to coach/manage/motivate people Website design (HTML)

9 Final Thoughts Working at TerraCycle was a great experience. Recommend it to those who are looking to get real world business experience. This internship helped solidify my interest in pursuing a “green” career in the future.

10 Special Thanks PEI Richard Perl and Tom Szaky Fellow Interns All of you!

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