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CHARLOTTE’S WEB By Gardiner Next ABOUT THIS BOOK Fern has taken care of her favorite pig, Wilbur, for a very long time. Her mother thinks it is time.

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2 CHARLOTTE’S WEB By Gardiner Next

3 ABOUT THIS BOOK Fern has taken care of her favorite pig, Wilbur, for a very long time. Her mother thinks it is time to sell Wilbur, but Fern is determined to keep him in her arms. One day Fern’s mother sold Wilbur to Fern’s uncle. They then decide that they will put Wilbur in the town fair. Read this book to find out what happens next! Next


5 FERN Fern loves animals and she doesn’t want Wilbur to be sold at all. She is a person who cares about wildlife and hates to see Wilbur go.

6 WILBUR Wilbur is a pig that can talk and doesn’t understand the world around him. He is curious and adventurous and needs a loving friend.

7 ABOUT THE AUTHOR E. B. White’s real name was Elwyn Brooks White. He was born on June 11 th, 1899. He died on October 1 st, 1985. Next



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