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ICT Action Plan Refresh
Presentation to Government Information Managers’ Group
Context The Government ICT Strategy and Action Plan to (GICTS&AP) was approved by Cabinet on 17 June The GICTS&AP is available at The GICTS&AP has two parts – the Strategy and the Action Plan the Strategy is to be refreshed every two years - first refresh due June 2015. the Action Plan is refreshed every year to ensure that the actions are constantly updated and maintained, with the next two years’ actions clearly articulated and accountabilities assigned.
Context – 2013 Action Plan In 2014, we refreshed the Action Plan component of the GICTSAP the refreshed Action Plan remains integrated with the Strategy the strategic intent, outcomes, and objectives remain the four Strategic Focus Areas and ICT System-wide Assurance remain The 2013 Action Plan: had four strategic focus areas: Services are digital by default; Information is managed as an asset; Investment and capability are shared; and Leadership and culture deliver change; comprised 36 action areas and 107 actions; and was underpinned by ICT System-wide Assurance.
Action Plan refresh overview
The refreshed Action Plan is business-led and agency-centric to ensure that the actions are valuable to and valued by agencies. The refresh strengthens the link of action areas and actions to agency business requirements and BPS Results, especially R9 and R10. The Action Plan refresh was undertaken as a collaborative exercise. This business- led engagement process recognised that information and technology are critical enablers for transformation and must be in harmony with the system and agency (central and line) strategic direction. We were looking to re-position the Action Plan to better link it to common agency business requirements and BPS Result requirements. The Action Plan refresh timeframe was scheduled to coincide with agency Four Year Planning cycles to provide the opportunity for agency Four Year Planning to inform AoG ICT Strategy and Action planning.
Action Plan refresh intent
The intent of the refresh, based on consultation with agencies, was to: simplify and rationalise the Action Plan, aiming for around 12 action areas (rather than the current 36). Action areas are ‘programme-like’ and more coherent, resulting in a more manageable portfolio re-position the Action Plan to better link it to common agency business requirements and BPS Result requirements; provide greater clarity of the purpose of the Action Plan – for example, that it: focuses on transformation and effectiveness; is about addressing system-level challenges and exploiting system-level opportunities; is not just about technology or agency ICT functions. Rather, it is about the ways in which information and technology are used to deliver better public services and enhance trust and confidence in government; provide clarity of the relationship of the Action Plan to BPS Results, key in-progress strategies and programmes, and Four Year Planning and agency Information System Strategic Plans (ISSPs); provide greater clarity of the governance (including assurance) of the Action Plan and the role of the GCIO and central agencies in regards to how transformative change will be enabled; and re-position the Action Plan as a change strategy about how agencies collectively and collaboratively transform.
Action Plan refresh consultation
An initial discovery and strawman phase involved individual and small group meetings with a wide selection of people from central and line agencies. A draft plan was developed to capture emerging themes from this consultation process. The focus groups and workshops were followed by a socialisation phase that involved presentations to agency, cross-agency leadership groups, and key industry representatives. We are finalising the approval of the Action Plan refresh following the socialisation phase from a number of stakeholders, including the Minister of Internal Affairs and other relevant Ministers. Also, endorsement has been obtained from the State Sector Reform Leadership Group. The refreshed action plan is effectively in operation now, and will be published around the end of February 2015
Engagement themes Common themes from engagement included:
joining up and having access to a wider set of information held by other agencies; collaborative joined-up service delivery – including with Non-Government Organisations; information analytics; and security and privacy. The plan includes action areas (Action areas 2 and 5) to develop capability to support collaborative service delivery and information sharing These areas describe the means by which organisations (agencies, NGOs, Not for Profit organisations, industry, etc.) can securely access digital services and information of other organisations for the purposes of better service delivery to customers. The action areas are critical enablers of Results 9 and 10 The concept of “MarketSpaces” was used during engagement to describe the set of capabilities that underpin these action areas
Relating the Action plan to other initiatives – the “Bridge”
Our intent was to focus the Action Plan on how information and technology can be used to better enable agency business requirements, deliver Better Public Services and enhance trust and confidence in government. To support this, the Action Plan consultation process outlined a “bridge” between the actions and key system-wide initiatives and priorities This “bridge” provides context on how the Action Plan: supports BPS Results, including explaining how the R9 Roadmap and R10 Blueprint link with the refreshed Action Plan. For example, some actions contained in the R9 Roadmap and R10 Blueprint will no longer be in the Action Plan; links with Agency Four Year Planning and ISSPs and how the Government ICT Strategy and Action Plan to provides a mandate for agencies; positions for the enablement of in-progress strategic planning activities such as the NZ Data Futures, Open Government Partnership, and Open Government Information and Data Programme; supports the fostering of NZ industry development and innovation; supports collaboration (including collaborative service delivery) with the non-government organisations, including industry; and will support faster transformation and the link / dependency on AoG business direction and strategies.
Action Plan Refresh Strawman
‘Bridge’ Agency Organisational Transformations R1-8 R9 R10 AoG Channel Strategy Future Workplace Geospatial Strategy NZ Data Futures Open Government Partnership Open Government Information and Data Programme Foster NZ Industry Development and Innovation Support 3rd Sector (NGOs, NfP) Service Delivery and Innovation Accelerate for Better Services Services are digital by default Leadership and culture deliver change Action Area 1 Improve online information quality and accessibility Action Area 2 Deliver joined-up service ‘infrastructure’ Action Area 9 Integrate strategy, architecture, and investment management Information is managed as an asset Action Area 3 Strengthen capability and use of data analytics Action Area 4 Accelerate the release of public information and data for re-use Action Area 5 Accelerate secure information exchange Action Area 6 Enhance data and information policy, legislation, and governance Action Area 10 Develop leadership and workforce capability Investment and capability are shared Action Area 7 Enhance existing common capabilities Action Area 8 Establish and leverage shared capabilities Action Area 11 Support functional and result leadership System Assurance Action Area 12 Strengthen the system of assurance Draft In-Confidence, Not Government Policy Version 0.7
Areas 1-2: Digital by default
Area 1: Online information quality & accessibiliy Area 2: Joined-up Services Supporting R9 & R10
Action areas 2 & 5: “MarketSpaces”
Purpose Participants Governance Policy / Legal Commercial Risk Access control Technology & standards Service management Developing capability to support collaborative service delivery and information sharing
Areas 3-6: Information as an Asset
Area 3: Data Analytics – Statistics NZ Area 4: Public information – LINZ Also LINZ Data Service (Action 8.9), SDI (Action 5.3) Area 5: “Infrastructure” for Information Exchange Area 6: Information Policy, Legislation and Governance Privacy Data governance maturity Legislation review (Strategic IM Programme)
Areas 7-8: Shared Investment & Capability
Area 7: Enhancing existing common capabilities Area 8: Establishing new shared capabilities Continuum from secondments and communities of practice through syndicated procurement, panel services, standardised “cookie cutter” services, multi-tenanted infrastructure services to fully-shared sevices
Areas 9-11: Leadership & Culture
Area 9: Strategy, architecture, and investment planning Government Enterprise Architecture for NZ (GEA-NZ) 4 year planning ISSPs Area 10: Leadership & workforce capability Area 11: Supporting functional Leadership
Area 12: Assurance Assurance framework Maturity models Assurance Panel
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