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CHE 242 Unit VIII The Structure, Properties, Reactions and Mechanisms of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Terrence P. Sherlock.

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Presentation on theme: "CHE 242 Unit VIII The Structure, Properties, Reactions and Mechanisms of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Terrence P. Sherlock."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHE 242 Unit VIII The Structure, Properties, Reactions and Mechanisms of Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE Terrence P. Sherlock Burlington County College 2004

2 Chapter 212 Acid Derivatives All can be converted to the carboxylic acid by acidic or basic hydrolysis. Esters and amides common in nature. =>

3 Chapter 213 Naming Esters Esters are named as alkyl carboxylates. Alkyl from the alcohol, carboxylate from the carboxylic acid precursor. isobutyl acetate 2-methylpropyl ethanoate benzyl formate benzyl methanoate =>

4 Chapter 214 Cyclic Esters Reaction of -OH and -COOH on same molecule produces a cyclic ester, lactone. To name, add word lactone to the IUPAC acid name or replace the -ic acid of common name with -olactone. 4-hydroxy-2-methylpentanoic acid lactone  -methyl-  -valerolactone =>

5 Chapter 215 Amides Product of the reaction of a carboxylic acid and ammonia or an amine. Not basic because the lone pair on nitrogen is delocalized by resonance. Bond angles around N are close to 120 . =>

6 Chapter 216 Classes of Amides 1  amide has one C-N bond (two N-H). 2  amide or N-substituted amide has two C-N bonds (one N-H). 3  amide or N,N-disubstituted amide has three C-N bonds (no N-H). =>

7 Chapter 217 Naming Amides For 1  amide, drop -ic or -oic acid from the carboxylic acid name, add -amide. For 2  and 3  amides, the alkyl groups bonded to nitrogen are named with N- to indicate their position. N-ethyl-N,2-dimethylpropanamide N-ethyl-N-methylisobutyramide =>

8 Chapter 218 Cyclic Amides Reaction of -NH 2 and -COOH on same molecule produces a cyclic amide, lactam. To name, add word lactam to the IUPAC acid name or replace the -ic acid of common name with -olactam. 4-aminopentanoic acid lactam  -valerolactam =>

9 Chapter 219 Nitriles -C  N can be hydrolyzed to carboxylic acid, so nitriles are acid derivatives. Nitrogen is sp hybridized, lone pair tightly held, so not very basic. (pK b about 24). =>

10 Chapter 2110 Naming Nitriles For IUPAC names, add -nitrile to the alkane name. Common names come from the carboxylic acid. Replace -ic acid with -onitrile. 5-bromohexanenitrile  -bromocapronitrile Cyclohexanecarbonitrile =>

11 Chapter 2111 Acid Halides More reactive than acids; the halogen withdraws e - density from carbonyl. Named by replacing -ic acid with -yl halide. benzoyl chloride 3-bromobutanoyl bromide  -bromobutyryl bromide =>

12 Chapter 2112 Acid Anhydrides Two molecules of acid combine with the loss of water to form the anhydride. Anhydrides are more reactive than acids, but less reactive than acid chlorides. A carboxylate ion is the leaving group in nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions. =>

13 Chapter 2113 Naming Anhydrides The word acid is replaced with anhydride. For a mixed anhydride, name both acids. Diacids may form anhydrides if a 5- or 6- membered ring is the product. ethanoic anhydride acetic anhydride 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic anhydride phthalic anhydride =>

14 Chapter 2114 Multifunctional Compounds The functional group with the highest priority determines the parent name. Acid > ester > amide > nitrile > aldehyde > ketone > alcohol > amine > alkene > alkyne. ethyl o-cyanobenzoate =>

15 Chapter 2115 Melting Points Amides have very high melting points. Melting points increase with increasing number of N-H bonds. m.p. -61  Cm.p. 28  Cm.p. 79  C =>

16 Chapter 2116 Solubility Acid chlorides and anhydrides are too reactive to be used with water or alcohol. Esters, 3  amides, and nitriles are good polar aprotic solvents. Solvents commonly used in organic reactions:  Ethyl acetate  Dimethylformamide (DMF)  Acetonitrile =>

17 Chapter 2117 IR Spectroscopy =>

18 Chapter 2118 1 H NMR Spectroscopy =>

19 Chapter 2119 Interconversion of Acid Derivatives Nucleophile adds to the carbonyl to form a tetrahedral intermediate. Leaving group leaves and C=O regenerates. =>

20 Chapter 2120 Reactivity Reactivity decreases as leaving group becomes more basic. =>

21 Chapter 2121 Interconversion of Derivatives More reactive derivatives can be converted to less reactive derivatives. =>

22 Chapter 2122 Hydrolysis of Acid Chlorides and Anhydrides Hydrolysis occurs quickly, even in moist air with no acid or base catalyst. Reagents must be protected from moisture. =>

23 Chapter 2123 Acid Hydrolysis of Esters Reverse of Fischer esterification. Reaches equilibrium. Use a large excess of water. =>

24 Chapter 2124 Saponification Base-catalyzed hydrolysis of ester. “Saponification” means “soap-making.” Soaps are made by heating NaOH with a fat (triester of glycerol) to produce the sodium salt of a fatty acid - a soap. One example of a soap is sodium stearate, Na + - OOC(CH 2 ) 16 CH 3. =>

25 Chapter 2125 Hydrolysis of Amides Prolonged heating in 6 M HCl or 40% aqueous NaOH is required. =>

26 Chapter 2126 Hydrolysis of Nitriles Under mild conditions, nitriles hydrolyze to an amide. Heating with aqueous acid or base will hydrolyze a nitrile to an acid. =>

27 Chapter 2127 Reduction to Alcohols Lithium aluminum hydride reduces acids, acid chlorides, and esters to primary alcohols. =>

28 Chapter 2128 Reduction to Aldehydes Acid chlorides will react with a weaker reducing agent to yield an aldehyde. =>

29 Chapter 2129 Reduction to Amines Lithium aluminum hydride reduces amides and nitriles to amines. Nitriles and 1  amides reduce to 1  amines. A 2  amide reduces to a 2  amine. A 3  amide reduces to a 3  amine. =>

30 Chapter 2130 Organometallic Reagents Grignard reagents and organolithium reagents add twice to acid chlorides and esters to give alcohols after protonation. =>

31 Chapter 2131 Grignard Reagents and Nitriles A Grignard reagent or organolithium reagent attacks the cyano group to yield an imine which is hydrolyzed to a ketone. =>

32 Chapter 2132 Acid Chloride Synthesis Use thionyl chloride, SOCl 2, or oxalyl chloride, (COCl) 2. Other products are gases. =>

33 Chapter 2133 Acid Chloride Reactions (1) acid ester amide acid anhydride =>

34 Chapter 2134 Acid Chloride Reactions (2) 3° alcohol ketone 1° alcohol aldehyde acylbenzene =>

35 Chapter 2135 Anhydride Reactions acid ester amide => acylbenzene

36 Chapter 2136 Anhydride vs. Acid Chloride Acetic anhydride is cheaper, gives a better yield than acetyl chloride. Use acetic formic anhydride to produce formate esters and formamides. Use cyclic anhydrides to produce a difunctional molecule. =>

37 Chapter 2137 Synthesis of Esters acid acid chloride acid anhydride methyl ester =>

38 Chapter 2138 Reactions of Esters acid ester amide 1° alcohol 3° alcohol =>

39 Chapter 2139 Lactones Formation favored for five- and six- membered rings. For larger rings, remove water to shift equilibrium toward products =>

40 Chapter 2140 Synthesis of Amides acid acid anhydrideesternitrile => acid chloride

41 Chapter 2141 Reactions of Amides acid and amine amine 1° amine => nitrile

42 Chapter 2142 Lactam Formation Five- and six-membered rings can be formed by heating  - and  -amino acids. Smaller or larger rings do not form readily. =>

43 Chapter 2143  -Lactams Highly reactive, 4-membered ring. Found in antibiotics isolated from fungi. Amide  ester !! =>

44 Chapter 2144 Synthesis of Nitriles 1° amide alkyl halide diazonium salt aldehyde or ketone cyanohydrin =>

45 Chapter 2145 Reactions of Nitriles ketone => amide acid 1° amine

46 Chapter 2146 Thioesters More reactive than esters because:  - S-R is a better leaving group than - O-R  Resonance overlap is not as effective. =>

47 Chapter 2147 Carbonic Acid Esters CO 2 in water contains some H 2 CO 3. Diesters are stable. Synthesized from phosgene. =>

48 Chapter 2148 Urea and Urethanes Urea is the diamide of carbonic acid. Urethanes are esters of a monoamide of carbonic acid. =>

49 Chapter 2149 Polymers Polycarbonates are long-chain esters of carbonic acid. Polyurethanes are formed when a diol reacts with a diisocyanate. =>


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