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Sentaurus TCAD Tutorial
With specific focus on Radiation Detector issues Francisco Rogelio Palomo Pinto Dept. Ingeniería Electrónica, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Pablo Fernández-Martínez Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM- CSIC) 26th RD 50 Workshop Santander 24th June 2015
I- Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD as a Finite Element Simulation Suite
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite I- Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD as a Finite Element Simulation Suite
Finite Element Simulation (I)
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite Finite Element Simulation (I) Our Problem: Solution of Laplace Equation and Continuity equations in regions Physics models: Works by modelling electrostatic potential (Poisson’s equation) and carrier continuity (drift-diffusion, dd, mainly) Poisson Electron continuity Hole continuity where (dd) See Fichtner, Rose, Bank, “Semiconductor Device Simulation”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 30 (9), pp1018, 1983 where (dd) Different versions of physics models available Different models of mobility, bandgap… Generation and recombination rates may include avalanche effects, charge generation by high-energy particles…
Finite Element Simulation (II)
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite Finite Element Simulation (II) Equations and solving methods Poisson and Continuity Equations to solve the Electrostatic potential carrier concentration Different Current Models for carrier transport (three options) 1. Drift-diffusion (isothermal) 2. Thermodynamics (temperature gradient) 3.Hydrodynamics (other gradients: temperature, concentration, effective mass) 1. Drift Difussion General Drift-Diffussion + Einstein relations + Lattice Temperature gradient 3. General Hydrodinamics 2. Thermodinamics
Finite Element Simulation (III)
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite Finite Element Simulation (III) Finite Element Method for Numerical Simulations (or how to solve Electromagnetic Partial Differential Equations, PDE, in a computer) 1. Discretizing the solution región into a finite number of elements 2. Deriving governing equations for a typical element (Test Functions) 3. Assembling all elements in the solution región (Variationals) 4. Solving the system of equations obtained (Iteration Solver) Test Function in terms of finite element vertex values Element Variational (potential energy) Total Energy PDE Solution in discretized region is the variational minimum 1 2 3 4 From Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics, M.N.O.Sadiku, 2nd Ed. CRC Press
Finite Element Simulation (IV)
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite Finite Element Simulation (IV) Newton-Raphson + Bank-Rose (damping) numerical solver 4. FEM analysis produces a set of nonlinear equations F(x)=0 to be solved by the Newton-Raphson (Bank-Rose) numerical algorithm x0= Initial Guess, k=0 Repeat { Compute F(xk),JF(xk) Solve JF(xk)Dxk+1=-F(xk) for Dxk xk+1=xk+limited(Dxk+1) k=k+1 } Until ||Dxk+1||, ||F(xk+1)|| small enough General N-R (B-R) algorithm Ex. Newton-Raphson for f(x)=0 Global approximate Newton methods, R.E.Bank, D.J.Rose, Numerische Mathematik, 1981, 37(2), pp
Finite Element Simulation (V) generate volumes for FEM meshing
I. Sentaurus TCAD as a FEM Simulation Suite Finite Element Simulation (V) Basic tools in a Finite Element simulator Automatic Mesher Creator tool (Sentaurus Structure Editor, SSE) Visualization tool (SVisual) Solver tool Sentaurus Device SVisual SSE: A CAD tool to generate volumes for FEM meshing
II- Working with Structures:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor II- Working with Structures: Sentaurus Structure Editor & Sentaurus Visual
Sentaurus Structure Editor:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Sentaurus Structure Editor: Can be fully managed with the comprehensive user interface options and menus Or introducing command code from a .scm file (more flexible and powerful) Tool used for creating the structures (devices) to be simulated Defining Device Materials and Geometry Defining and Placing Doping Regions Defining and Placing Contacts Command Script: > sde
Working with a .scm file:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Working with a .scm file: Diode.scm Example of a PiN Diode with Gaussian-Shaped N- and P-type electrodes, and constant lowly doped p-type substrate The .scm file includes the commands to: Create the structure (boundary) Define and place the contacts and doping regions Build a proper discretization mesh for the subsequent FEM simulation
Defining Regions and Materials:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Defining Regions and Materials: ; *** Creation of the substrate bulk (SUB) *** (sdegeo:create-rectangle (position Xmin Ymin 0) (position Xmax Ymax 0) “Silicon” “SUB”) ;*** Creation of the Oxide layers (OX_L & OX_R) (sdegeo:create-rectangle (position Xmin Ymin 0) (position XElectrodeN_Min YOx_max 0) “Oxide” “OX_L”) (sdegeo:create-rectangle (position XElectrodeN_Max Ymin 0) (position Xmax YOx_max 0) “Oxide” “OX_L”) SILICON OXIDE Entity Viewer
Identifying the edge segment where the contact will be placed
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Defining and Placing Contacts: ; *** Contact Declaration*** (sdegeo:define-contact-set “ElectrodeN” 4.0 (color:rgb ) “##”) (sdegeo:define-contact-set “ElectrodeP” 4.0 (color:rgb ) “##”) ;*** Contact placement (Electrode N)*** (define Xn (+ XElectrodeN_Min (/< DElectrodeN 2))) (define CN (find-edge-id (position Xn Ymin 0))) (sdegeo:set-current-contact-set “ElectrodeN” (sdegeo:set-contact-edges CN) ;*** Contact placement (Electrode P) *** (define Xp (+ Xmin (/ Xmax 2))) (define CP (find-edge-id (position Xp Ymax 0))) (sdegeo:set-current-contact-set “ElectrodeP” (sdegeo:set-contact-edges CP) Identifying the edge segment where the contact will be placed Electrode N Electrode P
Defining and Placing Doping Regions:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Defining and Placing Doping Regions: Regions with Constant Doping Single Command for defining and placing Doping Value ; *** Substrate: Constant Doping*** (sdepe:doping-constant-placement “Sub_Dop_Placement” “BoronActiveConcentration” Dop_Sub “SUB”) Regions with Gaussian Profile ; *** N-Type Electrode: Gaussian profile*** (sdedr:define-refeval-window "DRW_NPlus" "Line" (position XElectrodeN_Min Ymin 0) (position XElectrodeN_Max Ymin 0)) (sdedr:define-gaussian-profile "DGP_NPlus" "PhosphorusActiveConcentration" "PeakPos" YElectrodeN_Peak "PeakVal" Dop_Nplus "ValueAtDepth" Dop_Sub "Depth" YElectrodeN_Junction "Gauss" "Factor" LatFactor) (sdedr:define-analytical-profile-placement "APP_NPlus" "DGP_NPlus" "DRW_NPlus" "Positive" "NoReplace" "Eval") Window Profile Placement Window Nplus Window Pplus Before the mesh building, SDE only shows Ref. windows
Defining and Placing a discretization mesh:
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Defining and Placing a discretization mesh: ; *** N-Type Electrode Refinement*** (sdedr:define-refeval-window "RFW_Nplus" "Rectangle" (position XElectrodeN_Min Ymin 0) (position XElectrodeN_Max YElectrodeN_Junction 0)) (sdedr:define-refinement-size "RFS_Nplus" (/ DElectrodeN 10) (/ tElectrodeN 2) (/ DElectrodeN 2000) (/ tElectrodeN 50)) (sdedr:define-refinement-function "RFS_Nplus" "DopingConcentration" "MaxTransDiff" 0.4) (sdedr:define-refinement-placement "RFP_Nplus" "RFS_Nplus" "RFW_Nplus") Window Size Placement A function can be defined to adapt the mesh size to the Doping variation Ref. General Ref. NPlus Ref. PPlus
Recent Versions only include Svisual as the viewer tool
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Building the discretization mesh: Recent Versions only include Svisual as the viewer tool
Imput File for the FEM Simulations
II. Working with Structures: S. Structure Editor Building the discretization mesh: SDE viewer Several files are created while building the mesh Diode_msh.cmd Diode_msh.log Diode_bnd.tdr Diode_msh.tdr Imput File for the FEM Simulations
II. Working with Structures: SVisual
Sentaurus Visual: Preferred tool for visualizing structures and representing fields and curves
In Recent Versions Build mesh Command links directly to svisual
II. Working with Structures: SVisual Inspecting the created structure: Visualizing mesh In Recent Versions Build mesh Command links directly to svisual
Inspecting the created structure: Visualizing Fields (Doping)
II. Working with Structures: SVisual Inspecting the created structure: Visualizing Fields (Doping) Phosphorus Active Concentration Boron Active Concentration
III- Finite Element Method Simulations:
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice III- Finite Element Method Simulations: Sentaurus Device
Sentaurus Device: Device Mode Mixed Mode Tool used for FEM Simulations
II. FEM Simulations: SDevice Sentaurus Device: Sdevice has not a graphical interface. Instructions are introduced from a command file (.cmd) Tool used for FEM Simulations Device Mode Mixed Mode Devices in the Circuit Files to Solve the Model File with Spice elements Physics Models Elements in the Circuit and their connections Types of Analysis: Quasistationary, Transient, ACCoupled
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode Diode_IV.cmd File { Grid = “Diode_msh.tdr” Current = “Diode_IV.plt” Plot = “Diode_IV.tdr” Output = “Diode_IV.log” } Electrode { {Name=“ElectrodeN” Voltage = 0.0} } Physics { AreaFactor = 1 Temperature = 300 Mobility ( DopingDependence eHighFieldSaturation hHighFieldSaturation Enormal CarrierCarrierScattering ) Recombination ( SRH (DopingDependence) Auger (withGeneration) Avalanche (UniBo Eparallel) Band2Band (Hurkx) EffectiveIntrinsicDensity (OldSlotboom) } Math { #Cylindrical Method=Pardiso Number_of_threads = 4 Stacksize= Extrapolate Derivatives AvalDerivatives RelErrControl Iterations=15 Notdamped=60 BreakCriteria { Current (Contact = "ElectrodeN" maxval = 1e-8) }
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode (Quasistationary)
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode (Quasistationary) Diode_IV.cmd Plot { eDensity hDensity eCurrent/Vector hCurrent/Vector Current/Vector Potential ElectricField/Vector SpaceCharge eMobility hMobility eVelocity hVelocity DopingConcentration DonorConcentration AcceptorConcentration srhRecombination AugerRecombination AvalancheGeneration eAvalanche hAvalanche TotalRecombination } Solve { Coupled (Iterations=50) {Poisson} Coupled (Iterations=15) {Hole Poisson} Coupled (Iterations=15) {Electron Hole Poisson} QuasiStationary ( InitialStep = 1e-6 MaxStep = 0.01 MinStep = 1e-9 Goal {Name="ElectrodeN" Voltage=1000} Plot {Range = (0 1) Intervals=2} ) { Coupled {Hole Electron Poisson} Plot ( FilePrefix="IV_" Time=(0.01; 0.05; 0.1; 0.5) NoOverwrite }
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode Diode_IV.plt
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode .tdr Files
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Device Mode Simple Simulation: I-V curve on a Diode
Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled)
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled) Diode_CV.cmd device Diode { Electrode { .…. } File { Grid = "Diode_msh.tdr" Current = "Diode_CV_1kHz.plt" Plot = "Diode_CV_1kHz.tdr" Physics { ..... Plot { } #End device Diode System { Diode diodesystem ("ElectrodeN"=front "ElectrodeP"=0) Vsource_pset vn (front 0) {dc=0} } File { Output ="Diode_CV_1kHz.log" ACExtract = "Diode_CV_AC_1kHz.plt"
Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled)
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled) Diode_CV.cmd Solve { Coupled (Iterations=50) {Poisson} Coupled (Iterations=15) {Hole Poisson} Coupled (Iterations=15) {Electron Hole Poisson} Coupled (Iterations=15) {Electron Hole Poisson Contact} QuasiStationary ( InitialStep = 1e-6 MaxStep = 1e-2 MinStep = 1e-7 Increment = 2 Decrement = 4 Goal {Parameter = vn.dc Voltage=100} ) { ACCoupled ( StartFrequency=1e3 EndFrequency=1e3 NumberOfPoints =1 Decade Iterations=15 Node (front) ACMethod=Blocked ACSubMethod("diodesystem")=ParDiSo ){ Poisson Electron Hole Contact Circuit} }
Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled)
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Mixed Mode Simple Simulation: C-V curve on a Diode (AC Coupled)
Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact Diode_HI.cmd Physics { …... HeavyIon ( Direction = (0,1) Location = (200, 0) Time = 1e-9 Length = [ ] Wt_hi = [ ] LET_f =[0 8.7e-6 8.7e-6 0] Gaussian PicoCoulomb ) } Solve { ……. NewCurrentPrefix = "trans_" Transient ( InitialTime = 0 FinalTime = 35e-9 MinStep = 1e-17 MaxStep = 1e-10 ){Coupled { Poisson Electron Hole Circuit } Plot (FilePrefix="TransHI_" Time=(0.5e-9; 1e-9; 2e-9; 5e-9; 10e-9) NoOverwrite) }
Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact
Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact HeavyIonGeneration
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact HeavyIonChargeDensity
Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Heavy Ion Impact hDensity
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination Diode_Opt.cmd Optics ( OpticalGeneration ( ComputeFromMonochromaticSource () TimeDependence ( WaveTime = (1e-9 1e-9) WaveTSigma = 50e-12 ) Scaling = 0 Excitation ( Wavelength = 0.8 *um Intensity = 0.06 *W/cm2 Window("L1") ( Origin = (200,0) XDirection = (1,0,0) Line (Dx = 10) Theta = 0 * Angle from positive y-axis OpticalSolver ( OptBeam ( LayerStackExtraction ( WindowName ="L1" WindowPosition = Center Mode = ElementWise ComplexRefractiveIndex (WavelengthDep (real imag)) Solve { ……. NewCurrentPrefix = "trans_" Transient ( InitialTime = 0 FinalTime = 60e-9 MinStep = 1e-17 MaxStep = 1e-10 ){Coupled { Poisson Electron Hole Circuit } }
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination Optical Generation 800 nm
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination Optical Generation 1064 nm
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination hDensity 800 nm
Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Transient Simulation: Laser Illumination hDensity 1064 nm
Mixed Simulation with a more complicated circuit
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Mixed Simulation with a more complicated circuit System { Set(ground=0) Vsource_pset V_bias (cathode ground) {dc=0} Diode diodesystem ("ElectrodeN"=cathode "ElectrodeP"=anode) Inductor_pset L_leak(anode ground){inductance=1e6} #CSF input capacitance Capacitor_pset C_in (anode ground){capacitance=1e-12} #CSF passive feedback network: Capacitor_pset C_csf (anode out) {capacitance=8e-15} Resistor_pset R_csf (anode out) {resistance=100e6} #CSA amp internal out resistence Resistor_pset R_sh(out ground){resistance=1} #CSA external capacitance Capacitor_pset C_out (out ground){capacitance=1e-12} Plot "CircuitCSF" (time() v(anode ground) v(out ground) v(anode out) i(L_leak anode) i(C_in anode) i(R_sh out) i(C_out out))} # Detector connected to a CSF (charge sensitive filter) #Vbias between ground and cathode #Detector between cathode and anode #C_in between anode and ground #CSF Passive network #L_leak between anode and ground #C_csf and R_csf between anode and outamp #R_outamp between outamp and ground
Mixed Simulation with a more complicated circuit
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Mixed Simulation with a more complicated circuit
Simulation of the Radiation Effects
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Simulation of the Radiation Effects Diode_Rad_IV.cmd Diode_Rad_CV.cmd Physics (material="Silicon") { Traps ( (Acceptor Level EnergyMid=0.42 fromCondBand Conc=2.3226E15 Randomize=0.29 eXsection=9.5E-15 hXsection=9.5E-14) #Conc=Fluence*1.1613 (Acceptor Level EnergyMid=0.46 fromCondBand Conc=1.8E15 Randomize=0.23 eXsection=5E-15 hXsection=5E-14 ) #Conc=Fluence*0.9 (Donor Level EnergyMid=0.36 fromValBand Conc=1.8E15 Randomize=0.31 eXsection=3.23E-13 hXsection=3.23E-14 ) ) } Physics (MaterialInterface="Oxide/Silicon") { # Traps (FixedCharge Conc=5e10 ) Charge(Conc=1.5e11)
Simulation of the Radiation Effects : I-V Simulation
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Simulation of the Radiation Effects : I-V Simulation
Simulation of the Radiation Effects : C-V Simulation
III. FEM Simulations: SDevice Simulation of the Radiation Effects : C-V Simulation
Sentaurus Workbench & Sentaurus Process
IV. Additional Tools: SWorkbench & SProcess IV- Additional Tools: Sentaurus Workbench & Sentaurus Process
Sentaurus Workbench (SWB)
IV. Additional Tools: Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Workbench (SWB) A window-like interface to manage the different tools and the simulation flow It creates simulation trees with variation of parameter in a matrix organization Every instance in SWB is called “project”. When a project is saved, a directory is created, containing ASCII files with the details of the saved project.
Sentaurus Workbench (SWB)
IV. Additional Tools: Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Workbench (SWB) Essential vocabulary: Tool: one of the Sentaurus TCAD tools (e.g. sde, sdevice, svisual, etc…) Parameter: a variable (it can be a dimension, a physical property, a logic flag, etc…) Experiment: a row in the simulation matrix (with a certain value for each parameter) Node: a point in the simulation matrix. They can be real (if they can be executed) or virtual (if they cannot be executed)
Sentaurus Workbench (SWB)
IV. Additional Tools: Sentaurus Workbench Sentaurus Workbench (SWB) Command file used to execute the simulations without SWB, can be used as the input file when a new tool is added to the SWB project Parameters should be indicated in the file always between SDE input File Sdevice input File ..... (define Thickness ……. (sde:build-mesh “snmesh” “ “ File { Grid = Current = Plot = Output = } ….. Solve { …… ACCoupled ( ) ……. Build-mesh command should be included at the end of the script A number of complete examples are included in SWB
IV. Additional Tools: SProcess
Sentaurus Process Tool for emulating the technological steps of a fabrication process It allows emulating: Deposition of layers of different materials Localized etching of material with a mask Ion implantation Diffusion of the implanted species (thermal steps) Oxide and epitaxial growth Etc… (almost any process you can perform in a real clean room) A specific mesh is created to solve the process emulation equations It is a powerful tool, that can faithfully reproduce the fabrication processes of a given clean room. Usually, this mesh is not suitable for device simulation
Complete Process Emulation Re-meshing and adjustment
IV. Additional Tools: SProcess Sentaurus Process: Point of view from a foundry General Simulation flow Complete Process Emulation Re-meshing and adjustment FEM Simulation Regular use of Sprocess in a foundry (at least at IMB-CNM) 1st Mode: From device performance to fabrication process Combined SDE and Sdevice Simulations are performance to obtain a given characteristic Sprocess simulation is performed to determine the technological steps that can give us the desired characteristic 2nd Mode: From fabrication process to device performance A given technological step is simulated with sprocess The performance of the whole device is analyzed with the aid of a SDE+Sdevice simulation
Thanks for your attention
IV. Additional Tools: SProcess Thanks for your attention
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