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Behavioral Design Patterns October 19, 2015October 19, 2015October 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavioral Design Patterns October 19, 2015October 19, 2015October 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavioral Design Patterns October 19, 2015October 19, 2015October 19, 2015

2 Behavioral Patterns – 1 Command Command Iterator Iterator Mediator Mediator Observer Observer Strategy Strategy Template Method Template Method

3 Behavioral Patterns – 2 Chain of Responsibility Chain of Responsibility Interpreter Interpreter Momento Momento State State Visitor Visitor

4 Iterator Design Purpose Design Purpose –Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –Encapsulate the iteration in a class pointing (in effect) to an element of the aggregate

5 Iterator Interface Iterator { // move to first item: void first(); // if it is at last item: boolean isDone(); // move point to next item: void next(); // Return the current: Object currentItem(); }

6 Using Iterator /* To perform desiredOperation() on items in the container according to the iteration (order) i: */ Iterator i = IteratorObject; for(i.first(); !i.isDone(); desiredOperation(i.currentItem());

7 Iterator Sample Code // Suppose that we have iterators for forward and // backward order: we can re-use print_employees() List employees = new List(); Iterator fwd = employees.createForwardIterator(); Iterator bckwd = employees.createBackwardIterator(); // print from front to back client.print_employees(fwd); // print from back to front client.print_employees(bckwd);

8 Using Iterator Class Client extends … { print_employees(Iterator it) { for(it.first(); !it.isDone(); { print(i.currentItem()); } // other operations }

9 Iterator Class Model ClientIterator first() next() isDone() currentItem() Container createIterator() append() remove() ConcreteIterator return new ConcreteIterator(this) ConcreteContainer createIterator()

10 Iterator - Question What is the difference between the two clients Class Client1 { void operation( Container c) { Iterator it = c.createIterator(); for (it.first(); it.isDone(); { Object item = it.currentItem(); // process item } } Class Client2 { void operation( Iterator it) { for (it.first(); it.isDone(); { Object item = it.currentItem(); // process item } }

11 Iterator - Question Client1 IteratorContainer Client2 Client1 is dependent upon two interfaces: Iterator and Container Client2 is dependent upon only one interface: Iterator

12 Iterator in Java - 1 Interface Iterator { // check if there are more elements. boolean hasNext();hasNext // Returns the next element in the iteration. E next() // Removes from the underlying collection next // the last element returned by the iterator // (optional operation). // (optional operation). void remove(); remove }

13 Iterator in Java - 2 import java.util.Iterator; public class ArrayListViaListWithIterator { private Node head, tail; private int count; public ArrayListViaLinkedListWithInnerIterator() { head = null; tail = null; count = 0; } public Iterator iterator() { return new ALIterator(); } public void add(int i, E e) { … } public E get(int i) { … } public boolean isEmpty() { … } public E remove(int i) { … } public E set(int i, E e) { … } public int size() { … }

14 Iterator in Java - 3 private class Node { private E item; private Node next; Node(E i, Node n) { … } public E getItem() { … } public void setItem(E item) {{ … } public Node getNext() { … } public void setNext(Node next) { … } }

15 Iterator in Java - 4 private class ALIterator implements Iterator { private Node cursor; public AIIterator() { cursor = head; } public boolean hasNext() { return cursor != null; } public E next() { Node tmp = cursor; cursor = cursor.getNext(); return tmp.getItem(); } public void remove() { throw new RuntimeException("not supported"); } } // end of Iterator } // end of ArrayList

16 Observer Design Purpose Design Purpose –Arrange for a set of objects to be affected by a single object. Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –The single object aggregates the set, calling a method with a fixed name on each member.

17 Observer - example

18 Observer - Structure 1..n for o: observers o.update(this); observers Subject attach(Observer) detach(Observer) notify() Observer update(subject) ConcreteSubject subjectState getState() setState() ConcreteObserver observerState update(Subject s) // change state notify(); … s.getState(); …

19 Observer: Sequence diagram ClientO1:Observer:SubjectO2: Observer setState() notify() getState() update()

20 Observer in Java Observable notifyObservers() attach(Observer) detach(Observer) Observer update(Observable, Object ) MyObservable subjectState MyConcreteObserver observerState update(…) subject

21 Observer : Key Concept -- to keep a set of objects up to date with the state of a designated object.

22 Mediator Design Purpose Design Purpose –Avoid references between dependent objects. Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –Capture mutual behavior in a separate class.

23 Mediator - example




27 Mediator - Model MediatorColleague ConcreteMediator Colleague_BColleague_A

28 Mediator Sequence Diagram ClientA:Colleague_A:Mediator B: Colleague_B request() takeAction_1() mediate() :MediatorC: Colleague_A takeAction_2() takeAction_3()

29 Key Concept: Mediator -- to capture mutual behavior without direct dependency.

30 Command Design Purpose Design Purpose –Increase flexibility in calling for a service e.g., allow undo-able operations. Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –Capture operations as classes.

31 Command - Structure Client Invoker +request() ConcreteCommand execte() State Command execute(); receiver.action() receiver Receiver action()

32 Command – Sequence Diagram C: ConcreteCmdR:Receiver:ClientInvoker new ConcreteCmd( R ) action() execute() new Invoker( C )

33 A B: A composed in B Command - Example Cut:Button Clicked() CopyCommand execte() Command execute(); doc.copy() doc Document copy() cut() command command.execute() CutCommand execte() doc doc.cut() Copy:Button Clicked() command.execute() command Cut:MenuItem Selected() command.execute()

34 Command – Setup C:CopyCommandd:Doc X:CutCommand new Doc() aClient new CutCommand( d ) new CopyCommand( d ) Cut:Button Copy:ButtonCut:MenuItem new MenuItem( x ) new Button( x ) new Button( c )

35 Command – Sequence Diagram Cut:ButtonCopyCommandCommand DocumentCutCommandCopy:ButtonCut:MenuItem selected() execute() cut() clicked() cut() execute() clicked() copy() execute()

36 Key Concept - Command -- to avoid calling a method directly (e.g., so as to record or intercept it).

37 Strategy Design Purpose Design Purpose –Allow the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable

38 Strategy - Example PlayerPool chooseTwo() Sorter sort() MergerSorter sort() BubbleSorter sort()... sorter.sort();... sorter

39 Strategy - Model Context contextInterface() Strategy Algorithm() ConcreateStrategyA algorithm() strategy ConcreateStrategyB algorithm() ConcreateStrategyC algorithm()

40 Strategy - participants Strategy (Sorter) Strategy (Sorter) –Declare an interface for the family of algorithms ConcreteStrategy (BubbleSort and MergeSort) ConcreteStrategy (BubbleSort and MergeSort) –Implementations of the algorithms. Context (PlayerPool) Context (PlayerPool) –Configured with a ConcreteStrategy object –Maintains a reference to a Strategy object –May define an interface that lets Strategy to access its data Collaborations Collaborations –Strategy and Context interact to implement the chosen algorithm. A context may make itself access to the algorithm –A context forwards requests from its clients to its strategy. Clients usually decide which ConcreteStrategy to use for the given context

41 Strategy – sample code Class PlayerPool { ArrayList players; Comparator c; Sorter sorter; PlayerPool(Comparator c, Sorter s) { this.c = c; this.sorter = s; } Player[] chooseTwo() { sorter.sort(players, c); players[0] = players.remove(); players[1] = players.remove(); return players; } Interface Sorter { void sort(List list, Comparator c) } Class BubbleSort implements Sorter { void sort(List l, Comparator c) } Class MergeSort implements Sorter { void sort(List l, Comparator c) } Class Client { void main() { Player players[2]; Comparator c = new PriorityComp(); Sorter s = new BubbleSort(); PlayerPool vip = new PlayerPool(c, s); players = vip.chooseTwo(); // use players to form a game } Actually, Comparator for sort() is a strategy in this example

42 Template Method Design Purpose Design Purpose –Allow subclasses to redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithm’s structure Design Pattern Summary Design Pattern Summary –Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operations, deferring some steps to subclasses

43 Template Method - Example Document save() open() close() read() App addDoc() openDoc() createDoc() canOpenDoc() MyApp createDoc() canOpenDoc() docs MyDocument read() return new MyDocument()

44 Template Method - example Class App { List docs; void openDoc(String file) { if (!canOpenDoc(file)) { // cannot handle this doc return; } Document doc = createDoc(file); docs.add(doc);;; } The openDoc() of App is a template method which uses steps (canOpenDoc ()and createDoc()) that are provided by subclasses (MyApp) The openDoc() of App is a template method which uses steps (canOpenDoc ()and createDoc()) that are provided by subclasses (MyApp)

45 Template Method - Model AbstractClass templateMethod() primitiveOperation1() primitiveOperation2() ConcreteClass primitiveOperation1() primitiveOperation2() { // other operations primitiveOperation1(); primitiveOperations(); }

46 Template Method - participants AbstractClass (App) AbstractClass (App) –Define an algorithm as an operation which uses abstract primitive operations (as steps of the algorithm) that are to be implemented by subclasses of AbstractClass –Template method may call other operations defined in AbstractClass ConcreteClass (MyApp) ConcreteClass (MyApp) –Implement the abstract primitive operations that are used in the template method. Collaborations Collaborations –ConcreteClass relies on AbstractClass to implement the invariant steps of the algorithm.

47 Iterator visits members of a collection Iterator visits members of a collection Mediator captures behavior among peer objects Mediator captures behavior among peer objects Observer updates objects affected by a single object Observer updates objects affected by a single object Command captures function flexibly (e.g. undo-able) Command captures function flexibly (e.g. undo-able) Summary

48 Other Patterns Chain of Responsibility Chain of Responsibility –Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request Interpreter Interpreter –Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language

49 Other Patterns Memento Memento –Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object’s internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later State State –Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

50 Other Patterns Strategy Strategy –Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Template Method Template Method –Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses

51 Other Patterns Visitor Visitor –Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. A new operation may be encapsulated in a Visitor without the need to change the classes of the elements which it operates on

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