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SART: Strategy Assessment and Revision Tool A Tool for Evaluating, Revising, or Creating Plans PART FOUR A division of the ESC of Central Ohio linking.

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Presentation on theme: "SART: Strategy Assessment and Revision Tool A Tool for Evaluating, Revising, or Creating Plans PART FOUR A division of the ESC of Central Ohio linking."— Presentation transcript:

1 SART: Strategy Assessment and Revision Tool A Tool for Evaluating, Revising, or Creating Plans PART FOUR A division of the ESC of Central Ohio linking research to real life. Co-Developers Wendy Szakacs OCALI Regional Consultant Chris Filler OCALI Program Director Lifespan Transitions Center

2 Consideration of the Incredible 5-Point Scale Person Josh Environment Workshop Some verbal Communication Behavior Assessment Anxiety reactions – “Fight or Flight” Difficulty recognizing internal emotions

3 Consider the “Incredible 5-Point Scale” Controls emotional reactions Student participates Identifies problem Enhances alternative, positive behaviors

4 RatingDescriptionWhat to try 5 HAVE TO BE DONE! Have to leave the room Go to Sensory Room. Do calming sequence 4 Dizzy; can’t workTake a breather – walk around area for a few minutes 3 Stomach ‘tight’, ‘upset’ or ‘hurt’ Deep breaths 2 “Buzzing” in my upper arms Squeeze a fidget 1 Chilling out; able to pay attention; able to work Keep it going Josh’s Incredible 5-Point Scale

5 Five Point Scale Visual/Tactil e: Yes! Sensory: Can include sensory based interventions Positive Reinforcement: Uses desirable outcomes as part of the focus Individualized, Motivating: Each scale is designed for the specific person Teaches What To Do Yes, the scale should help identify the issues and suggest alternative s Predictable and Consistent Although it can be modified, the scale is familiar and unchanging Implemented with Consistency The strategy emphasizes the need for all to use consistently

6 Josh’s SART YES?NO?MAYBE? 5 Point Scale

7 Consideration of Hand Over Hand Prompting Individual Molly Environment Day Program A few spoken words Behavior Assessment “Difficulty completing tasks” Yelling, kicking, biting is communication and VERY Sensory sensitive

8 Hand Over Hand A Physical Prompt: Adult guides hand of individual to complete an action or task Goal: Staff will assist Molly in learning how to complete work task independently

9 Hand over Hand Prompting Visual/Tactile: To an extent, but is not static. May not be clear as only prompting, not demonstrating Sensory: Can violate a person’s personal space Positive Reinforcement: Not Required as part of the strategy Individualized, Motivating: Possibly, but does not take into consideration individualization as a necessary part of the strategy Teaches What to Do: Yes Predictable and Consistent: Can be if the facilitator assures it is provided under the same conditions each time Reliable implementation: Can be if the support staff carefully evaluates how and when the strategy is implemented

10 Molly’s SART YES?NO?MAYBE? Hand Over Hand Prompt

11 Hand over Hand Prompting Revised Visual/Tactile: Create a picture sequence of task Sensory: Hand UNDER Hand. Stand to side if possible- Do not ‘trap’ Positive Reinforcement: Extra time with favorite staff after task completed Individualized, Motivating: Add music during task. Sing steps maybe? Teaches What to Do: Yes Predictable and Consistent: Yes. Make sure everyone knows the Plan! Reliable implementation: Yes. Start with same person. Make sure everyone knows how to implement

12 Consideration of Verbal Prompting and Instruction Individual Marcus Minimal Communication – Few Words Environment Day Program Community Exploration Behavior Assessment Yells, Throws Items, Pinches sometimes when getting on van/going in new community setting Anxiety. Not sure what to expect. Schedule Changes.

13 Verbal Prompting and Instruction Verbal Prompting Instruction: Support Person telling individual what to do and how it can be done. Goal: Staff will assist Marcus to move calmly to and from van to new environments

14 VERBAL Prompting & Instruction Visual/Tactile: Nope Sensory: May be difficult to tolerate if he has auditory sensitivity Positive Reinforcement: Not generally considered as part of verbal prompting Individualized, Motivating: Possibly. Could consider the individual's communication style Teaches What to Do: Yes! Predictable and Consistent: Could Be. If everyone uses the exact same words/process Reliable implementation: Could Be. If the support staff carefully evaluate how and when the strategy is implemented

15 Marcus’ SART YES?NO?MAYBE? Verbal Prompting

16 Verbal Prompting and Instruction Revised Visual/Tactile: Create a visual schedule / picture sequence. Visual Choices Sensory: Well Paced Language. Initial activities are short Positive Reinforcement: High Fives! “Nice Choice’! “So glad you are joining us!” Individualized, Motivating: High Interest Activities Only (to start) Teaches What to Do: Yes. Predictable and Consistent: Same Schedule, Same Plan, Same Approach. Practice with Marcus Reliable implementation: Train Staff Intensely.

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