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Delmar Learning Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning company Chapter 22 Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents.

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Presentation on theme: "Delmar Learning Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning company Chapter 22 Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delmar Learning Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning company Chapter 22 Care of Infants, Children and Adolescents

2 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Health Status of Children in the United States 1 in 2 children lives in a single parent family 1 in 3 children is born to unmarried parents 1 in 3 children lives in poverty 1 in 8 children is born to a teenage mother

3 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Health Care Coverage of Children 10.8 million children lack health care coverage

4 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Immigration Status 14 million immigrant children Risk factors

5 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Family-centered Nursing Perspectives Family as basic unit of care Social, economic, political, and cultural factors Role of the community

6 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Developmental Processes Definable, predictable, and sequential pattern Growth Maturation

7 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Basic Assumptions – Developmental Theory Childhood is the foundational period of life Growth and development are continuous Behavior is purposeful and goal directed Physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth

8 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Fetal Development and Prenatal Care Priority Teratogenic effects Low birth weight Prenatal risk assessment

9 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Medically Related Risk Factors Age Preexisting medical conditions Socioeconomic status Lack of access to care

10 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Medically Related Risk Factors Diabetes mellitus/gestational diabetes Reproductive history Maternal infections Pregnancy induced hypertension Fetal and maternal abnormalities

11 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Psychosocial Factors and Health Behavior Maternal stress Maternal nutrition Cigarette smoking Substance abuse

12 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Environmental Hazards Radiation Chemical waste Contaminated water Food additives Pollutants

13 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Indicators of Infant and Child Health Status Infant mortality rate Low birth weight and child health

14 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Nutritional Needs and Child Infant Nutrition  Period of rapid growth and development Recommendations  Breast milk – first 4 to 6 months  Semisolids at 4 to 6 months

15 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Toddler and Preschool Nutrition Small portions of food Finger foods Balanced diet

16 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Nutrition of School-Aged Children Growth slows Eat less in proportion to size Balanced diet Monitor sugar intake

17 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Adolescent Nutrition Rapid physical growth Increased nutritional requirements Encourage well-balanced meals

18 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Adolescent Nutritional Problems Peer influence on nutritional intake Obesity  Health-related risks

19 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Eating Disorders Anorexia nervosa Bulimia nervosa Binge eating Community Health Nurse’s Role

20 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Immunization Recommendations Hepatitis B Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis H. Influenza Inactivated Polio

21 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Immunization Recommendations Pneumococcal Conjugate Measles, Mumps, Rubella Varicella Hepatitis A

22 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Dental Health Primary dentition Care of teeth Fluoride Common Dental Problems

23 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Guidelines for Selecting Child Care Assess  Child Care Provider  Child Care Setting –Safety  Play/Learning Opportunities

24 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Family and Cultural Health Practices Schools

25 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Major Child Health Problems Failure to thrive Cigarette smoking Unintentional injury Lead poisoning Poverty

26 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Major Child Health Problems Child abuse Attention deficit/hyperactivity Effects of television/media on child/adolescent health Internet safety

27 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Interventions Parenting education Positive discipline guidelines

28 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Major Adolescent Health Problems Tobacco Violence Drug abuse Alcoholism/alcohol abuse

29 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Adolescent Health Problems Sexual activity HIV and AIDs Adolescent pregnancy Suicide

30 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Adolescents and Families Parent – adolescent conflicts

31 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Adolescent Health Promotion Strategies Create caring environment Treat adolescent with dignity Promote positive family relationships Frequent communication

32 Copyright © 2003 Delmar Learning, a Thomson Learning companyChapter 22 Implications for Community Health Nursing Practice Assessment and diagnosis Planning and intervention Evaluation

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