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Selection 1- Measurement 2- External. Organization Strategy HR and Staffing Strategy Staffing Policies and Programs Staffing System and Retention Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Selection 1- Measurement 2- External. Organization Strategy HR and Staffing Strategy Staffing Policies and Programs Staffing System and Retention Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selection 1- Measurement 2- External

2 Organization Strategy HR and Staffing Strategy Staffing Policies and Programs Staffing System and Retention Management Support Activities Legal compliance Planning Job analysis Core Staffing Activities Recruitment: External, internal Selection: Measurement, external, internal Employment: Decision making, final match Organization Mission Goals and Objectives Staffing Organizations Model

3 Important and use of measures Measures are methods or techniques for describing and assessing attributes of objects that are of concern to use. Results of the measurement process are expressed in numbers or scores Examples: 1- applicants’ scores on an ability test. 2- employees’ performance evaluation rating scores. 3- applicants’ ratings of rewards in terms of their importance

4 Measurement Definition Process of assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of an attribute of the objects. – Attribute - Knowledge – Objects - Job applicants

5 Summary of measurement process (a) Choose an attribute of interest (b) Develop operational definition of attribute (c) Construct a measure of attribute as operationally defined (d) Use measure to actually gauge attribute


7 External selection selection: refers to the assessment and evaluation of external job applicants. The organization will assess the applicant KSA,s and motivation. Also the applicant is assessing and evaluating the job and the organization to determine the degree of person job match.

8 External selection A variety of assessment methods are used. Primary issues that guide the use of the assessment methods will be discussed. These issues are: 1- Logic of prediction 2- Nature of predictors 3- Development of the selection plan 4- Selection sequence

9 Logic of prediction 1. Person’s KSA and motivation are the product of experience of past job, current job, and nonjob. 2. in the selection process the organization identifies, assesses, and evaluates the KSA’s and motivations. 3. The result constitute the person’s overall qualifications for the new job

10 Logic of prediction 4. These qualifications are then used to predict how successful the person is likely to be in the new job regarding to the (HR) outcomes. 5. Not specific enough to make selection decisions – Job titles – Number of years of experience 6. What counts is the specific types of experiences required and the level of success at each


12 Nature of predictors Predicators can be differentiated from one another in terms of content and form. Content – Sign – Sign: A predisposition thought to relate to performance (e.g., personality like abrasive) – Sample – Sample: Observing behavior thought to relate to performance (e.g., example) – Criterion: – Criterion: Actual measure of performance( e.g., outcome during probation period)

13 Nature of predictors Form – Speed vs. power: How many versus what level Speed test is used when speed of work is important part of the job, and power test is used when the correctness of the person is essential to the job. – Objective vs. essay : Objective much like multiple-choice and used to measure knowledge in specific areas, but essay used to assess written communication. – Paper / pencil vs. performance: Test in writing used to test the psychological abilities, but in behavior used to test the physical and social skills

14 Development of the Selection Plan: Steps Involved 1.Develop list of KSAOs required for job – KSAOs are provided by job requirements matrix 2.For each KSAO, decide if it needs to be assessed in the selection process 3.Determine method(s) of assessment to be used for each KSAO

15 Selection Sequence

16 Decisions are made about job applicants before they are selected. 1.First decision is whether initial applicants who have applied for the job become candidate. (Candidate is someone who possesses the minimum qualifications to be considered for further assessment). 2.Second decision is to determine which candidates become finalists. (finalists is someone who the organization considers fully qualified for the job.) 3.The third decision is to determine which finalist receive the job offer of employment.

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