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Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 1 Roy A. Lacey New Prospects for locating the Critical End Point (CEP) in.

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1 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 1 Roy A. Lacey New Prospects for locating the Critical End Point (CEP) in the QCD phase Diagram

2 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 2 The Central Question of the Field The location of the critical point and the phase boundaries represent two of the most fundamental characteristics of any substance !

3 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 3 Theoretical guidance for the CEP Theoretical Guidance ? Any search for the CEPrequires investigations Any search for the CEP requires investigations over a broad range of μ & T.

4 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 4 For the first time (at last) we have access to the full range Of μ and T. (via Energy scans at RHIC, SPS & FAIR)

5 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 5 This is a necessary requirement for locating the CEP 1)The Crossover Transition to the QGP is made clear at RHIC Space-time measurements Flow Measurements Better News ! 2) The viscosity to entropy ratio offers a new dynamical probe for the CEP Contrasts Stationary State variables There are NO Puzzles at RHIC -- just a few jig-saws !

6 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 6 Life Time measurements As a probe for the transition Life Time measurements As a probe for the transition Strong first order phase transition  large Source function (Distribution of pair separations) Encodes FSI Correlationfunction Inversion of this integral equation  Source Function 3D Koonin Pratt Eqn. New ! Expand R(q) and S(r) in Cartesian Harmonic basis (Danielewicz and Pratt nucl-th/0501003) Substitute (2) and (3) into (1) Reliable measurement of the full Source Function (finally) !

7 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 7 The transition is Not a Strong First order Phase Transition? The transition is Not a Strong First order Phase Transition? Source Function Comparison to Models Give robust life time estimates  Crossover transition Correlation Moments

8 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 8 Substantial elliptic flow signals should be present for a variety of particle species   Constraints for sound speed and viscosity From E T Distributions Expect Large Pressure Gradients  Hydro Flow Detailed integral and differential Measurements now available for The Matter Flow Probe Control Params.

9 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 9 nucl-ex/0610029 A Remarkable Scaling of the fine structure of Elliptic Flow is observed at RHIC At midrapidity v 2 (pt,M,b,A)/n = F(KE T /n)*ε(b,A) This scaling validates the expectations for “near perfect” partonic flow and serve as an important constraint for several transport coefficients

10 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 10 How to tell if Flow is Hydrodynamic Fluid hydrodynamics is scale invariant. Important parameters There are several generic scaling predictions that can be readily tested ; System size independence Buda Lund Hydro Model nucl-th/0310040 v 2 should scale with KE T ( WHY ? ) P P All scaling tests can be validated Relationship between harmonics is specific

11 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 11 ε scaling validated ε Scaling x k We understand this

12 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 12 Which ε scaling ? Further Comments on ε Scaling v2v2  =?

13 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 13 KE T scaling validated PHENIX preliminary P P KE T Scaling Mesons Baryons Quark Degrees of Freedom Evident

14 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 14 A Phase with Quarks as dynamical degrees of freedom Dominates the flow Flow is Partonic and Universal Flow is Partonic and Universal v2 for the φ follows that of other mesons v2 for the D follows that of other mesons

15 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 15 nucl-ex/0610029 Non-trivial higher harmonic hydrodynamic scaling validated at partonic level The partonic fluid is Strongly Interacting STAR 62 GeV data give similar result ~Linear  Quadratic

16 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 16 F. Karsch, hep-lat/0601013 v 2 /ε for ~ 0.45 GeV/cc s ~ 0.35 ± 0.05 (c s 2 ~ 0.12), so ft EOS See nucl-ex/0604011 for details The EOS is harder than that for the hadron gas but softer than for the hard QGP  no strong first order phase transition Hydro Calculations (Bhalerao et al.) The EOS of the Partonic Fluid is Soft The EOS of the Partonic Fluid is Soft

17 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 17 F. Karsch, hep-lat/0601013 Saturation of Elliptic flow consistent with a soft EOS associated with Crossover The expected saturation of v 2 Is observed The expected saturation of v 2 Is observed Phys.Rev.Lett.94:232302,2005

18 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 18 ModelComparison Partonic Fluid Flow Is near Perfect Partonic Fluid Flow Is near Perfect 1-2 X the conjectured lower bound Lacey et al. PRL 98:092301

19 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 19 Small viscosity results in large suppression Small viscosity results in large suppression An estimate of the scattering power There are no puzzles at RHIC

20 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 20 x10 x20 QCD Sonic Boom Same-Side Jet High pT trigger Gives sound speed directly; Sets upper limit on viscosity. Setting an upper limit on The viscosity Setting an upper limit on The viscosity

21 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 21 Same-Side Jet Away-Side Jet High pT trigger Assoc. pTs (2+1) processes efficiently removed via two-event mixing to obtain true three particle correlations Deflected jetMach Cone Validation test of the use of two event mixing to remove 2+1 processes

22 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 22 Data Simulated Deflected jet Simulated Mach Cone The data validates the presence of a Mach Cone away-side jet Total 3PC jet correlations True 3PC jet correlations QCD Sonic Boom?

23 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 23 Lacey et al. Phys.Rev.Lett.98:092301 Nonaka et al. Curves to guide the eye Low Suggest trajectories close to the critical point ? Suggest trajectories close to the critical point ? hep-ph/0604138hep-lat/0406009 Hints of the CEP?

24 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 24 Nonaka et al. is a potent signal for the CEP is a potent signal for the CEP How to get there? First estimate T ~ 175 μ ~ 200-250 MeV Need two energies immediately

25 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 25 Elliptic Flow at SPS (Pb+Pb at 158 GeV, NA49) V2 of K0 (preliminary) - G. Stefanek for NA49 collaboration (nucl-ex/0611003) v2 of p, π, Λ - C. Alt et al (NA49 collaboration) nucl-ex/0606026 submitted to PRL Scaling ?

26 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 26 Epilogue  Strong evidence for crossover to the QGP at RHIC. –Short emission lifetimes –Matter quenches Jets and flows as a (nearly) perfect fluid with systematic patterns consistent with quark degrees of freedom. –Matter has a soft EOS and a viscosity to entropy density ratio lower than any other known fluid -- a value close to the conjectured quantum bound Extracted Transport Coefficients Suggest Decay Trajectories close to the Critical End Point (CEP) Energy scans now required to do the trick !! First estimate T ~ 175 μ ~ 200-250 MeV Need two energies immediately

27 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 27 End

28 Roy A. Lacey, Stony Brook; EDT-HIC, McGill, Montreal, Canada, July 16-19, 2007 28 Perspector Data Slide - DO NOT EDIT This slide holds any pictures that are used by 3D images created with Perspector. The slide will not be displayed when the presentation is viewed as a slide show. If you want to send the presentation to someone else for them to watch, you can delete this slide in the copy that you send (but keep your original presentation for future editing).

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