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Business Meeting October 15 - 17, 2003 Atlanta, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Meeting October 15 - 17, 2003 Atlanta, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Meeting October 15 - 17, 2003 Atlanta, GA

2 Agenda Business Meeting  Budget  Dues Solicitation  Membership Committee Business  Membership and Marketing  Resource and Policy  Data and Evaluation Viva’ Las Vegas

3 PY 2002/2003 Final Report Support Memberships81,000 Affiliates10,000 Foundations35,000 126,000 Expenses Personnel Professional Staff20,266 Support Staff 8,925 Benefits 4,492 32,641 Operating Travel 4,464 Office Costs11.422 Conference and Meeting17,682 32,641 Indirect10,089 Total77,374 Reserve50,653

4 PY 2003/2004 Fiscal Report (July – Oct. 03) SupportBudgetYTDBAL Released from Reserve33,181(33,181) Memberships80,000 080,000 Foundations80,000 0 80,000 160,00033,181 126,819 Expenses Personnel Professional Staff35,9097,28328,626 Support Staff15,7307,914 7,816 Benefits 8,5932,575 6,018 60,232 17,77342,460 Operating Travel 7,5004,005 3,425 Office Costs36,3984,07532,323 Conference and Meeting35,0003,00032,000 78,89811,08067,818 Indirect20,870 4,32816,542 Total160,00033,181 126,819 Reserve50,65317,472

5 OUTCOMES Membership and Marketing MEMBER TARGETS  Sustain existing members  Increase Membership (to 30 – 50 Active Members, Growth to 100)  Diversify membership  Diversity in leadership  35 teams at the Spring Institute

6 OUTCOMES Membership and Marketing FRIENDS 4 – 5 National Associations @ October Meeting  Funders @ October Meeting  Congressional staffers @ institute  Greater Public Presence  5 National Employers participating/working with us

7 OUTCOMES Data and Evaluation Identifiable program and policy impact at the national level

8 OUTCOMES Resource and Policy Policy Host DC Policy Forum Invited as a recognized leader to provide input Stronger presence on national scene Frame favorable policy to push youth agenda in legislature Defined federal win for INet Strategic alliance w/ Federal Dept. or Nat’l Org Testimony before congress

9 OUTCOMES Resource and Policy Resources Network Funded and implementing After-School and Vulnerable Youth Initiatives More members receiving Gates and SLC dollars Invited to apply for a new investment 1M Leveraged for INet Increased funder buy-in

10 OUTCOMES Others All members Financially Sound On-Line Posting and Sharing Increase in members actively engaged in After-School initiatives Youth at the Spring Institute Emphasize Economic Development

11 Viva Las Vegas!!

12 HHS along with the Department of Labor is planning the second national youth summit to be held in Washington, DC, November 6-8. This year’s Summit is specifically designed to increase the knowledge and build the skills of professionals, volunteers, and youth. Young people, federal staff, state and municipal employees working with youth, youth service professionals and policymakers, and representatives from faith- and community-based organizations will access more than 30 distinct workshops, ranging from “Youth and Parent Connectedness” to “Youth Entrepreneurship” to “Helping Young People Avoid Unhealthy Risk Behaviors.” For information about the 2nd National Youth Summit, including registration information, visit: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sponsors Second National Youth Summit.

13 Next Steps Members Complete Evaluation Begin preparation for Institute Recruit potential member by Oct. 31 Respond to Zoomerang survey on OOSY Comment on Workforce Intermediary Paper Join a work group!

14 Next Steps Work Groups Prioritize 12 mo goals M&Ms Revisit and Implement Plan Follow up and support member contacts Local Focus Data and Evaluation Conduct revision, collection and analysis Resource and Policy Fund Development Plan Policy framework WFI Response

15 Next Steps Leadership Contact and sustain all current members Support Dues Collection process Prepare for Institute Prioritize “Other” Outcomes Confirm “friends” strategies and targets Revisit Business Plan

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