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May 2007 North Zone – Communications Motorola 05 Control Head North Zone Communications Committee.

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1 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Motorola 05 Control Head North Zone Communications Committee

2 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Radio ON/OFF 1. The power button is located to the left of the display and nearest the bottom 2. Press the button to turn the radio on or off

3 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Setting Volume 1. Rotate the left Volume Knob clockwise to increase the volume or counter-clockwise to decrease the volume

4 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Selecting a Talkgroup 1. To select a talkgroup, rotate the Mode Knob in either direction until the desired talkgroup name is displayed

5 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Selecting a Zone 1. Press the Soft Menu Key under “ZONE” 2. Use the Mode Knob or Navigation Keys to change between zones 3. To select the zone, press the Home key to set the radio to that zone

6 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Transmit & Receive 1. Select the desired zone and talkgroup. The selected zone and talkgroup appear on the display 2. Listen for ongoing conversation. When the talkgroup becomes available, proceed with your call 3. Press the Push-To-Talk (PTT) on the microphone and wait for the Talk Permit Tones (3 quick beeps). Begin speaking with the microphone 1 inch from your mouth

7 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Transmit & Receive 3a. If you hear a phone-type busy signal, release the PTT and wait for the system to call you back with the Call Back Tones (similar to the Talk Permit) 3b. If you hear a steady low-pitched tone, release the PTT and wait until the talkgroup is available. When the talkgroup is available, return to step 3 4. Release the PTT to receive

8 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan ON/OFF Note: If you turn the scan on and hear a continuous low tone with the words “EMPTY LIST” on the display, turn the scan off and program a scan list. Each “System” (e.g. County RCS, San Diego City, and Conventional) requires its own scan list. Remember that you can not scan between “Systems”.

9 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan ON/OFF 1. To turn Scan ON, press the Soft Menu Key under “SCAN”. SCANNING ON should display momentarily. A “Z” will be display constantly 2. To turn Scan OFF, press the Soft Menu Key under “SCAN”. SCANNING OFF will display on the screen momentarily. The “Z” will no longer be displayed

10 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan List Program 1. Press the Soft Menu Key under “PROG”. A new set of Soft Menu Keys will appear with the only option of “SCAN” 2. Press the Soft Menu Key under “SCAN” 3. Another new set of Soft Menu Keys will appear. This will contain “SEL”, “DEL”, and “RCL”. The scan programming symbol, “ “ will appear flashing in the top of the display

11 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan List Program 4. Use the Navigation Keys and Mode Knob to display the talkgroup you wish to scan 5. Press the Soft Menu Keys under “SEL” once to add the displayed talkgroup to the scan list as a Non-Priority talkgroup

12 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan List Program 5a. When the talkgroup is added as a Non- Priority, the scan symbol “Z” will appear in the top of the display 5b. To increase the priority of that talkgroup to a priority 2, press the Soft Menu Key “SEL” again. You will notice a small dot appear next to the scan symbol “Z.” (Only one talkgroup can be Priority 2, so this should be your dispatch or HOME channel)

13 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan List Program 6. To remove a talkgroup, press the Soft Menu Key under “DEL” 7. To view your current scan list while programming, press the Soft Menu Key under “RCL”. Press this consecutively to see each talkgroup in your scan list 8. You can scan up to 10 talkgroups in each system 9. If you have added too many talkgroups, the radio will emit a low-pitched tone

14 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Scan List Program 10. Press the Home Key to resume normal operations NOTE: Your radio has been pre-programmed to have whichever talkgroup you are selected to transmit on as your Priority 1 talkgroup. As you switch talkgroups to transmit, the new talkgroup becomes Priority 1

15 May 2007 North Zone – Communications View Scan List 1. Press the Soft Menu Key under “VIEW” 2. A new set of Soft Menu Keys will appear with the only option of “SCAN” 3. Press the Soft Menu Key under “SCAN”

16 May 2007 North Zone – Communications View Scan List 4. Use the Mode Knob or Navigation Key to scroll through the current scan list 5. Press the Home Key to resume normal operations

17 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Nuisance Delete When a particular talkgroup you are scanning becomes annoying, you can temporarily delete the talkgroup from the scan list. This is called “Nuisance Delete.” 1. Use the Navigation Key to locate “NUIS” as a Soft Menu Key option 2. While scanning, wait until the talkgroup you wish to “Nuisance Delete” is receiving and is displayed

18 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Nuisance Delete 3. While you are receiving a transmission, press the Soft Menu Key under “NUIS” 4. To resume scanning that talkgroup, turn the scan OFF, then back on again or change zones. You may also turn the radio power off and then back on. All programmed talkgroups will now be scanned

19 May 2007 North Zone – Communications EMERGENCY Receive Feature Your radio has the ability to be notified if another user presses the EMERGENCY button When another user on your talkgroup presses their EMERGENCY button and then presses their PTT button: 1. Your radio will emit a single beep tone, and will display EMER RCVD alternating with your talkgroup

20 May 2007 North Zone – Communications EMERGENCY Receive Feature 2. Your radio will clear the EMER RCVD only when: 2a. The user that initiated the EMERGENCY cancels it, or 2b. You switch to another talkgroup

21 May 2007 North Zone – Communications PAGING Feature Your radio has the ability to receive a page from a dispatch console or base station Receiving a Page: 1. When your radio is paged by another radio or dispatch console, you will hear 4 beep tones. The radio display will alternate between the talkgroup you are selected on and “PAGE RECEIVED”. The radio will beep at you every 5 seconds until you clear the page

22 May 2007 North Zone – Communications PAGING Feature 2. To clear the page, switch to your dispatch or home talkgroup and contact your dispatcher

23 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Display Light ON/OFF 1. Your radio has 4 levels of display brightness intensity: High, Medium, Low, and OFF. Press the DIM button to change the display intensity NOTE: While the display and keyboard backlights are OFF, the radio is still fully operational 2. Press the DIM button repeatedly through each level of intensity

24 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Changing Display Color 1. Use the Navigation Key to locate “COLR” above the Soft Menu Keys 2. Press the Soft Menu Key under “COLR” 3. A new set of Soft Menu Keys will be displayed. The keys will be “SEL” and “CNCL” 4. Use Mode Knob or Navigation Key to change color selection

25 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Changing Display Color 5. Color choices are Red, Green, Amber, Orange, Custom, and My Color 1 thru 5. Use Soft Menu Key “SEL” to make your choice 6. If you select My Color, you can save 5 different colors you can create (My Color 1-5) 7. To do so, select “EDIT” and adjust color options with the Mode Knob

26 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Changing Display Color 8. You will be given a new Soft Menu Key option to change between the colors RED and GRN 9. Use the Mode Knob to change percentages of green and red colors to create My Color 10. Once you have created your My Color, select Soft Menu Key “SAVE”

27 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Changing Display Color 11. To activate your My Color you created, press the Soft Menu Key “SEL” 12. Once you have made your selection, or decide no longer to change the color, press the HOME key

28 May 2007 North Zone – Communications SITE Switch NOTE: Your radio is programmed to automatically allow you to roam throughout the county, much like a cell phone system. There may be times, such as when the system goes into SITE TRUNKING, when you may wish to have your radio affiliate with a different mountaintop repeater site. (See the Field Reference Guide section System Conditions for more information.)

29 May 2007 North Zone – Communications SITE Switch 1. Press the Soft Menu Key under “RSSI” 1a. The radio will display the repeater site you are affiliated with for approximately 2 seconds 1b. The radio will then display the Received Signal Strength Indicator, or RSSI, and a number between 0 and 150. (Any number above 50 is considered good.) 1c. After approximately 2 seconds, the radio will return to normal operation

30 May 2007 North Zone – Communications SITE Switch 2. To force the radio to affiliate with a different repeater site, press and hold the “RSSI” Soft Menu Key until SCANNING appears in the display. The radio will attempt to affiliate with a different repeater site. The radio may affiliate with a different site, or it may re- affiliate with the same site

31 May 2007 North Zone – Communications SITE Switch 3. Repeat Step 1 to confirm which site you are now affiliated with. If you need to affiliate with a different site, repeat Step 2 until you affiliate with a different site

32 May 2007 North Zone – Communications DIRECT Operation Your radio has the ability to operate directly with other radios on a conventional channel, without going through the repeaters NOTE: Remember that while operating in DIRECT, you will not be able to speak with your dispatcher or units a long distance away. DIRECT is only good for approximately 1-5 miles, depending on terrain, etc.

33 May 2007 North Zone – Communications DIRECT Operation 1. Switch your radio to a conventional talkgroup by following previous instructions (Selecting a Zone) 2. Press the “DIR” Soft Menu Key. 3. “ “ will be seen on the top of your display and DIRECT MODE will display momentarily 4. To exit DIRECT operation, press the “DIR” Soft Menu Key again. The “ “ will be removed and REPEATER MODE will display momentarily

34 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Monitor When you are on a conventional frequency, you should press the monitor button (prior to transmitting) to ensure no one else is using the same frequency. This is especially important when using your radio in a different state or county

35 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Monitor 1. Use the Navigation Key to obtain the Monitor Soft Menu Key option 2. Press the “MON” Soft Menu Key to determine if the talkgroup is busy, or 2a. Press and hold the Monitor Soft Menu Key for about 2 seconds to lock the squelch open 2b. Use the Mode Knob to change the squelch level 2c. Press the Home Key to exit

36 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Monitor 3. When the talkgroup is clear, press the PTT button and speak into the microphone

37 May 2007 North Zone – Communications Any Questions? Please be safe out there! REMEMBER…LookoutsCommunications Escape Routes Safety Zones

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