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Rigo / Rusch. COMENIUS “Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language, nationality,

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Presentation on theme: "Rigo / Rusch. COMENIUS “Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language, nationality,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rigo / Rusch

2 COMENIUS “Let us have but one end in view, the welfare of humanity; and let us put aside all selfishness in consideration of language, nationality, or religion.” OUR APPROACH: Raising interest in different cultural backgrounds of a New Europe Bridging the digital gap (via E-Mail and Internet) Using English as a common language for communication and in the search for information

3 WHO WAS INVOLVED IN THIS PROJECT? 29 students from 3BHN (Electronics and Communication Department) - aged 17 - HTL-Rankweil – AUSTRIA 29 students from 3BHN (Electronics and Communication Department) - aged 17 - HTL-Rankweil – AUSTRIA Same number of students at partner schools in Holland and Romania Same number of students at partner schools in Holland and Romania Coached and guided by their respective English teachers Coached and guided by their respective English teachers

4 HOW ? on a personal level: personal e-mails personal e-mails chatting chatting to improvecommunication between: to improve communication between: REGISTRATION on Tilburg (NL) Rankweil (AUT) Valcea (RO)

5 FIRST CONTACTS: INTRODUCTORY letters via e- mail

6 COMMUNICATION: P-T-P via Objects of concern: Group instructions via group mail (#) Group instructions via group mail (#) Individual hints and tips on uploaded material Individual hints and tips on uploaded material Summarizing and structuring topics Summarizing and structuring topics

7 PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Bridging the Digital Divide TOPIC-RELATED purpose: Exchange of information on their Exchange of information on their individual topic individual topic NON-TOPIC RELATED purpose: Chatting on personal interests Chatting on personal interests

8 Addiction American Influences Art&Music Contact with Foreigners National Festivities Employment Environment Expectations of the EU Family Gangs and Violence History Holidays Idols Industry Job Applications INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION Task: uploading on AUT NLRO Leisure Lifestyle Means of Transport Media Medical System National Celebrities Part-time jobs Political System Reading Habits Regional Geography Religion Education System Sports Television Tourism

9 ADVANTAGES of using a platform e.g.: Registered members entitled to download work Registered members entitled to download work Making comparisons and drawing conclusions Making comparisons and drawing conclusions No download restrictions No download restrictions

10 From PORTFOLIO to PRESENTATION Hand in portfolio (10 to 12 pages) Hand in portfolio (10 to 12 pages) -summarized research work - one week before the performance Design of a creative cover page Design of a creative cover page PowerPoint presentation in class PowerPoint presentation in class (8-12 mins)







17 DIDACTIC ACHIEVEMENTS through this e-learning project: E-mail correspondence in English (EAC) E-mail correspondence in English (EAC) Learning to search for English sources Learning to search for English sources Compiling a portfolio Compiling a portfolio Designing of a cover-page Designing of a cover-page Presentation of project Presentation of project Print version Print version

18 EDUCATIONAL VALUES gained from this digital project: Raising awareness of similarities and differences between the cultures Raising awareness of similarities and differences between the cultures Promoting greater tolerance towards OTHERNESS Promoting greater tolerance towards OTHERNESS Providing a great chance to gain new insights into … Providing a great chance to gain new insights into …

19 Rigo / Rusch

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