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Stuttgard, EPAC meeting First year results: EU-wide wine-makers survey and consumers demand C.Micheloni, AIAB In collaboration with ITAB, Ecovin, UNIUD,

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Presentation on theme: "Stuttgard, EPAC meeting First year results: EU-wide wine-makers survey and consumers demand C.Micheloni, AIAB In collaboration with ITAB, Ecovin, UNIUD,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting First year results: EU-wide wine-makers survey and consumers demand C.Micheloni, AIAB In collaboration with ITAB, Ecovin, UNIUD, FIBL, IFOAM-EU, Vinidea and SRIG Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica

2 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Scope of the survey: to identify main characteristics of EU organic wine-makers in order to: propose experimental activities and a regulatory framework tuned on their needs, wishes and possibilities Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica

3 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting methodology web based survey in 5 languages (466 completed questionnaires from 12 countries) = 18% of EU organic wine-makers in-depth interviews (78 interviews in 10 countries) Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica

4 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Who is the EU organic wine-maker Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica small-medium size specialized, exclusively organic * long experience motivated by environmental reasons but also market

5 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Vine-yard management Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica * conventional varieties and resistant hybrids (D, A and CH) * soil management as key factor * main disease: botrytis and powdery mildew

6 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting The cellar Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica large availability of equipments temperature control devices as key factor high investment rate differences in use of additives and processing aids

7 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting SO 2 use (declared) Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica

8 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting SO 2 use (from analysis) Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica

9 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting The market Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica * specific market * often export * limited bulk trading few differences from prior to conversion price: ??? = conventional?

10 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Opinions about regulation Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica Where would you prefer to have regulated the following issues?

11 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting What do consumers ask for? Qualitative market research method: focus group discussion in four case study countries: Italy (IT), France (FR), Germany (DE) and Switzerland (CH) Two target groups: 1.Consumers of quality wine (2 groups per country) 2.Consumers of organic food (2 groups per country)

12 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Results – Relevant purchase criteria Most relevant purchase criteria for wine are the geographical origin, the grape variety, the taste, the wine drinking purpose and the price

13 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Results – Image of organic wine - /// / Trust / Price-performance ratio - / - Salubriousness/Healthiness /// / - Taste // - Availability Pure and unadulterated product -- Produced without pesticides WOWOWOWO CHDEFRITImage

14 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Results – what about additives? substances that are harmful to health, regardless of whether they are necessary for making a good wine, should be banned; additives or processing aids which affect wine flavour and taste or its naturalness or tradition/authenticity should be banned; lower maximum levels of critical substances should be permitted, especially for sulphites, and the declaration of the use of unhealthy substances in organic wine processing should be introduced.

15 Stuttgard, EPAC meeting Results – Labelling requirements Complete list of ingredients, additives and processing aids, as well as relevant methods, to appear on the label; Reduced list with the labelling of a selection of additives and processing techniques; Declaration of those substances not used in production or processing; No declaration, but the organic label to stand for unambiguous cellar regulations.

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