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1 Exploring Behavior Week PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY: Science for the 21 st century.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Exploring Behavior Week PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY: Science for the 21 st century."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Exploring Behavior Week PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY: Science for the 21 st century

2 using behavioral and social sciences to address important human issues

3 3 What is psychology? zThe study of behaving, feeling, and thinking zto understand and improve the world we live in

4 4 What do psychologists do? zHelp people zMeasure and test zTeach zDo scientific research

5 5 zClinical Psychologists zIndustrial- Organizational Psychologists zSocial & Personality Psychologists zEducational Psychologists zCognitive Psychologists zCounseling Psychologists zSchool Psychologists zOccupational Health Psychologists zBiological Psychologists zDevelopmental Psychologists zHuman Factors Psychologists zMANY MORE… What kinds of psychologists are there?

6 6 Where do psychologists work? zClinics zSchools zColleges zBusinesses zLaboratories zGovernment agencies zVIRTUALLY EVERYWHERE!

7 7 Schooling in Psychology


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13 green blue yellow red blue yellow red blue green red

14 yellow green blue red blue yellow green blue red

15 A Memory Test zbed zrest zawake ztired zdream zwake zsnooze zblanket zdoze zsnore zyawn z view z glass z pane z shade z ledge z sill z breeze z open z curtain z frame z screen

16 Industrial and Organizational Psychology Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP © 1998

17 What is I-O psychology? zThe application of psychological principles to the workplace (anywhere people work) zHelping people do their jobs yhelping employers treat employees fairly yhelping make jobs more interesting and satisfying yhelping workers be more productive Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP © 1998

18 Treating employees fairly zTreating people from diverse backgrounds fairly yselecting people for jobs yproviding training yrewarding promotions/raises yaddressing harassment zAssessing performance accurately Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP © 1998

19 Making jobs more interesting/satisfying zDesigning jobs people will find satisfying yrewarding work ysafe, efficient work areas (Human Factors) zMotivating employees to perform zCreating teams that work well together ycombining diverse talents and perspectives Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP © 1998

20 Helping people be more productive zDesigning work patterns that enhance efficiency zProviding skills training and development zHelping to meet the challenges of competition zMoving past downsizing Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP © 1998

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