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Fuzzy Network Profiling for Intrusion Detection Dickerson, J.E.; Dickerson, J.A. Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2000. NAFIPS. 19th International.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuzzy Network Profiling for Intrusion Detection Dickerson, J.E.; Dickerson, J.A. Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2000. NAFIPS. 19th International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuzzy Network Profiling for Intrusion Detection Dickerson, J.E.; Dickerson, J.A. Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2000. NAFIPS. 19th International Conference of the North American, 2000 Reporter : Chien-Chung Su

2 Agenda Introduction System Architecture Implementation example Conclusion

3 Introduction Intrusion Detection System – A process to identifying network activity that can lead to the compromise of a security policy Two primary form – Misuse Detection Matching known patterns of hostile activity against database of past attacks – Anomaly Detection Applying statistical measures or artificial knowledge to compare current activity against historical knowledge of network utilization

4 System Architecture (1/5) Fuzzy Intrusion Recognition Engine(FIRE) – Anomaly-based intrusion detection system – Applying Fuzzy Theory – Applying simple data mining technique

5 System Architecture (2/5) A Local Area Local Network Data Collector (NDC) Raw data Network Data Processor (NDP) Mined data Fuzzy Threat Analyzer (FTA) Fuzzy Alerts

6 System Architecture (3/5) Network Data Collector(NDC) – Grab all packets that cross the wire and stores them to disk – To help avoid packet loss in the data collection system, it is important that the tasks performed by the NDC be very limited

7 System Architecture (4/5) Network Data Processor(NDP) – Perform a kind of data mining on the collected packets – Compare the current data with the historical mined data to create the “normalized” value that reflect how the new data differs from what was observed in the past

8 System Architecture (5/5) Fuzzy Threat Analyzer(FTA) – A fuzzy rules can incorporate one or more fuzzy inputs – Depending on the fuzzy values, the fuzzy rules designer can make the types of intrusions they can detect either very general or very specific

9 Implementation example (1/4) What metrics we wants? – SrcIP, DstIP, SrcPort, DstPort – TCP flags, data length – Data content – Time the packet was sent Example – sdp = (SrcIP, DstIP,SrcPort, DstPort) – Represents the existence of a TCP channel(whether successful or not) between two IP end points

10 Implementation example (2/4) Define fuzzy variables – COUNT – UNIQUENESS – VARIANCE Membership Function 1 2 LOW MED-LOW MED MED-HIGH HIGH 5 10 25 50 100

11 Implementation example (3/4) Design fuzzy rules – Scenario : Network scan – Rules examples If (COUNT == LOW) && (UNIQUENESS == MED) Then “Network Scan” = MED-LOW If (COUNT == MED) && (UNIQUENESS == LOW) Then “Network Scan” = LOW If (COUNT == MED) && (UNIQUENESS == HIGH) Then “Network Scan” = HIGH If (COUNT of ForeignHosts == HIGH) && (UNIQUENESS of DNS == HIGH) Then “DNS Scan” == HIGH

12 Implementation example (4/4) System issues – Data collection interval – Define fuzzy variables – Data mining techniques – Fuzzy rules

13 Conclusion Intrusion detection with a part of fuzziness Expert system should be supported Real-time data mining issues

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