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1 general psychology Firouz meroei milan Subfields of Psychology 1

2 Objectives By the end of this lesson, I will be able to: Distinguish the different domains of psychology: biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational, experimental, human factors, industrial–organizational, personality, psychometric, and social.

3 Subfields of Psychology: Psychology is a broad field There are many jobs available with a psychology degree Historically though, this wasn’t always the case. Psychology saw a huge boom after World War II. Many opportunities arose in clinical and counseling psychology. In addition, school psychology started to become more popular as researchers data indicated that children perform better when they are taught using their respective learning style(s).

4 Subfields of Psychology: Clinical Psychologists – Evaluate and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. (OCD, Schizophrenia) Counseling Psychologists – Help people adapt to change or make changes in their lifestyle. (Analyze This) Developmental Psychologists – Study psychological development throughout a lifespan. (Piaget) Engineering Psychologists – Do research on how people function best with machines. (assembly lines)

5 Subfields of Psychology: Educational Psychologists – Focus on how effective teaching and learning take place. (consultants) Forensic Psychologists – Apply psychological principles to legal issues. (crimes) Health Psychologists – Concentrate on biological, psychological, and social factors associated with health and illness. (hospitals) Industrial/Organizational Psychologists – Aim to improve productivity and the quality of work life by applying psychological principles and methods to the workplace. (Panera)

6 Subfields of Psychology: Neuro-psychologists – Explore the relationship between brain/nervous systems and behavior. (Laboratory research) Psychometricians – Focus on methods for acquiring and analyzing psychological data. (research based) Rehabilitation Psychologists – Help clients with mental retardation, developmental disabilities, and disabilities resulting from neurological injury. (stroke) School Psychologists – Assess and counsel students, consult with educators and parents, and perform behavioral intervention when necessary. (Mrs. Waikem)

7 Subfields of Psychology: Social Psychologists – Focus on how a person’s mental life and behavior are shaped by interactions with other people. (can be workplace related) Sports Psychologists – Help athletes refine their focus on competition goals, increase motivation, and deal with anxiety and fear of failure. (Professional Athletes)

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