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1 Impact of IT Monoculture on Behavioral End Host Intrusion Detection Dhiman Barman, UC Riverside/Juniper Jaideep Chandrashekar, Intel Research Nina Taft,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Impact of IT Monoculture on Behavioral End Host Intrusion Detection Dhiman Barman, UC Riverside/Juniper Jaideep Chandrashekar, Intel Research Nina Taft,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Impact of IT Monoculture on Behavioral End Host Intrusion Detection Dhiman Barman, UC Riverside/Juniper Jaideep Chandrashekar, Intel Research Nina Taft, Intel Research Michalis Faloutsos, UC Riverside/ Ling Huang, Intel Research Frederic Giroire, INRIA

2 2 Problem: How should we configure behavioral HIDS across an enterprise?  Enterprise laptops run HIDS Each device can have its own threshold  Key question: does “one size fit all”? Users Firewall Enterprise Internet SysAdmin Server HIDS = Host Intrusion Detection Systems

3 3 Motivation: so far, monoculture!  Why?  We polled sys admins: "easier to manage” no method on how to set them otherwise harder to interpret results, if not mono Term: monoculture = homogeneous

4 4 Contributions  We challenge the practice of monoculture  Measure enterprise behavior: 350 laptops  We observe that User behavior is diverse Diversity is better than monoculture in HIDS  We propose a new approach: partial diversity A little diversity goes a long way!

5 5 Roadmap  What you would expect…

6 6 Our data collection  User traffic: 350 laptops of enterprise employees 5 weeks in Q1 of 2007 Collected all packet headers Collection tool runs on laptop  Malicious traffic: Collected traces from machines with known botnets on them

7 7 Measured key detection features  We study features used in real systems  Selection of features is an orthogonal question

8 8 Threat Models  #1: Attacker knows nothing about user behavior  #2: Attacker monitors user behavior and builds histograms of behavior for typical HIDS feature Attacker cannot know the instantaneous value of a feature, only its histogram Attacker selects volume of malicious traffic to “hide” inside normal traffic

9 9 Defining the optimization goal  Far from obvious: FN (False Negatives) vs FP (False Positives) failing to detect vs false alarms  Our Utility provides a flexible definition Sysadmins need to decide this User i, with threshold Ti, w is relative importance of FN or FP

10 10 Results, at last…

11 11 User behavior varies a lot!  Focus on the tail behavior of users 99%, 99.9%  Spans 4 orders of magnitude

12 12 What about other features?  All features vary a lot!

13 13 Different users could detect different types of attacks  Is the feature activity correlated?  Not necessarily  Conclusion: All users are important Synthesizing alarms is non-trivial Some users are "light" in terms of the maximum number of UDP connections, but "heavy" in TCP connections

14 14 An uber-policy for enterprise diversity  We propose a tunable policy Monoculture: one threshold for all Full diversity: one threshold per user Partial diversity: one threshold per group  We use 8 groups  Partial diversity subsumes the other two a key question: grouping users

15 15 Partial Diversity: grouping  Our goal here: there exists a grouping with good results for diversity  k-means clustering did not work well: skewed distribution with wide and continues spread  Heuristic: follow the nature of the distribution: the top 15%, split into 4 subgroups bottom 85% split into 4 subgroups  Experimented with 2,3,5,8  We show only the 8 group case (best results)

16 16 Evaluation approach  Train using real data  Test with malicious traces superimposed  Evaluation method: Train on previous week -> thresholds Apply thresholds on current week  Interesting: Weekly thresholds vary! a 99th perc. threshold for previous week does not guarantee 1% false positive this week

17 17 Diversity is good  Partial diversity is almost as good as full diversity! For w= 0.4, recall:

18 18 What if w varies? Still good.

19 19 Limiting the attacker’s opportunity: measuring the stealth traffic  Naïve attacker will be detected  Clever attacker will be “limited”

20 20 Conclusions  Time to revisit the question of diversity  Diversity can offer benefits  We propose Partial Diversity: striking the balance in a tunable way  Our work as a first step in providing a framework to compare initial techniques to establish thresholds

21 21 Future Work  Finetune the different parts user grouping in partial diversity approach Utility function for users and network  Select and use multiple features together  Deploy the approach in a real network

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