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Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India Quick Refresh for Program Planning in 2012-13.

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1 Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India Quick Refresh for Program Planning in 2012-13

2 Rice Area affected by different stresses in eastern India (lakh ha) States Flash Flood prone Drought Prone Salinity/Sodicity CoastalInland Assam8.02Nil Bihar11.010Nil1.5 JharkhandNil8.2Nil ChhattisgrahNil27.3Nil Orissa11.612.61.5Nil U.P9.313.1Nil6 West Bengal10.314.64.4Nil Total Region50. Total Rice 74138.29.620.4 2/3 rd 1/3 rd Rainfed rice production is low and unstable mainly due to abiotic stresses

3 Strategy Promote stress tolerant varieties – Submergence tolerant Swarna-Sub1 : Assam, UP, Bihar, WB, Orissa Samba Mahsuri-Sub1 : UP, IR 64-Sub1 : UP, Orissa, WB – Drought tolerant Sahbhagi dhan : UP, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhatishgarh – Salinity tolerant CSR-36 : UP & Bihar Promote recommended package of practices suitable for different rice ecologies – Upland rice – Rainfed Low land rice – Rainfed Deep water rice – Irrigated rice

4 Program Technology promotion in compact blocks of 1000 hectares Rice ecology specific technologies Emphasis on line sowing/transplantation, land preparation Promotion of Hybrid rice/stress tolerant varieties Promotion of resource conservation technologies for wheat crop Involvement of Progressive farmers Asset building Water source development Shallow tube wells Borewells and dugwells Water pump sets Zero till seed drills Site specific local needs

5 Technology components - CRRI Activity Rainfed Upland Rice Rainfed Low land riceIrrigated Rice Shallow Lowland (0-15cm) Medium Deep Water (25-50 cm) Deep Water Traditional Hybrid Rice Deep Ploughing and Land Preparation1500 Seed2000 10002000 Direct Seeding (Line sowing by drum seeder) /Transplanting/seed drills 1500 Seed Treatment120 105 6025 Zinc875 Boron275 Weed management640 0 Plant Protection700 Honorarium Staff – 1 per unit @ 1000/month*6 666666 Mobility Staff666666 Honorarium Farmer – 10 per unit* as above 60 Mobility Farmer60 Provision of Drum Seeder70 Travel cost for KVK scientist/State officials/GOI officers. 100 Total 7912 7897725768527817 Due importance to administration of programs for quality outcome

6 Timelines for Kharif Season ActivityAprilMayJune Preparation of District wise and Component wise Action Plan including site specific activities 25 th Mar to 6 th Apr Identification of village clusters and Beneficiaries1 st to 20 th -- Identification of Progressive Farmers10 th Apr Land preparation and deep ploughing work planning20 th Apr Supply tie ups for seeds, farm machines, nutrients, seed treatment material and plant protection chemicals27 th Approval of Action Plan by SLSCs15 th to 30 th Apr Release of 1 st installment of allocated funds to States15 th May Execution of pre sowing works1 st May to 30 th June Pre positioning of the inputs planned15 th June Work plan by CRRI for monitoring of components15 th Apr Planning for mobility of the KVK and ATMA officials30 th Apr SLMT Meeting28 th 30 th

7 Physical Progress of major activities during 2011-12 ComponentsUn it 2011-12 TargetAchievement% Demonstrations (A): RICE UplandHa 30,00029,210 97 Shallow WaterHa 62,80062,600 100 Medium WaterHa 25,80026,300 102 Deep WaterHa 12,000 100 HYVsHa 70,40069,900 99 HybridsHa 29,20028,700 98 Total Rice demonstrationsHa 230,200228,710 99 (B): WHEATHa 80,00081,487 102 Asset Building: Shallow Tube WellsNos. 35,42716,205 46 Dug Well/Bore WellsNos. 9,175907 10 PumpsetsNos. 27,07623,958 88 Zero Till seed DrillsNos. 755727 96 Site Specific NR

8 Financial Progress 2010-11 and 2011-12 (Rs. in Crores) State 2010-112011-12 Alloc. Releas e Exp. % expAlloc.Release Exp. % exp Assam35.0017.50 10033.32 16.6650 Bihar63.94 36.795755.33 39.3271 Chhattisgarh67.15 61.269155.21 28.5752 Jharkhand29.6014.80 10031.68 16.1551 Odisha79.67 74.899462.62 50.8581 Uttar Pradesh57.27 48.158485.66 36.3042 West Bengal102.37 52.195172.20 64.5689 Total435.00402.70305.5876396.02 252.4164

9 Rice Production in Eastern States (Lakh Tonnes) StateNormal2010-112011-12 Difference From previous year Assam29.3147.3743.45 -3.92 Bihar42.5231.0266.76 35.74 Chhattisgarh47.9661.5960.28 -1.31 Jharkhand25.8411.1034.16 23.06 Odisha62.3768.2858.23 -10.05 Uttar Pradesh115.59119.92140.25 20.33 West Bengal102.45130.46150.44 19.98 Total for Seven States426.04469.74553.57 83.83 ALL-India940.20959.801034.06 74.26

10 Key feed backs Program prescription varied in some States; Bihar preferred SRI irrespective of rice ecologies & SWI for wheat Supply of inputs/incentive amount in cash to the beneficiaries Involvement of NGOs for implementation of BGREI - Odisha Increase in distribution of hybrid rice; Adoption of sub-mergence tolerant varieties; Gaps in adoption of technologies of nutrient, weed management, crop protection, seed treatment Timely supply of inputs Need based nutrient mgmt. Demand for farm machinery- self propelled reaper/combine harvester etc.

11 Financial allocation for 2012-13 (Rs. in lakh) State Average Area under Rice for identified Districts (Lakh Ha) % share of area to total area Allocation as per % area in the State Assam 10.909.5895.50 Bihar 13.6111.96119.25 Chhattisgarh 15.0413.21131.50 Jharkhand 6.725.9059.00 Odisha 24.8021.79217.25 Uttar Pradesh (East) 12.0410.58105.50 West Bengal 30.7126.98269.00 Total for Seven States 113.82100.00997.00 CRRI, BGREI Cell 3.00 Total 1000.00

12 Demonstration Target for 2012-13 Number of cluster ( each cluster 1000 hectares) Rainfed Low land RiceIrrigated Rice State Rainfed Upland rice Shallow Low land Rice Medium Water Rice Deep Water RiceHYV Hybrid Rice Total Rice Wheat Assam 15 8109720 Bihar 5104542107630 Chhattisgarh 20250040151000 Jharkhand 015100 450 Orissa 10300075401550 Eastern UP 108853812815 West Bengal 10152510105301956 Total 70118622832012672441

13 Steps initiated by GoI AdministrativeGuidelinesAllocationBGREI cellTechnicalCRRIISROAERCsSystems Field Manual Web site

14 Expectations from states Adherence to technical norms of agro ecological zone wise demonstrations Approval of action plans by SLSC in time Organizing SLBC meeting before Kharif for crop loans to cluster farmers Better coordination with CRRI for monitoring Timely supply of inputs like fertilizer, seeds and other critical inputs Community Nursery instead of individual Nursery Popularize Paddy Transplanter for transplanting of Rice Promotion of Drum Seeder for promotion/popularization of line sowing

15 Way forward Efforts to maintain uniformity of interventions across States for logical comparison of innovative technologies; Best practices of processes of deliverables and procurement of produce at MSP need be shared mutually by States Improvement in monitoring, documentation & reporting Strengthening of Coordination between CSC, SLMTs & DLMTs; Capacity building of Block level extension staff & beneficiary farmers.

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