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CFM. Learning Goals I can take the two quizzes on eDoctrina pertaining to the assigned readings I can write a SMART goal.

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Presentation on theme: "CFM. Learning Goals I can take the two quizzes on eDoctrina pertaining to the assigned readings I can write a SMART goal."— Presentation transcript:


2 Learning Goals I can take the two quizzes on eDoctrina pertaining to the assigned readings I can write a SMART goal.

3 S.M.A.R.T. Goals

4 S.M.A.R.T. goals Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Focused or Relevant Time-Bound

5 S.M.A.R.T. goals Example I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

6 Specific Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do. The What, Why and How Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

7 Specific Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do. The What, Why and How Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

8 Measurable Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal. Usually, the entire goal statement is a measure for the project, but there are usually several short-term or smaller measurements built into the goal. Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

9 Measurable Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal. Usually, the entire goal statement is a measure for the project, but there are usually several short-term or smaller measurements built into the goal. Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

10 Achievable Goals should be achievable; they should stretch you slightly so you feel challenged, but defined well enough so that you can achieve them. You must possess the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve the goal. Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

11 Achievable Goals should be achievable; they should stretch you slightly so you feel challenged, but defined well enough so that you can achieve them. You must possess the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to achieve the goal. Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

12 Results-Focused, or Relevant Goals should measure outcomes, not activities Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

13 Results-Focused, or Relevant Goals should measure outcomes, not activities Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

14 Time-Bound Goals should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense of urgency, or results in tension between the current reality and the vision of the goal. Without such tension, the goal is unlikely to produce a relevant outcome Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

15 Time-Bound Goals should be linked to a timeframe that creates a practical sense of urgency, or results in tension between the current reality and the vision of the goal. Without such tension, the goal is unlikely to produce a relevant outcome Example: I want to help our local youth reach their financial potential as a valuable contributing citizen by the time students enter the “working world” through practical, real life business projects given in the CFM class so that they will be good stewards of their money by paying bills on time through a checking account and have developed a savings account.

16 Exercise Write a S.M.A.R.T. goal that reflects your desire to purchase a $60,000 house within 5 years.

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